Life Is A Dream , Realize It.......

Gayathri Kakarla
Mar 10, 2019   •  641 views

Life is tough but it is too tougher if you are a stupid”.so live the Life in which you may feel that you may shine and make a mark. Stand by yourself. Hope everyone has dreams we used to dreamt of something but only a few people can achieve it.

Why all the people may not achieve their dreams?, You put a question to your self ?, WhatI am doing? , Where I am? , What I want? , WhatI need to do for that?.

so we need to make a plan that will fulfil our dreams, without proper guidance and planning, we cannot fulfil our dreams.

what is Dream?
The Dream is something that we used to imagine the world in which we are fascinated about, everyone has dream depending upon their habits, thoughts, ideas, acknowledgments etc .., so what we have to do to fulfil our dreams? ,are there any tips to get it! there might be some tips to get it.

*We need to be confident of fulfilling of a dream, we need to make a path that will take you all the way to our dream, be confident, stay positive. Always we think that it’s not possible because nowadays the people became lazy no one will work hardin order to fulfil their dreams, we used to spend our time on non sense stuff like scrolling memes of not useful feeds, chatting so onwhich will notmake any sense and use in our day to day life.

*Time is more precious so don’t waste time because isthe one which will decide your fate, those who utilized their time properly they may shine and they may fill their life with all joy and fun, those who are not utilized in a proper manner they may suffer a lot at the end. Time is the one which is the same for everyone. It may not consider rich or poor, employment or unemployment, celebrity or common man.

It treats everyone, in the same way, there is no partiality among the people. So utilize the time in a proper manner which will make you achieve your dreams. If you waste your time on unnecessary stuff it may destroy your life, so keep focus on your goal which will make a mark and gives a recognition to you.

Nowadays the world is filled with heavy competition without a proper plan we can’t defend the people. So be prepared for the battle in order to prove your self and make a mark on your own choice, on one day it will show you to the world that who are you? , what you have achieved?

“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.”
“So be confident to take the decision of your choice which will leads your life like a beautiful journey. Enjoy each andevery moment of your life. Live life the fullest.”

