Your Phobia Says About Your Personality

Divya Sharma
Jun 09, 2019   •  106 views

Phobias are the exaggerated form of fear. When a person encounter the source that scares him, he may experience dread or panic. The person may himself find the phobia completely irrational but is helpless to overcome the fear on his own. But according to psychology there is a connection between personality and phobia which can reveal a lot about you as a person. Phobia are usually connected to specific things unlink anxiety disorders. Here we are going to decode some phobia that can reveal about your personality:

1. The Fear of Darkness: creativity

If a person is suffering from "nyctophobia" (fear of darkness) the brain tends to create scary images in the dim light or in complete darkness. This reveals that the person has an overactive imagination and are super creative and left part of the brain is more active. People with this phobia are joyful, insomniacs and positive thinkers. They might think that open lights is the best coping up method but whereas the open lights actually trick the brain to think that it's not yet time to sleep and as a result delays the sleep. This is the best time to have a creative session.

2. The Fear of flying: Imagination

The fear of flying can be a result of the "acrophobia" (the fear of heights). The people with aviophobia(fear of flying) are very imaginative and are not able to get rid of their negative thoughts that something bad is going to happen. People with this phobia are suffering from negative episodes of imagination. The negative thoughts constantly revolve in their minds till they are on board.

3. The Fear of Being Alone: Liveliness

As the name suggested people with this phobia hate being alone this is probably because they might have felt ignored or not loved enough. People with "monophobia"(fear of being alone) are lively and never misses the chance of being the center of attraction or being surrounded by friends. They tend to seek approvals from others to be socially acceptable and are afraid of being on their own. They are terrified by the thought of being single and are always in a want of romantic relationship.

4. The Fear of Thunder and Lightning: Kind soul and Warmheart

The thunder and lightning, when too loud scares all of ous and the fear is temporary but people suffering from "astraphobia"(the fear of thunder and lightning) are warmhearted, they care for people in a nurturing way and worry a lot almost about everything.

5. The Fear of Crowd: Love for Space

This phobia can be associated with the social anxiety disorders. People with "agoraphobia" (fear of crowd) are usually homebodies or introverts. They tend to maintain a safe emotional and physical distance with their families, friends and loved ones. They are people person but they like their personal space more. They take time to open up with new people they meet. They even find it difficult to form meaningful relationships and believe that they are self sufficient and can live on their own, so they usually hang out alone or in small group.



Profile of Arvind Harish
Arvind Harish  •  5y  •  Reply
This is one of the best writeups I have read so far❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️
Profile of Nitin Dhemiwal
Nitin Dhemiwal  •  5y  •  Reply
A fresh perspective, and I like it. Keep up the good work Divya ji😊
Profile of Divya Sharma
Divya Sharma  •  5y  •  Reply
Thank u 😘💕
Profile of Jordan
Jordan   •  5y  •  Reply
Amazing keep on the good work