For a memorable meal, the quality of the service is something that guests often remember, as much as the food and drink served.

Here is a list of 8 styles of food service that we notice in a restaurant or a food outlet.

1. Silver Service

Silver service is a method of food service that usually includes serving food at the table. It is a technique of transferring food from a service dish to the guest's plate from the left. It is performed by a waiter by using service forks and spoons from the diner's left. In France, it is known as Service à l'anglaise.

2. American Service

A method of serving hotel or restaurant food, in which portions of food are placed on plates in kitchen (except for bread and butter and salads which are served on the table) by the establishment's employees and served to each guest by a waiter or waitress.

3. French Service

Method of serving private dining or restaurant food in which partially cooked food is brought from the kitchen on a cart which is used also for the final cooking. Food is completed in front of the guests and served by a waiter or waitress who offers a dish to each guest who helps himself or herself.

4. Russian Service

Formaland elegant service very similar to (but faster and less expensive than)french service, except that thefoodiscompleted(prepared and garnished) in the kitchen and only one waiter (server) is used.

5. Guèridon Service

Guèridon Serviceis a term used in the restaurant business to refer to “trolley service.” Food is cooked, finished or presented to the guest at a table, from a moveable trolley. Dishes typically served like this include Crepes Suzette, Caesar Salad, Cherries Jubilee, Banana Flambé and Steak Tartar.

6. Buffet Service

Buffet is a style of food service in which the verities of ready food dishes are displayed according to the sequence on the table. Guests usually move along the buffet line and serve themselves. When their plates are filled, guests take them to a dining table to eat.

7. Self Service

Self-service is the practice of serving oneself, usually when making purchases.Example- Food court at shopping malls.

8. Cafeteria Service

A cafeteria, sometimes called a canteen is a type of food service location in which there is little or no waiting staff table service, whether a restaurant or within an institution such as a large office building or school; a school dining location is also referred to as a dining hall or canteen.

So, these were some of the types of food services in the hospitality sector, I hope this was helpful!



Profile of Sudha.
Sudha.  •  5y  •  Reply
Knowledgeable article.
Profile of Raj Singh Rawat
Raj Singh Rawat  •  6y  •  Reply
Very nice madam.
Profile of Dilshad Ali
Dilshad Ali  •  6y  •  Reply
Service of food is a very important part of hotel indudty. So your types of services are good.
Profile of Chenya Mishra
Chenya Mishra  •  6y  •  Reply
Hey, that totally depends on the kind of the organisation or the property, for example a fine dining restaurant would be serving in the silver service manner but a fast food outlet or a coffee shop in a luxury hotel has the self service option. Hope this helped :)
Profile of Gandharv Sharma
Gandharv Sharma  •  6y  •  Reply
That's brilliant! So, What's the most common type of service offered by the hotels nowadays?