4 Daily Activities That One Should Do To Keep Oneself Motivated

Hari Krishnan.M
May 28, 2019   •  0 views

If I could grab your attention just for a moment in between that scrolling there, I could tell you something, there are a thousand people online getting you to buy the stuff you don’t need, email lists that take you to a product buying page and brands that outright lie to you, so let me tell you before you read any further, We are not that. Welive in a day and age where instant gratification has become the common ground, everyone has forgotten the truebliss of patience, we all want it now, no one wants to wait, cultural shifts like binge-watching, instant access to one's favorite media, “faster” foods and the “you eat what you kill” market space has put everyone in a loop of events that when in for too long gets perceived as life, no one gets a shut eye, most people fall asleep looking at instagram and start their day doing the same, and amidst all these things, one day they get this suddenthought out of nowhere and asks themselves “ Is this my life”, they get sad and still does nothing about it, do you see yourself in this awful loop, then read further.

Baby steps are required to successfully and consistently create change, so here are 4 activities you should do to get the juice back in your life:

1. Mindfulness
This word has been circulating a lot in the Self-help market and for good reason, being present is always a good trait, not being hung up on the past and not anxious of the future, but how with a hundred notification and new stuff to catch up on, how can one pause, one thing to do is decide to set at least 10 minutes for yourself and decide to be mindful, using thewaking upapp by Sam Harris this can be done, it is a phenomenal piece of work you’ll love, it’s a paid app, but if you're short on budget one mail to Sam's company and hell give a free year subscription, that’s how phenomenal the team and the app is, it teaches you mindfulness at an amazing level

2. Journaling
An amazing tool to unlock the scroll of your mind, the way to journal is totally up to you, no need to put on a mask or be PC to yourself, just allow your self-talks looping nature to be straightened. With time, the intelligent practice of journaling can bring out an increased level of self awareness and it feels amazing, make sure to lock it up though! And put in the time as well for it to act.

3. Practicing Gratefulness
As Dr. Wayne Dyer and Oprah Winfrey say if you are grateful for what you have you'll have more to be grateful tomorrow, everyone wants to just outright complain about all the small stuff not going their way, but the amazing art of practicing gratefulness consciously can cause miracles, practice it every 10 minutes into sleep, your sleep cycle gradually will be brimming with amazing thoughts rather than than the bitterness that does no good to your mental health, make a conscious decision to be grateful every hour or two hours and during the first few minutes before sleep and after waking up, it may seem to be trivial, but is as powerful as rituals can get in the long run.

4. Exercise
Everyone tells you to exercise, is it not, you do it, you quit after 3 days and you start blaming yourself, it can turn into a pretty vicious cycle, the thing to do here is right after you practice gratefulness start with a simple 10 pushup routine for a week, then incorporate 15, then 20, then slowly start with some crunches and twists and with time gradually, create a workout regimen, but be careful, everything takes time.

The above 4 things are simple and amazingly useful but at this time when we're wired to get everything now, these things don’t do the same,the only thing needed is time and consistency and faith that one day everything will just click, and don’t forget to add reading this article to your daily grateful list this night, have a great day and don’t forget, its never too late to start.

