Remember those heartaches of being shuffled from our friends,
Remember how having those senior crushes was in trend!
Remember bitching each other was a part of our daily routine,
Remember how fun mass bunking had been,
Remember those nights before the exams calling one another to ask if they are done,
Remember those shady ones who always pretended to fail but always ended up being number one!
Remember those puppy faces for early dismissals
Remember how those last benches felt like home with the pals!
Remember those staircases in which amazing love stories took place,
Remember how a tiffin box would lit every hungry face!
Remember those excuses we gave for being late,
Remember how we left our exams in our fate!
Those days will be missed alot
To explain the love for it words fall short!
Beyond all the rivalries we share the same uniform,
We have the same memories which we have form!
                                                     -Bhavisha ♥️

