​“Humans should be humans in real sense of humans”

What is it that supports this statement?PARENTING. This is what makes a person a good human. No one is completely ethical in what they do. Actions of a person are usually reflex of what they see. Children are like mirrors, they learn from what they see their parents doing than what they teach them. To give them good values they need to be real in every sense. To be a good parent one should be a good human first.

It is said that a person is half evil and half virtuous, and it takes a lot to make them saint and eradicate every source that could pull them towards evil. Some people aren’t loyal to us. They are loyal to the need of us. And some or the other time, true colours come to the face. So, why not make our true colours such that goodness gets inscribed in us? People judge everything in the first go, not by the way people talk, not by the way they walk, but by the way they feel our vibes, and vibes are not something one creates or can fake, vibes are the truest, deepest reflection of how good or evil their soul is, no matter how much they try to pretend. And all this, the behaviour, the personality, the vibes- all of them are nurtured slowly by the way people are brought up. More than paying the school fees or checking the scores of children or planning their proper diet, it is extremely important to have a proper talk with their children, nourished upbringing of the children that makes them good from within, above all. Even after achieving success in numerous fields of life and making good money, the only satisfaction that would let parents sleep peacefully would be the goodness in their children’s soul, eradicating the stereotype of the world being a bad place.

What we are is what we reflect. We must make sure that wherever we go, we must leave a mark, not a scar. The only way to develop a child into a good human is give them good upbringing, filled with joy and laughter and the realisation of what life really is and what it should be. A soul is born free from all the bondages of make beliefs of the world, a soul should die free too.

