The Increasing Mental Health Problems Among Independent Musical Artists

Hari Krishnan.M
May 17, 2019   •  1 view

Art is a way to lean back for many, art is a haven a warm hug ofyour favorite tv show can make you forget the cold day at work today, nothing beats the feeling of finding an amazing song and wanting to tell everyone about it, people say we endeavor in science to finally reach art and without art in science and vice versa, the world would be dull, but if music and art is good for our health, why are our favourite musicians suffering so much?

Substance abuse and depression have been in music since the rock and roll days and it has evolved along the industry as well, we have lost phenomenal artists like Kurt Cobain and Amy Winehouse to these vices, but what could actually be their problem, definitely not money or fame or glamour, they were swimming in it and that shows the dirty face of depression. Many artists have been open about the facet of depression in their work and in interviews, from the outside it may seem like a petty attempt for attention as they seemingly have everything they want and that definitely is not the case, they are like an exposed vein their whole life, since art imitates life, the truest artists stay transparent, addicted and committed to their work and stay true to their craft which sometimes leads to too much introspection or a spiral or array of strange and evolving thoughts.

The artists brought to the forefront by Record labels are often puppets to them and have to function, present and articulate messages in their work that the label purposefully induces to suit the widest audience and to get more radio plays and cater to a particular demographic and the artists cannot articulate what drives her or him or what are their biggest insecurities and fights they have with themselves. When artists go independent, the ability to provide marketing, the radio push, and money that the record labels can do will be greatly reduced and the pressure to put out amazing albums and market excellently increases, as people we all adore and go to in the dullest moments of our life, the fact that nearly 70% of independent artists is baffling and sad. So, the next time you see your artist friend, make sure you tell him how amazing he is and call them up occasionally for doing what they do.

