95% of our life is coming from the program of life.
How to live life that we get in the first seven year of life. That's why poor people stay poor and Rich people stay rich. The movie “matrix” is not science fiction. It's a Documentary.
Every Human First seven year is Download to Hynosis. The brain of a child under 7 is in “lower vibration of Frequency”.When you put wires on the person's head you Read electroencephalogram Reading brain activity. The child below 7 has a lower vibration than consciousness its is called theta.
Theta is imagination.that why kids play a tea party with mud pie but to them it's a real thing.kids rides a broom, it's a horse.that is Theta (Imagination). Theta is also Hypnosis.the idea is this before you can become conscious.If you dont have any program. What are you going to be conscious of? So Nature make the first 7 years,What kind of program are required to live in the planet?
Theta is Hypnosis.
You just watch, you watch your parents,you watch your siblings,and your community because you have to learn. How many hundred thousand rules?
Think about it.just to be a functional member of a family and a functional member of a community.There are rules and regulations.
Teaching an infant these rules, I say you don't have to First seven years they observe and download it.
There is a famous book “Rich Dad,Poor Dad”
Basically says, if you come from a poor family and you could struggle your whole life and tries to become rich.but you are not going to make it.
If you come from a rich family. you could be stupid for whole life and make it. Not because of thinking but it was unconscious behaviour that is download from rich family.so they are making the right move unconsciously.if they engage the conscious mind then they will become stupid but its unconscious.Thats the same thing with poor family.Poor people have belief from the family.Life is too hard, you can't make it, Who do you think you are? And that's the program you get then 95% of the day you will sabotage yourself.
And that why poor people stay poor and rich people stay rich.Beacuse of the programming 95% of our life,its a fact,comes from those program of subconscious.Every day you use your 5% of conscious life which is creative.
7 year is the program period and 95% is living according to the program and your just living with 5% Everyday.
Here is the solution
Step 1: Recoganise where you struggle? Step 2:Put new program into subconscious Mind
Two phases are there to train you subconscious mind.
One is Hypnosis that is the first 7 year of birth and Another one is Repetition and practice.
-Fake it,”Till you make it"-