What happens when you laugh with your full potential? You feel light ad much better than before, right? This is the magic of Laughter, which is a gift for all of us, by nature. These little smiles and laughs, can bring a huge change in your life and in the people around you.
Gelotology is the study of laughter and it’s after effects on the human body from a physiological perspective.
• Keep smiling and stay fit.
The rate of heart beat and energy loss increases by 10-20% by laughing. Also we can burn up to 10-40 calories, just by laughing for about 10- 15 minutes. These facts can really affect our lifestyle. Also we can avoid serious heart stroke problems.
There are some moments, when we can’t laugh out loudly, but we can at least smile to express our happiness and gratitude towards the incident that just happened. Think of a situation, like when you are deleting old chats, screenshots or photographs, and suddenly, you are stuck at one of them, and get all sorts of flashbacks, the moments when they were clicked. Moments full of happiness, that can easily bring a million dollar smile at your bright face, reminiscing the picture, and then you decide not to delete that picture and go to next. These kind of feelings cannot be purchased at any cost.
If you haven’t felt it yet, then you must try it now, or when you are sad, or not feeling well, you will definitely feel better.
• Smile helps to make better relations.
When we smile, it should be effortless. Our mind can easily differentiate between real and fake smiles. Without real enjoyment and smiles, relations become harsh. Always try to make your partner smile. Research shows that couples who smile and laugh over discussing any emotional situations, are likely to be happier than others.
• Laughter is contagious.
We can easily laugh, all we need is to see a laughing person. It is contagious in nature. More you laugh, more you will be happier and easily succeed in your tasks.
You must have noticed, that each and every conversation can be effective and effortless by your lovely smile. Always try to make others smile.
So, lovely readers, just cheer up and see the world cheering up to you.