We have created a list of 3942 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter A. This is Page 11 out of 20 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Amiee: Derived from Amye which means beautiful and lovable
Amila: They are hopeful, righteous and reliable people
Amilah: One who keeps her hope alive at every situation, hopeful.
Amilia: They are hard working and always trying to excel in everything
Amima: Prophet's grand daughter, they guide people and are very close to heart
Amimah: Prophet's grand daughter, they guide people and are very close to heart
Amina: A honest and trustworthy being
Aminah: Filled with honesty and trustworthy nature
Aminatta: They are faithful, trustworthy and loyal
Aminda: They are protector of mankind who are loved by all
Amindah: It was name of Prophet's mother who are peaceful and trustworthy
Amineh: Arabic - Truthful, Trustworthy; Faithful; Honest Woman; A variant spelling of name Amina
Aminia: Arabic - Truthful, Trustworthy; Faithful; Honest Woman; A variant spelling of name Amina
Aminie: Derived from Amee, they are the reliable one
Aminifu: A woman who is faithful.
Aminta: They are the defender of mankind
Amipa: Tonga word for amber stone.
Amira: A born princess who has a heart of gold
Amirah: A born princess who has a heart of gold and the one who speaks
Amiria: Amiria is the Maori version of Amelia. It means 'hard worker'.
Amis: A friend who is loved by all and is a very interesting being
Amisa: A companion and a friend for life
Amiscia: They are sharp-witted and communicative individuals who are alluring
Amisha: They are pure, truthful and beautiful beings whith a heart of gold
Amishi: They have a pure and serene personality
Amishta: They are fearless and limitless
Amisia: They are mature, insightful and a loyal friend
Amisquew: A spoon
Amissa: An Elf counselor filled with over-confidence, responsibility and stability
Amista: Fidelity or loyalty
Amita: The truthful one who is moderate, analytical, unselfish and soft spoken
Amithi: Sanskrit name meaning boundlessness
Amiti: A bit stubborn who are individualistic and serious natured
Amitjyoti: The one who is always bright and sharing happiness
Amitola: A beautiful rainbow
Amity: Friendly people who are very reserved and serious natured
Amiyah: Beautiful night rain
Amka: One with a friendly spirit.
Amla: Derived from Amala, they are clean and pure who does favours
Amlah: They are beautiful, pleasant and kind by nature
Amlan-kushum: A flower which is eternal and never fades
Amlika: A precious leaf like a Tamarind, they are fresh and clear
Ammaarah: A lady who is dignified
Ammar: A strong man who is a builder
Ammara: The one who shines like a star all their life and are bitter
Ammarah: A bitter inhabitant who shines like a star
Ammaria: Born with great sense of responsibility and care for your family
Ammatul: A compassionate, fragile and passionate individual
Ammerie: They are divine rulers of the universe who are noble, inoffensive and beloved
Ammie: Alternate form of Amy, they are beloved and charming
Ammorett: A beloved and lovely friend
Amna: A peaceful person
Amnah: A person filled with serenity and peace
Amne: African - Swahili - Safe, Secure
Amoda: The one sharing happiness and joy
Amodini: A pleasurable human being who shares happiness and joy
Amodita: The one who is always cheerful and filled with happiness
Amogelang: Accept, Receive
Amogha: The one who is fruitful, unfading and everlasting
Amoha: A straight forward person who is pure and errorless
Amoke: Loving stroke or to pet her
Amola: A unique person
Amolaka: A priceless person and very unique
Amoli: Precious being
Amolika: Precious being who are invaluable
Amolkiran: An everlasting bright light
Amolpreet: They are charming and share everlasting love
Amona: They are one who are a successful entrepeneur and have high goals
Amondi: African - Born at Dawn
Amonjot: The one who radiates peace and harmony among fellow beings
Amor: Bright and beautiful creatures who have very soft heart
Amora: Insightful, bright and beautiful creatures
Amorelle: The one who dwells in the ocean
Amoret: The little one who is loved by all and are inspired to lead
Amoria: They are all knowing as well as a loved and loyal friend
Amorica: Ancient Name for Britain in England
Amorie: Variation of Amory, they are leader and spread love
Amorina: A compassionate, fragile and passionate individual
Amoxtli: Book
Amoy: Beautiful goddess
Amparo: The one who is industrious, hard working and a protector
Amphelice: Mother, born with a likable and charming personality
Amphelicia: A lover of travelling, affection and freedom
Amphelisia: A lover of adventure, affection and freedom
Amphillis: The one who take big picture in consideration and are progressive
Amphitrite: Goddess of the sea
Amra: A rare person who is always victorious leading a long life
Amrah: A unique person who is always victorious leading a long life
Amraoo: The one who triumphs
Amrapali: Follower of Buddha, mango and young leaves
Amreen: The vast sky
Amrin: A royal quite girl, a blue sky
Amrita: A rare drink providing immortality
Amritkala: A rare nectar giving immortality
Amritpreet: A rare nectar drink which gives immortality
Amritrashmi: The light of Moon
Amritroop: Everlasting and immortal beauty
Amrozia: Today's generation woman, modern
Amrusha: Unexpected, they are spontaneous and sudden
Amruta: Beautiful, a veritable drink which gives immortality
