Today every individual around us is suffering from stress. Stress has become one of the wide spread problems in today generation.The word stress is derived from an Latin word “STRINGI” which means “to be drawn tight”.

We can say stress represents those conditions that actually creates a load on us and we as an individual are not able to meet or cope that load physically or mentally and ultimately it leads to mental breakdown or psychological reactions which can ultimately lead to illness.

We consider that stress are bad for us, they only spoil our health and decreases our capability to do work. But stress can be positive or negative. Positive stress is the one which provides us with the situation or conditions to develop and achieve something. It is also called EUSTRESS where ‘eu’ stands for good. On the other hand bad stress is called distress which hampers our condition.


1. Rat Race

New invention happens daily; which creates a pressure among people to strive hard and push their limits and creates pressure.

·Result- this pressure results in stress because everyone can’t handle it, Burden of people, feeling of being useless..

2. Social media

Selfies, pictures and status updates have become a vital part of once living. Everyone tries to be a person that they are not basically show the fake side of themselves in front of others.

·Results- causes stress, can lead to depression, fear of missing out, lack of confidence, feeling of isolation etc.

3. Lack of outdoor activities

No time to go out and play or do any other activity because of busy schedule.

·Results- It harms mind and body, creates stressful environment, person becomes lethargic.

4. Pessimism

When one is surrounded by negativity or negative people then the person also becomes negative. They don’t focus on bright sides always look on the negative side.

·Results-Depression, negative thoughts and unwanted feeling that can destroys a person’s life.

These are the four major reasons for the cause of stress in one’s life. They can impact someone’ life and can destroy their lives.

If there are causes which can lead to stress then there are many ways to reduce stress.


1. Meditation and yoga

Increases oxygen uptake as well as hormone function which decreases stress.

2. Sleep

Insufficient sleep leads to anxiety, depression and other metabolic disorders and hence results in stress. Proper sound sleep for 8-10 hours can help in relaxing and decreasing stress.

3. Get off the Grid

Constantly scrolling through social media and comparing yourself with others makes happiness conditional. Thus logging out of social media can help us to get more productive work done thereby reducing stress.

4. Healthy diet

Healthy diet has cascading effect on brain which reduces oxidation hence decreasing stress.

5. Indulgence in physical activities

Lowers the symptoms associated with mild depression and anxiety.

6. Stop procrastination

To avoid stress, we must stop postponing tasks and break down our big goals into small tasks with a time limit set to it, thus being more effective and efficient.

7. Get a new perspective

In life and celebrate little things which help in reducing stress. Trying to do new activities like drawing, reading books etc can be done to reduce the stress.

These are the things that a person can do by himself/herself in reducing the stress. We as an individual can also help an individual to fight against the stress by doing small thing like

1. Listen up

One should listen to a stressed out person as lending an ear can be the best and the most effective medicine.

2. Bring in a professional

Depending on the root of the stress, look up for professionals in your area so as to help out the stressed person.

3. Explore the new outdoors

Visiting different places of interest can also be a major way to release stress.

4. Motivate them

One should create a positive environment around the stressed person and motivate them to come out of their shell.

5. Providing them with things they like

Food, clothes, novels, music etc. as they can be a great medium to help them out.

By doing these small things can overcome stress. If someone is stressed then there is no need to panic rather the one should concentrate on the ways in which he/she can reduce the stress and could live a happy life. So always remember

Don’t stress, do your best and forget the rest


Profile of Bhumika Sharma
Bhumika Sharma  •  5y  •  Reply
thank you
Profile of Gopal Krishan
Gopal Krishan  •  5y  •  Reply
problems. The positive, of course limited stress/pressure keeps us own our toes to work hard to achieve what we wish to do
Profile of Gopal Krishan
Gopal Krishan  •  5y  •  Reply
Very nicely explained the need for positive stress and the other stress, which is causing of all sorts of
Profile of Shyam Lakhanpal
Shyam Lakhanpal  •  5y  •  Reply
valuable information