Low status of women or the inferior position of women in the Indian society is an unsaid bad dream of many. This shows that the people of our society have a very narrow mind set.Their way of treating people reflects their mind set. Though we don’t find it everywhere, we know that it is more prevalent on the backward cast.

The main reason behind this problem is the Narrow mindset of our society. Women in India are considered inferior than men since ages. They are considered to be weaker than men though they have proved to succeed. Many still believe that men are more capable to earn and handle a family than women. Most of the time the reason behind this low status is that the male member tries to control the female member. They tend to give less importance to the female member.

Most of the times the male member takes the authority to decide the things of the family without even listening to the suggestions of the female member. Even after so many years of struggle girls are still left behind in the kitchen. Many a time girls are not sent to schools. They are made to learn all house hold works and are made to marry at an early stage. They also work for the money required for the male member’s education.

Many government and non government agencies have tried their best to increase the status of women in India. They have tried their best to provide free education for the girl child. To ensure empowerment of girls many feminists have taken many revolutionary actions too.

Due to this problem they do not get adequate chance to do something to the society. Sometimes they even lack their right to speak, their right to education. This is the main reason for female foeticide. Many a time the mother herself tries to kill her child when she finds it to be a girl. This is because she doesn’t want her child to face the inferior position which she faced.

The solution for this problem is the empowerment of women must be given more importance. Many people are not aware of these things and they still believe in myths. So, awareness must be created among people with narrow mindset. Campaigns must be organized and we must try to educate people through mass media and social media. Education in rural areas must become compulsory.

