Do you guys understand what a dream is or at what time do you dream?

Well the simple answer that we all would give is that it is a fantasy that occurs in our imagination when we are asleep. But here’s a thing, according to me it is just a fantasy or an imagination in our sub conscious mind and not a dream. A dream is that push in our life which impels us to look forward in becoming something extraordinary that maybe the audience in our time-less lives didn’t even expect us to become.

Every dream is charmingly simple and serene to its core and motive.

A dream is that power that would encourage you to think out of the box. It would pull it towards you to do something eccentric. Think of a redbull, does it really give you wings, well your dreams surely can.

Ask a simple question to yourself “do you really dream?”

The answer would be yes if you would just breathe for it, take every step in your life keeping that dream in your mind and be careful that by any decision that dream doesn’t get reckoned. The chaos in your head is of the elves working in your brain to build a path for you to walk, skip or hop to fulfill that dream. Otherwise my friend you’re not exactly dreaming.

It matters how lively you are and how you are implementing those extra-ordinary strides to achieve that dream. A dream is an inspiration for a person to live up to his self-esteem. He draws his strengths to emancipate and nurture that mini functions that a person is performing to abide by his dream. It is a constent reminder of "You can do this".

Always remember “Your aspiration is your dream”. Many times we get bewildered between aspiration and dream. Your dream includes your aspiration or your aim or goal with all the imagination of you doing many other essentially secondary stuff after achieving that aim. Your dream gives you that positive energy which would push you through a really gloomy situation and hold you with themost comforting arms and tell you that this isn’t your moment but in the near future there will be a moment when these cynical people fuelled with pessimistic approach would praise you and applaud for you for what you have achieved.

Time passes but your dreams don’t fade away with it. They stay with you until you have left it unchecked. An essential part of your dream is the struggle. So don’t worry if you are struggling, the best option is to not to lose hope because this hope is behind the growth of that dream in becoming your own reality.

A sense of maturity and a passionate behaviour is required to ride on the clouds towards the dream. It is like a seed that needs to be taken care of, needs to be watered and given a great amount of attention. If you think that your dream is tiny one, no dream is small or huge; it is the effort that counts. If you dream to become a doctor remember to pack your bag with efforts, positivity, courage, patience and grab a little cloud…

Keep your dreams alive and always remember; only those dreams come true on which you have your eyes wide open and not only shut with whole-hearted trust.

Kalpana Chawla rightly said “The path from dreams to success does exist. May you have the vision to find it, the courage to get on to it, and the perseverance to follow it.”

Any motivational speech wouldn’t throw you towards your dream or make you realise your own dream. You need to make it worth enchanting that you don’t forget it and even when you sleep you just fantasize it in your sub conscious mind and that my friend is your true dream. And when you realise that you have arrived at a point where you have been able to empower your spirit to think about that dream and that would be the moment when you truly become “Dream Catcher”.

So now you just need to decide for yourself, if you are a dream catcher or not.



Profile of Shikhar Sachdev
Shikhar Sachdev  •  5y  •  Reply
Very interesting choice of topic and well written!
Profile of Gulshankumar Ahuja
Gulshankumar Ahuja  •  5y  •  Reply
Good work
Profile of Jyoti Sharma
Jyoti Sharma  •  5y  •  Reply
Very Well Written. Keep it up
Profile of Surmistha Sharma
Surmistha Sharma  •  5y  •  Reply
Great thanks for this interesting topic., Carry on dear.
Profile of Sharmila Mazumdar
Sharmila Mazumdar  •  5y  •  Reply
Well written Disha. Very proud of you and wish you good luck with your dreams. Stay tuned.
Profile of Mamta Chawla
Mamta Chawla  •  5y  •  Reply
Profile of Shourya Bhatnagar
Shourya Bhatnagar  •  5y  •  Reply
Keep the good work up👍👍
Profile of Aroma Khare
Aroma Khare  •  5y  •  Reply
Beautifully written!
Profile of Dhiraj Kaushik
Dhiraj Kaushik  •  5y  •  Reply
Dream big😄😄😍😍
Profile of Nandini Rao
Nandini Rao  •  5y  •  Reply
Profile of Harish Chahar
Harish Chahar  •  5y  •  Reply
Keep your dreams alive👌🏻
Profile of Sand Wand
Sand Wand  •  5y  •  Reply
Dream catcher🤞🏻
Profile of Kartik Gupta
Kartik Gupta  •  5y  •  Reply
Profile of Diya Sharma
Diya Sharma  •  5y  •  Reply