Bizarre Murder Mysteries- The Third Case

Dishani Roy
Apr 29, 2019   •  3 views

The Oakland murder cases.

Although there was a little resemblance between the unsolved series of murders, which occurred between February 1976 and March 1977, in Oakland, and the infamous Zodiac murders, there is an undeniable similarity in that there were several suspects over time. The child killer or killers, who murdered Mark Stebbins, Jill Robinson, Kristine Mihelich, and Timothy King was identified, or maybe not identified. Everything was possible with this case. There were several suspects. They included known pedophiles, a mysterious male couple in which the sub claimed his dom committed the crimes, and John Wayne Gacy.

It was investigated and found that the children were all held captive for days, or maybe even weeks. They were tied up and were sexually assaulted. The final confirmed victim, that is one of the children, Timothy King, was held from March 16, 1977, till March 22nd of that year. During the time when he was held captive there, sources claim that his mother wrote a letter to the Detroit News which read something like she wanted him to come home, to her, soon so that he could have his favorite food, Kentucky Fried Chicken.

When Timothy was found, he was found lying next to his skateboard. It was clear that his clothes had been washed and pressed. An autopsy indicated his final meal was fried chicken.

One strong suspect of this series of murders case was Chris Busch. He committed suicide in 1978. Since then murder bearing any resemblance to this series of murders, or the Oakland County profile never happened again. But, unfortunately, the case is considered unsolved. This is because the details are haunting.

Whether Chris Busch was actually the murderer or not, is not known. Did he really kill them? Or was he just framed? If he was really the killer, then why did he commit suicide instead of confessing and surrendering? Was it really a suicide? Or was this a murder? Was someone else behind the murderers? Was there some other mystery, which cunningly hid in the shadows, smirking at the stupidity of the world?

