Books, the well of knowledge, consisting words of wisdom. There is no place of loneliness when there are books around you as books are our best friends. A friendship that doesn't demand anything, gives everything it has, be it knowledge, inspiration or ideas.

Books not only broad the horizon of our minds but also awake our brain cells. It enhances the capacity of mind to grasp more and more. Reading is better than listening because light travels faster than the sound.We may easily forget what we have heard but forgetting what we read is quite a difficult task because it builds an image in our mind.

Instead of playing pubg or wastinghours on social media ,make the habit of reading books regularly. Because after few years you will realize that these sources of entertainment don't return you anything other than regret.But reading books is worth payoff. Make reading your addiction. At the beginning, you may find it tiresome but soon you will realize that it was long term investment. From my personal experience, I can assure yout that just by devoting 1 hour a day to book , you will find your day becoming fruitful without any guilt of not doing something productive.Bill Gates, though one of the richest persons of the world reads 50 books a year because according to him knowledge is endless. In a nutshell, read books, unlock the doors of mind and enlighten your path of success.

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