How To Enjoy Your Own Company?

Cheryl Dsa
Mar 05, 2019   •  1 view

I’ve grown up watching people around me making tons of friends, going for parties or going on a trip together and so on. I have myself made friends in the past because I always thought it was really cool to have people around me. But today I’m the kind of girl who would need alot of nagging even to go out and enjoy with friends. By now it’s clear enough that I love staying at home, doing my own thing and I adore my alone time. So here are a few things I would suggest you on how you could enjoy your own company and trust me it’s the best thing I have done so far to enjoy my “Me Time”.

1. Put your phone aside.
There’s a complete different blog coming up on this topic but it is so important for us to understand that there is a world we fail to see when we are constantly on our phone for hours. It’s so difficult for us to stay away from our phones. But what we fail to understand is that we miss on alot of beautiful things. Put your phone aside for atleast 1 hour per day and catch up on things that don’t include any gadgets.

2. Go outside
Now this was so difficult for me as an introvert to go outside and let people see me. I always take my mom with me anywhere I go or call up a friend when I am outside telling them to just talk to me because I’m all alone. Now for teenagers like me, going out alone is like solving a math problem. The best way you could start this is by going to places far from where you live and go to a coffee shop or go have a lunch all by yourself and trust me this is one of the best thing I’ve tried.

3. Read and Write
I cannot stress on this enough on how much reading and writing has been so beneficial to me. It has completely changed my personality and has changed my thoughts as well. If today there’s one thing I would do in my free time, it’s either to read a self help book or just write down my thoughts.Writing could also include:Making a bucket list, writing down your hobbies, places you want to visit, basically putting your thoughts into a paper.

There are alot of things I personally enjoy doing but these are the 3 important things that I absolutely love.

Thankyou ♥

