Seven life changing keys to success:

  1. Do and Dare."The person who gets the farthest is generally one who is willing to do and dare.The sure thing boat never gets far from shore.

  2. Double your failure rate.

  3. Use your will.

  4. You need determination and commitment.

  5. Excellence is required.

  6. Vision is necessary.

  7. Go to success

Success does not belong to a few,it belongs to you. If you are going to after it.

Success is never handed , you must take it, but you don't take it by force. You take success by becoming a successful person internally. When you succeed on the inside,by taking on the thoughts of a successful person ,the results will show on outside.

1.Do and Dare
Do and dare ,get out of your comfort zone and stretched yourself. Stretch the amount of work you do, stretch your expectations ,stretch your imagination.

2.Double your failure rate
If you want to succeed, you need to fail.No one succeds without failures. Failure is path to success.

3.Use your will
Another word for will would be desire. To succeed you must desire to succeed more than you desire anything else. Successful people have more desire than others.

4.You need determination and commitment
Determined person can accomplish more than a thousand people who are just interested. Desire,determination and commitment will strategically position you to succeed.

5. Excellence is required
To the best we must provide the best service . You must give customers what they can't get anywhere else.

6.Vision is necessary
To succeed you must ponder success.Only through pondering success will,you create the desire to success a reality. If the desire consume you,one day it will be realized.

7.Go to success
Success won't fall in your lap,you have to go after it.You have to chase it down.You have to want it more than anything else.

"Success doesn't come to you, you go to it ."

