10 Types Of Exotic Sandwiches For Breakfast

Chenya Mishra
Mar 30, 2019   •  979 views

Admit it, a sandwich is the easiest and the fastest option to go for when you are in a hurry. I personally love sandwiches, your favourite toppings inside that yummy bread and cheese, what else do you wish for?

Here are 10 easy and delicious sandwiches for you, that require really less time to prepare them and are nutritious as well!

1. Pinwheel

A pinwheel sandwichis a teasandwich,prepared using bread slices sliced longways to form a conventional square loaf, which has a substantial well flavoured spread or soft filling.

2. Ribbon

A ribbon sandwich is basically a multi-tiered sandwich. Think something along the lines of white bread, a gooey spread, meat, cheese, another layer of brown bread, meat, cheese and a third piece of bread. These blocks are chilled and served.

3. Open-faced

Anopen sandwich, also known as anopen-face/open-faced sandwich, Bruschetta in Italy, bread baser, bread platter or tartine, consists of one or more slices of bread with one or more food items on top.

4. Croque Monsieur

Also known as a grilled ham and cheese sandwich, It is made by puttingcheeseand slicedhambetween twoslices of bread.The bread is sometimes buttered and/or toasted. Vegetables likelettuce,tomato,onionorpickleslices can also be included. Various kinds ofmustardandmayonnaise are also common.

5. Croque Madame

A croque madame is a variant of the croque monsieur, topped with a fried egg.

6. Stammer Max

It is an open-faced sandwich with ham or bacon and a fried egg, garnished with watercress leaves.
The bread is pan fried in clarified butter to get that toasty flavour.

7. Gyro

Pronounced as yee-roh, this sandwich is from Greece. In Greece it is most often stuffed with pork, orchicken, while a mixture of beef and lamb is common in the U.S. and other countries. It is usually served wrapped or stuffed in a flatbread such aspita, withtomato,onion,tzatzikisauce, and sometimesfrench fries.

8. Panini

A panini or panino, is a sandwich made with Italian bread, usually served warmed by grilling or toasting. However, in many English-speaking countries, a panini is a grilled sandwich made from many types of bread. Examples of bread types used for modern panini are baguette, ciabatta, and michetta.

9. Bookmaker

A bookmaker sandwich is made by toasting two slices of white bread and stuffing it with a grilled minute steak and a smear of mustard paste.

10. Denver

This sandwich is prepared by toasting and buttering two slices of bread. The first slice is topped with chicken liver pate and a slice of gammon or ham (variations include usage of omelette too). It is garnished with sautéed onions.

These were some mouth watering sandwiches, so next time before ordering them in, try making some on your own!



Profile of Gandharv Sharma
Gandharv Sharma  •  5y  •  Reply
Your articles are really informative. I'd try grilled ham and cheese next time. It looks so delicious. Keep posting, and let us all know about more food to try.