We have been facing this issue every now and then in our life , as long as humsnd are concerned , they can not skip this habit of delaying things , procrastinating work . Just because of this avoiding habit of ours we tend to miss on very important things , we even give up on some very crucial matters at times .

Procrastination is said to be the thief of time , time holds a great value in one’s life , if it’s lost it never comes back for anybody . Opportunities when come to us we often lose them by delaying them and once it is not obtained on the particular time , it goes forever .

We keep rescheduling things , when it’s about academics we keep delaying our studies and regret on the last day before our exam . If you keep yourself punctual and in time , you will definitely have a different position in every organization be it your educational institute or workplace .

How to stay away from this ?

Staying away from procrastination also needs a extreme determination , self control and self discipline . A lot of will power and dedication is needed to stay resilient with all your choices and decisions . You need to keep yourself mentally, physically and emotionally alright , you can’tlet these factors to ever come across your way .

You can understand this with an example where an employee of a company is punctual , determined and completes his tasks as per the way they are already scheduled , has more chances of being promoted than the other employees . So always keep in mind that do not let time steal your opportunities , we must seize them before they disappear .

You need to figure out !

Try and figure out reasons for your delaying and rescheduling of work , when you put off works there might be a reason and that needs to be found out . Don’t just keep thinking and regretting about that you have wasted the whole day in what unimportant things . Instead of regretting try to focus on what are the things that are becoming like a barrier between you and your opportunities and find ways to vanish them completely . Hold yourself as an accountable and responsible personin your eyes , you will not be able to avoid yourself . Prepare a goal list and keep motivating yourself and then you will never turn into a procrastinator .



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