We live in an age of science and technology. In such an age, a country is powerful and
advanced only if it is scientifically and technically developed. Japan, America, France and England are the most developed and prosperous nation of the world. And what is the reason? it is because of industrialization that they have earned the position of the richest countries of the world. I believe that it is the industries that ensure a better tomorrow for the people of the country.
Industries increase production by leaps and bounds. Goods become cheap as they are produced in abundance. Plenty and prosperity replace poverty. And if a country succeeds in eradicating poverty, it certainly has a bright and better tomorrow. In agriculture,
production is limited in many ways so we have a little chance of succeeding in eradicating poverty, and our dream for better tomorrow remains unrealized. The one great advantage of industries is that they are more independent, they don't depend on the climate. Summer, Winter, Rain, and Storm don't matter much and do not affect them. But agriculture is largely dependent on climatic condition. If an area is affected by drought or flood the economic balance is upset. All the labor, the hard work and the effort goes vain. The farmers are left in such a state that they can't even provide one square meal for their families. In the recent past, we have heard cases of a farmer committing suicide, families dying of hunger women selling away their children-all due to poverty and hunger. Is this an approach towards a better tomorrow? Definitely not.
For any nation, having a basic agricultural setup is an advantage no doubt, but industries can help provide a real boost in its economic growth and development. This is the near
future will result in everyone getting enough food, in no one dying of hunger, in everyone having shelter and not wondering around like nomads. Everyone will have the three basic amenities of life - food, clothing, and shelter. And this is what a BETTER TOMORROW Really is.