Love Yourself
Love Yourself : Soul
Pt. [All about Routines]
Soul needs time to flourish
Have you ever made time tables or routines? Just to be unable to follow it?Had the resolution ended in a fit of anger at your lack of sincerity?
Well you aren't the only one, and it's pretty obvious by all the talk about the topic.
But it isn't a lie that it is quite hard indeed to keep out body and mind parallel throughout the day with the given tasks in our routine.
But it's not a lie either that routines, schedules and time tables are really helpful and manages out time quote wittily.
First and foremost learn to be lenient with yourself. Do not expect to be able to follow it flawlessly at first tries.
Moreover, few questions arises even to me. What if I am unable to complete a single task in the time table?do I stop following it for today? Do I reorder it if I replaced few items it did them in wrong order?
I think following tips may be helpful :
If so, suppose you were supposed to do your English project in slot 2-3 pm but you lazed around. Don't worry much and carry on with items you were supposed to do after it.
Now. What if that item was vital and was to be done that very day. Perhaps you had to submit the project the next day?then co compromise and take out something else and insert it. You had to play badminton in 3-4?perhaps you can replace that with English project?
Just be sure that if you compromise every fun time. Your day may be exhausting. Be sure to have some free time or time to do something outdoor or something you like.
Probably is you made the time table once and plan to follow it for a long time. But unplanned events come day to day. What about them?how about you can take out 10 mins everyday in the starting of the day and replace and smooth out the day's plan if you have to?
A sudden plan out with friends?then how about you shift the amount important work on Sunday.
Don't stop following the schedule if you missed few times or weren't able to follow it half day. That way you will get discouraged easily and have excuses not to follow everyday!