Procrastination: An Epic Tale Of Wasting Time

Ira Gandhi
Apr 02, 2019   •  75 views

Hello readers! Of late I've been procrastinating a lot lot and completing my weekly target of article writing at the end of my deadline, oops! I've put this issue off for too long now and now, IT IS TIME TO WORK IT OUT! That is a lot of energy and enthusiasm from someone who LOVES to procrastrinate :p

Once in their writing reign, every writer writes about procrastination, so have I, many a times, but haven't gotten it over a spreadsheet or something because an article on procrastination is exactly the kind of thing you put off! Procrastination or known as beinglazy in easier words is an unusually long word for common usage and I bet many people even procrastinate about calling themselves a procrastinator!

Procrastination isn't a problemifyou put off somework untilthe next day, but it is a problem if you put it off day after day for months and years. Now, the question that arises is "why do people procrastrinate?" or "how to stop procrastinating?" We all go to google for easy answers, but when I do search for it, Google comes up with 25 million results and it could take me a lifetime to go through all of those keeping in mind my problem of procrastinating! So I'd rather put that off and ask those questions to myself.

  1. Perfectionists- Being a perfectionist, I can understand that everything we do or say, HAS to be perfect and hence when it comes to doing a job, we either do it perfectly or not at all. And even if we do it, we try to make it so perfect, the kind of perfect that doesn't even exist, that it is never finished.

  2. Enormous Tasks- Who has ever liked doing big projects that would take a lot of time to do? Nobody I know! It is very often that we tend to put off tasks that are huge and tedious.

How to overcome these problems?
I'm very tired of writing, I think I'll maybe just complete it later!

Ha ha ha! Just kidding!

What I personally thinkis that, we don't do or finish/complete a particular task/activity because we don't really want to/like to do it in the first place! Have you ever heard someone procrasrinate about eating? No! Because who doesn't love eating! Life will be meaningful only when you do something that you love and then only you won't procrastinate! Find your passion and never procrastinate!

Now, I have to research more on "procrastination". I'll do it later maybe.
Maybe next month.
Or next year.

Till then, Happy Reading!

