If you're anything like me, you instantly after waking up check your phone to reply to texts or read the e-news. And the rest of the day is spent browsing on your laptop, tweeting, surfing, sharing and what not. It is amazing that we can connect with people miles away from us, but, we unknowingly disconnect from the ones around! It is no surprise these days to look around, a room of people on their phones, headphones plugged in, detached from this World.

Are we really connecting to disconnect? If there is an internet capable device with a screenanywhere near us, the World doesn't have our attention and we get so engrossed in it that we completelyignoreandforgetourimmediatesurroundings. With the pleathora of social media websites, services provided to us and the tonnes ofinformation on the internet has completely changed the way we interact.

Digital media is supposed to enhance the way we communicate with humans, not change or replace it completely!

We text our friends instead of meeting them for coffee, send emails to our colleagues instead of discussing ideasand issues with them and we choose to ignore the nice old lady on the road asking for directions just because our instagram feed suddenly seems interesting. Technology isn't the only one to blame here! Few of usprefer on screen than face to face just because it makes interaction more easy and viable and the fear of being judged is almost eliminated.It has helped the extroverts reach masses, but it has also made the introverts more introverted.

Everything is just a touch away, booking a plane ticket/movie shows, buying clothes/grocery and many other facilities, then why will we make an effort to maintain relationships?

Technology has no doubt made it possible for us to maintain long distance friendships which otherwise would've disappeared. But, we have to use technology for the good, not let it get in the way of us and the reality.

Connect, don't disconnect!