Amrutha: Beautiful, a veritable drink which gives immortality
Amsah: The one who is the best company and have a friendly personality
Amsale: The one who came from paradise, they are forgiving and sensible
Amshula: The modern and poised girl whose name means sunny and bright
Amtullah: A female slave of the almighty Allah
Amukta: A precious one who is very rare and can't be touched
Amulya: A royal and aristrocratic person who is precious and valuable
Amura: The one who is sharpsighted, cheerful and very intelligent
Amurta: Beautiful, ambrosia, a veritable drink which gives immortality
Amvi: A nurturing Goddess
Amy: Derived from Amee, they are beloved and nurturing one
Amya: Hebrew - People of God, Japanese - Night Rain
Amyah: A very unique name who have a creative insight
Amybeth: Derived from Aimee, they are beloved and serious natured
Amycia: Highly intellectual and non-materialistic beings filled with youth
Amyfelyse: Entertaining, amart and young individual
Amylia: The one who is industrious, hard working and fertile
Amylin: A beautiful, charismatic and intersting individual
Amyra: The commander of the armed forces, a general and a born princess
Amyrah: Commander of the armed forces, a general and a born princess
An: The one who is gracious and satisfying
Ana: Gracious and satisfying
Anaahat: The one who is infinite and can never be defeated
Anaamika: A little sister, they are nameless who can never be described
Ana�lle: A graceful being
Ana�s: A graceful, precious being
Anabel: A lovable person who solves problems
Anabela: Graceful and Beautiful, Easy to Love; Gracious; Lovable beauty; A variant of name Anabel
Anabell: A lovable person who are problem solvers
Anabella: Graceful and Beautiful, Easy to Love; Gracious; Lovable beauty; A variant of name Anabel
Anabelle: Graceful and Beautiful, Easy to Love; Gracious; Lovable beauty; A variant of name Anabel
Anabeth: A curious person who is filled with grace
Anabila: An admirable, assertive and delightful individual
Anabilia: An admirable, individual, assertive and delightful individual
Anabilla: An admirable, individual, assertive and delightful individual
Anabille: An eccentric individual who is philosophical and loves soitary environment
Anaborhi: The one who is born with good destiny
Anabul: Active and the one who loves to travel looking for new opportunities
Anacaona: Golden flower
Anachorita: The one with high ideals who are amusing and unique
Anadia: Something that's delicate, moist and tender.
Anadil: A sweet bird called Nightingale
Anagha: A beautiful, faultless person who has never made a sin
Anagi: A priceless person who is always victorious leading a long life
Anah: Answer, a master of patience and perseverence who like patience
Anahera: The majestic and powerful angel
Anahi: Uncertain, One form of word for maize in Carib
Anahid: A Moon Goddess, they are free of stain
Anahira: Archangel or angel
Anahit: They are Goddess of fertility, wisdom and healing
Anaida: A character who has beauty and mind
Anais: The one who is highly gracious, merciful and friendly
Anaitha: Goddess of love who are messenger and an angel
Anaiya: The one who is the answer of gracious God
Anaka: Form of Anika, they are sweet-faced and energetic
Anala: Master of a fiery personality who has a burning passion
Analaa: Master of a fiery personality who has a burning passion
Analee: The one who is gracious
Analeigh: The gracious one who always thinks about others
Anali: Master of a fiery personality who has a burning passion
Analia: A combination of name Ana and Lia, A variant transcription is Analiyah
Analiese: They are filled with grace of God
Analilia: The gracious one who always thinks about others
Analina: The gracious one who always thinks about others
Analisa: The one graced by God
Analise: A devotee who is graced and loved by God
Analisia: A devotee who is graced by God
Analiz: Female version of Albert, they are noble, famous and gracious
Anamaria: The one who is bought up with grace and by God
Anamarie: A graceful person who is filled with love
Anamarija: Owner of a charming personality
Anamarina: An elegant one who is very valuable and lovable
Anamika: A nameless person, a little sister or the ring finger
Anamitra: Bright and beautiful like the Sun
Anamiva: The one who has no enemy nor any disease
Anamol: The precious one
Anan: Enormous clouds
Anana: The fourth child who is blessed with soft and gentle personality
Ananda: Worthy Of Love, Bliss; Happiness;
Anandamayi: Pure joy, care and experiences bliss
Anandamrita: A bliss covered with the nectar of immortality
Anandani: Joyful, kind, prosperous and insightful being
Anandaprema: Pure joy, love and experiences bliss
Anandin: An angel who shars joy and harmony
Anandita: An angel sharing joy and harmony
Anandmayee: The one filled with happiness and bliss
Anangee: Partner of Cupid
Ananka: Countless, Infinite; Something which cannot be counted and which has no boundary or limitations
Ananti: A beautiful gift
Anantpreet: An admirable, individual, assertive and delightful lover
Anantya: An endless or infinite being
Anaqat: The one filled with elegance and valiant nature
Anara: Hindi name of Pomegranate
Anargha: A priceless person who is always victorious
Anarghya: A strong person who is always victorious
Anasa: One of Prophet's companion
Anasaya: The one who is free from jealousy
Anasazi: Ancient people
Anasooya: Charity, also wife of Rishi Atri
Anastacia: Resurrection, the one rising of the dead