Tips To Overcome The Fear While Public Speaking

Divya Visakh
Apr 21, 2019   •  156 views

Public Speaking is a kind of art for expressing ourselves in front of others.

Everyone in this world would have somewhat experienced stress to face the crowd. Even after several demo preparations when you enter the stage to speak, there may be times when you blank out. It's natural to feel those kinds of situations because we are normal living beings.

So here are some tips to overcome the panicking while presenting:-

  1. You are the 'KING' or 'QUEEN' while standing in the dais for the presentation and audience are the 'CITIZENS'.

  2. Everyone in this world is not perfect so you too belong to the same group. You are not a unicorn. So we can make ' Mistakes'. Making mistakes is not a sin but it is like a lesson to make you understand where we should improve ourselves.

  3. When you understand the concept of making mistakes, the next step is to understand the behavior of the crowd. Everyone sitting in the crowd will not be always 100% attentive so you can skip some unimportant points to your choice.

  4. Try to create a note with the most important points in any order so it will not be skipped while presenting. And it also helps in the last minute preparation.

  5. Before memorizing the points, you should understand the meaning of each sentence you are conveying. This can help you to give life to your speech.

  6. Prepare thoroughly with lots of practice. we know the quote "Practise makes a man perfect".

  7. After the practice, try to speak in front of a mirror to now what are the facial expression you are doing while presenting and also it can help you to boost your confidence.

  8. Even after lots of practice, if you feel the same anxiety then you should try another trick. That is, tell your close friends to sit in front of you and practice the speech before the presentation.

  9. Drink a lot of water before the presentation. It can help the body to be hydrated and feel fresh.

  10. And lastly, the most important note that you always should understand is as follows

"A person who accompanies with you everywhere is always your soul,
 A person who cares the most about you is You,
 A person who doesn't expect from you is You,
 A reflection that shows who you are is Your Mirror Image,
 A best friend who can follow you even in the darkness is Your Shadow,
 Then Who should you love the most ??
 It’s You


Profile of Veerendra Kumar
Veerendra Kumar  •  5y  •  Reply
Lovely onward i'm going to follow the same thing.