Everything that helps us to fulfill our goals, targets, desires and wants is termed as a resource.

We are surrounded by resources. Whenever we do something we make use of one or more resources. In a nutshell:’ RESOURCES ARE INSEPARABLE PART OF HUMAN LIVES’.

Humans are fussy creatures. It is very hard to please them….the reason is that, we humans want everything for ourselves. We want the best and for the same we can go to any extend and can do anything. In this situation we don’t even think once about other creatures or the nature. We start misusing things so that we can achieve everything as soon as possible. This attitude of humans has led to depletion of resources….mainly natural resources.

Resource depletion is an issue of concern.Resource depletion means using of resources at a faster rate than it can replenish themselves. Our earth provides us with sooooo many natural resources that help us to survive and helps in fulfilling our requirement. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the land on which we live, the plants and the trees that give us food and other important stuff are some of the basic natural resources that we have…….

But we are expert at spoiling and overusing the things that are in our reach. And we have done the same. Resources depletion not only leads in decrease in quantity of the resource but it also increases the value of the resource.

Just imagine, if we don’t have oil, water, food, fuels, minerals and wood, what will you do? What will the world be like?

If this happens then everything on this planet (plants, animals, insects, birds and humans) will vanish. Everyone will die!!! There will be no sign of life on this planet, if all the resources will be used by use. So it simply means over utilization of resources by us can lead to end of our lives only...

There are many reasons which contributed to resource depletion. The major one is satisfaction of our personal wants. Other reasons can be overpopulation, lack of knowledge, misuse of a particular resources, pollution, deforesatation, mining, wrong agricultural practices, soil erosion, over consumption, deforestation etc. This means, every human activity is responsible for resource depletion if not done in a proper way.

It’s not too late. If as an individual we understand the importance and need to control this depletion, then we can actually protect our lives and can save the misuse of the resources. By doing small small things we can save the resources like- reusing of resources, not overusing them, using of alternative sources, selecting our goals carefully, telling other people about the same. These are few things we can do and there are a lot more ways by which we can stop the depletion of resources. Proper planning and managing of resources can help in conserving of resources.



Profile of Bhumika Sharma
Bhumika Sharma  •  5y  •  Reply
thank you ...
Profile of Anuj Sharma
Anuj Sharma  •  5y  •  Reply
I totally agreed with Bhumika.We are talking and talking about this everywhere but strong steps should be taken in thsi regard.
Profile of Charu Bhaskar
Charu Bhaskar  •  5y  •  Reply
Nicely elaborated and on the target.
Profile of Gopal Krishan
Gopal Krishan  •  5y  •  Reply
Really a very relevant topic for the present generation Bhumika has selected to write about. It is a fact that every natural resource has a limit. Once it is exhausted no body can replenish the same. As such, as rightly underlined by Bhumika there is need to conserve natural resources to the maximum extent possible for the next generations to come