Summer is here and the weather is scorching hot. The heat is terrible and there is high need for some delicious cooling summertime snacks!

1) Watermelon

Nothing can be better than a freshly chopped watermelon. It's juicy, sweet and full of vitamins and minerals. It's a perfect snack for summers and quite reasonably cheap too. I'd suggest buy one for yourself right now.

2) Nimbu Paani

Nimbu Paani is a quite famous drink during the summer season, and very easy to prepare. All you need is chilled water, half a lemon, some salt and sugar. And voila! You've made yourself a refreshing drink!

3) Kokum Sarbat

It is referred to as 'Garcinia indica' in English and commonly known as Kokum. It is said to be very helpful to our body and very healthy. Kokum syrup is readily available in the market, all you need to do is mix the syrup and water according to your own taste, add a pinch of salt and your Kokum Sarbat is ready! It is a healthier option to aerated drinks.

4) Salad

Now salads can be considered boring by quite a number of people. Very few people consider a bowl full of vegetables mouthwatering. But trust me, taking the chopped vegetables that you prefer, with the right amount of seasoning and your favorite dressing, it is the perfect summertime snack and extremely healthy for the body.

5) Mango
It's not possible that we're discussing snacks for summertime and the king of fruits is not included. Mango is one of the most famous snack of all times and which is loved by majority of the people. It's sweet, full of flavor and very appealing. It's a fruit that brings you happiness.

6) Fruit Bowls

There are a variety of fruits available during the summer season, which are rich in vitamins and minerals and refreshing. There is Papaya, Pineapples, Plums, Lychees, Musk Melons, Guavas, Watermelon, Mango, Pomegranates etc. A fruit bowl is a perfect choice to cool down during the summer.

7) Ice Lollies

Ice Lollies is the most preferred snack among the youth. It is available in the markets for a low rate and is immensely refreshing. If one does not prefer the Lollies available in the market, they can make them at home as well! All you need is the Ice Lollies making mold, chilled water and your choice of flavours!

These are my favorite snacks during the summer which make me feel happy and contented. I hope you try them. Stay hydrated and happy summer! :)



Profile of Nissi Keerthi
Nissi Keerthi  •  5y  •  Reply
happy summer!!