Yoga For Heart

Yoga For Heart

This is the line chosen for the theme of 5th International Yoga Day.

5th International Yoga Day was celebrated zealously in various parts of India. The main event was held at Prabhat Tara Ground in Ranchi and the Prime Minister of India, Mr.Narendra Modi led a crowd of over 40,000 people, who attended this event there. The theme of this year's event was "Yoga for Heart". At this event, the prime minister addressed the people of India, stressing upon the importance of Yoga for the overall health of body, mind, society, and even our climate, saying "Let our motto be - Yoga for peace, harmony, and progress". He also said that the government would be working to make Yoga a pillar of the 'preventive healthcare and wellness' system.

Not just relieving stress, yoga is an excellent heart booster. Practising yoga may help lower blood pressure, blood glucose levels, as well heart rate, making it a useful lifestyle intervention. One study has shown that blood measurements and waist circumference – a marker for heart disease – improved in middle-aged adults with metabolic syndrome who practiced yoga for three months.

This 10 yoga poses will keep your heart healthy and happy.

1.Anjali Mudra:

This yoga pose is very similar to doing prayer to God in Hindu culture. Sit cross-legged on the floor (One may also sit over the grass) and bring your palms together with fingers stretching out to the centre of your chest (heart chakra- you can google search for the seven chakras in the body). Now close your eyes and slowly inhale, hols your breathe for a few minutes, and then exhale. Repeat this for few minutes (4-10 minutes)

2. Veerabhadrasana (The Warrior Pose):

It involves going into the mountain pose, followed by stretching one of your legs back and with the other leg going into a lunge like position with your knee at a ninety-degree positioning and your hands stretched right above your head. You can take this further to the veerbhadrasana 2 wherein you bring your hands in front of the chest and straighten your hand stretched leg, pointing it outwards while your leg is still at ninety degrees and your both arms area stretched out apart.

3.Setu Bandhasana (The Bridge Pose):

Lie down on your back with your hands stretched sideways now fold your knees, spread them out and raise your body up from your pelvis area. Take support from your hands and hold the position. This works wonders on your hip, thighs, stomach as well as back.

4.Trikonasana (Triangular Pose):

Stand straight and then stretch your legs wide apart, then turn your right out. Now stretch your arm out, wide open pushing the right side of your waistline over your right leg and slowly go down, facing downwards with flat back. Keep your right palm on the ground (you can keep choose to keep it in front of your right foot or behind it) or ona block with your left arm stretched upwards. Repeat the other side.


Lie down on your back with your eyes closed, arms by your stretched out. Let your ankles fall outward. Then slowly start inhaling and exhaling as you melt deeper into the floor with each breath. Stay in this pose for a minimum of 5 minutes.

6.Surya Namaskar:

One of the basic, most well-known and widely practiced asanas, surya namaskar literally translates to sun salutation. It comprises a series of twelve different yoga poses that focus on the various part of the body. What makes surya namaskar great for the entire body is the fact that it involves twelve different poses encompassed in one - for example, basic prayer bend and the bhujangasana. (cobra pose).

7.Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose):

The asana works on your spine, shoulder, abdomen and also helps relieve stress and fatigue. Lie down on the stomach with your hands next to your chest and slowly push your body upward. Concentrate on your breathing and feel the stretch in your abdomen as well as spine going down to your buttocks.


Lie down on your stomach with your hands next to your chest. Now, push your body up, elevating yourself up and balancing your body on your palms and feet.

9.Tadasana (The Tree Pose):

One of the most basic and easiest yoga postures. This pose helps in relaxing, tackling stress and focuses on deep breathing. Stand with your legs slightly wide open, take your hand up, joining them together in Namaste or Anjali Mudra. Take deep breaths and stretch your body.


This yoga involves sitting with your face facing toward west and your legs stretched in the front and joined together. Now try to bend forward and touch your feet without bending your knees. You can even try to rest your head in your knees of possible. This asana is a great for flexibility. This facilitates in bringing down the heart rate and relaxing your system.

Yoga has a tremendous effect on the health as proved by the large number of studies. Yoga is a mind–body activity that involves moving through a series of body poses and breathing exercise that can improve strength, flexibility, balance and relaxation. Dozens of different formats, or practices, such as hatha, anusara. ashtanga, and many others, emphasize different focuses, such as toning, strength training or medication.

