yes we agree that if there would be no war there will be no peace I believe that without war there would not be any peace for example there needs to be Hell for us to heaven because without war we would notknow what peace literally means just likewithout darkness there is no light. this metafors are like deal take both on none orbuy one get one free and we can observe it in historythat the empire of peace is stable because of the martyards being foundation who fought in war for younger generation to live in peace my you might be thinking that is he in favour of War the answer is yes and no both it by the reason of the war if it isbecause of the survival of nation and to maintain a security but it is but if it is For Revenge then no I am not in favour are andancestorsmake us unitted against animal for our survival make religion caste community states and countries and and because of which we win our survival and Essentials needs but nowluxurious needs which have to know and be satisfied quarrelling between countries States cast communities. Mahatma Gandhi well quoted that weak can never forgive forgiveness is the attribute of strong but now let me quote myself when our strength is taken as our weakness we need to forget to forgive and not let themthink our values as our foolishness. We human always thinkWar and Peace as a toss if there's will be war or peace but it as a system as a whole, it s like medicine have effects and side effects no peace does not mean no war and no war does not mean no peace and lastly I have a single question to my human law supportive brothers who saves terrorists like kasab by means of human rights that what will they being an Indian say about the matter of Kashmir and in what way you are no war initiative will work there and what's what are its result if the like to answer thank you special after 26/11 and uri and Pulwama.




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hey you write very well.keep it up.please check my account and like my wrytups