Fighting Against The " Forced Choice".

Devika Redkar
Jun 14, 2019   •  26 views

Recently The Albama state court of USA passed a verdict banning abortion . This law bannedabortion in all cases apart from when the mother's life is at risk . Thousand of people all over USA protest against this law .

Raising a child is not an easy task & requires social & emotional commitment coupled with financial resources. As such if a person feels they are not ready for a child, it means the pregnancy is unwanted & as a result allowing a fetus to grow into a child is worse than abortion since the resultant child will grow in a non conducive & destructive environment without the love, care & stability that a child needs.

Abortion is about allowing woman the right to make choices about when they want to have children in relation to their age, financial stability & relationship stability. It is the not the place of government to legislate against woman's choices. Making abortion illegal is more or less compulsory pregnancy which contradicts the quest & fight for freedom.

A woman have all right to decide whether she is ready to bear a child or not . A woman's right to choose abortion is a "fundamental right".

Abortion cannot be termed as a murder as a fetus is not scientifically or leagally a living human being hence it notequivalent to taking a person's life . Abortion does not go against the rights of a fetus since it does not have any until born.

The anti-abortion position is usually based on religious beliefs at times . Which should be considered in the making of the law as religious ideology should not be a foundation for law.Every woman has the right to do whatever they want with their body aka Bodily Autonomy.

Making abortion illegal want stop abortions. Women would simply seek abortions via illegal means which are unsafe & illegal. Where as legal abortions protect women's health. Legal abortion not only protects women's lives, it also protects their health . Women over centuaries have been fighting for battles for their rights . This is one of them .

To be able to choose a safe, legal abortion makes many other options possible. Otherwise an accident or a rape can end a woman's economic and personal freedom. Abortion should be legal in every country because it is a choice, and what grows inside your body is yours and women have right over this decision .



Profile of Meet Rayka
Meet Rayka  •  4y  •  Reply
Well written : )