Everyone has their own ways to define destiny. Some says it is a predetermined course of events. Some feels that it is inevitable and unavoidable. Some disagree with these statements, and they say that it’s a matter of choice not chance and what you believe and what you do is destiny.

But my way of defining destiny is a mixed kind. I feel everyone has a purpose for their life and every good or bad event that happens to you has a reason behind and every person who comes in your life has a purpose, there is something which life wants you to teach or it wants you to experience. You have a destined purpose of life and you should discover it or you can design it. The choice is yours. It all depends on the way you see your life.

Discovering or designing your life leads you to your destination and this whole process creates a wonderful journey. A Journey is all about a road on which you travel, it takes you to that purpose for which you feel, you are born for.

It is journey to your destination and it must be travelled. No matter how bad the roads are. Sometimes those designed goals are too heavy on us that we start getting nervous, we feel like losing confidence and losing hope that we could achieve it. But you will understand it, when you take baby steps and move forward and slowly you will get to know that you are more capable than you think. This whole journey will get you loads of experiences and lessons. Journey gives you memories and Destination gives you satisfaction.

So, just enjoy the process and make beautiful memories but never forget your destination.

