Corruption is a dishonest or illegal activity done by a person or organization to complete their work. This also includes bribing. This practice is involved in many countries. It is done on various scales, from small petty corruption to large scale in government.
Corruption is the implant back bone of our country and it plays a major role in the economy of our country. Political corruption is the worst face of our Indian government. The main cause of corruption is the improper management. The uncontrolled corruption in small scale leads to the corruption in large scale.
The second most important cause is lack of good leaders. Due to very few good leaders, it is hard to eradicate corruption. Some people like Anna Hazare fought against corruption which is left unnoticed. It should be taken into consideration by the leaders of the nation and laws to fight corruption must be implied.
Unemployment is also another problem which gives space for corruption. Due to lack of job the minds of people are not stable and many times they are used as trump cards to take away money.
The name of our country has been spoilt by a list of crimes developing here. Many scams like the coal allocation scam, 2G scam have made our country a weak one. The only thing the rules do is blaming other parties but corruption still exists.
In India corruption plays a major role even in getting jobs. If a person wants a job he would pay money and get the job even if he is not skilled. This leads to unemployment of many skilled and deserving candidates.
Many people escape from many crimes by bribing the law. This has increased the number of problems in our country.
This has created a hole in the pocket of the Indian economy. There are strict rules against bribing. The problem here is the rules too are being bribed. They find many loop holes to escape. The rules must be made even stricter and it must punish both the person who gives bribes and the one who gets bribes.
Efficient leaders must be elected who would eradicate corruption and help people. They must fulfil the promises they have made. Most of the time leaders receive their vote by giving money.
First of all everyone must be a responsible citizen and stand against corruption. This is the only way to reduce it. This must be taught from school level as the future depends on young generation.