We have created a list of 3556 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter S. This is Page 8 out of 18 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Serghei: Romanian version of the name Sergey, meaning protector or shepherd.
Sergio: An attendant, a servant
Sergiu: A form of Serghei, possibly sergeant.
Sergius: One who serves
Sergiy: Sergiy is derived from the Roman clan name Sergius. It means protector.
Serhat: Turkish name meaning frontier
Šerif: Noble, respectable, honorable
Serikbolat: Companion of steel
Seriki: Leader of an Islamic community.
Serle: A man who is armed
Serlo: Man carrying armor
Servando: One who is in service of others
Servanus: The one who serves others
Seryozha: Diminutive of the name Sergei
Seshadri: The king of serpents
Seshvar: One who believes in God
Setanta: Mythical son of Sualtam
Seth: Appointed
Setiawan: Faithful
Setibogius: Ambitious, skillful and dignified individual
Seto: Surname, means white
Seton: A town located near the ocean
Setu: Sacred symbol
Seuar: Sour or an embittered person
Seuare: A sea passage, a passage from sea
Seung: Successor or winning
Seuuardus: A flexible and self satisfied person, grateful
Seva: Service, attendance, care
Sevag: One who has black eyes
Sevak: Servant
Ševal: To carry
Sevasti: A well respected man
Sevastyan: Variation of Sebastian, meaning a man from ancient city Sebasta
Seven: Name meaning nuber seven
Severena: A stren, severe and hard in nature
Severiano: He who is stern
Severin: A severe, harsh person
Severino: He who is rigid
Severinus: A relentless man
Severn: Boundary
Severne: One who is strict
Severo: The severe one
Severu: Severu is obtained from Severus and means stern.
Severus: Surname, means stern
Sevilen: A dearly loved person
Sevin: One who loves a woman
Sevket: Turkish form of Shawkat, meaning power and dignity
Sevrin: One who likes being strict and restrained.
Sewell: Sea wall
Sewerd: Guardian of the sea
Sewin: Hindi name for Boys
Sexton: A bodyguard or one who guards the church
Seyah: Arabic place name
Seye: Honor
Seyed: The Lord, the master
Seymour: Occupational name, means taylor
Seyyid: Mister or sir
Shaad: Under the command of the mood god aku
Shaady: Singer
Shaaf: One who is in great health
Shaafi: Occupational name, lawer
Shaah: A king
Shaaheen: A royal falcon
Shaahid: One who has witnessed an event
Shaakir: A thankful person
Shaan: Glory
Shaandilya: Name of a saint
Shaant: Peace and calm
Shaar: A force of habit
Shaarav: Pure and innocent
Shaardul: A tiger
Shaashwat: Eternal
Shaawiyyah: Arabic name for Boys
Shaaz: One who is unique
Shabaan: A name of ISlamic month
Shabad: The light of the divine world
Shabaddeep: The light that sines from the holy world
Shabadpreet: He who loves the holy world
Shabaka: Name of an Egyptian ruler.
Shaban: An eight month of the Muslim lunar calendar
Shabar: Nector
Shabbar: A singer
Shabbeer: A virtous and beautiful man
Shabbir: A phrophet's grandson
Shabeh: A week
Shabi: He who is a leading scholar
Shabir: An extremly generous man
Shabtai: Shabtai is a derivative of "Shabbat"
Shachna: Close to God
Shad: Commanded by aku
Shadaab: A fresh and evergreen person
Shadab: Fresh
Shadah: A pleasant and jovial man
Shadd: Under the command of the mood god aku
Shaddoc: A fish, a shad fish
Shaddock: One who is like a shad fish
Shade: Shade
Shadeed: A lover
Shaderr: Shaderr is a Dominican Republic spelling of German name Schader. It means tailor.
Shadey: A man who sings
Shadhan: A joyfull, happy person
Shadid: A very strickt, severe man
Shadie: He is a singer
Shadin: He is like a young deer
Shadley: The skull or one whith pecularity of skull
Shadmankhan: A cheerful and glad person
Shadow: A word name, means shadow, darkness, shade
Shadrach: Aku's command
Shadwell: e who comes from the shed spring
Shady: A person who sings
Shae: An admirable man, from the fairy fortress
Shaeen: A royal white falcon
Shafa: An advocate who mediates
Shafaaat: To mediate things
Shafaat: One who is recommended
Shafath: One who recommends things
Shafay: An intercessor, one who mediates
Shafee: One who advocates
Shafeek: One who is compassionate and merciful
Shafeeq: Compassionate, tender
Shafeer: One who is a messenger
Shafer: A handsome god Boy
Shafi: Raham dil
Shafiq: Compassionate, tender
Shafraz: The one who is an intelligent leader of others
Shagun: Auspicious
Shah: A surname meaning King
Shah Nawaz: Brave or prince
Shahaab: He is like a shooting star
Shahab: One who is like a shooting star or a metheor
Shahaba: One who shines like a shooting star
Shahadat: To be a witness
Shahaka: One who is a prince
Shahalad: Joy
Shahalam: He who is the King of the world
Shahanshah: The King of the Kings, The Shah of Shahs
Shaharyar: He is a King
Shahazad: A man who is a King
Shahbaaz: He who is like a WHite Falcon
Shahbaz: The falcon king, the White Falcon
Shahed: A Boy sweet as honey
Shaheed: He is a witness and a martyr
Shaheem: An intelligent man
Shaheen: One who is liek a royal falcon
Shaheer: SOmeone who is well-known, famous
Shaheryar: He is the king
Shahid: A martyr
Shahil: One who is leader and ruler of men
Shahin: He is like a hawk, a falcon
Shahiq: A high and towering person
Shahiqa: One whith high status
Shahir: A well-known and eminent person
Shahjahan: He is the King of the World
Shahkam: As the King wishes
Shahmeer: One who is very handsome.
Shahnawaz: Prince
Shahood: One who is always ready at the service of others
Shahou: The best and most valuable pearl. A variant of Shahu.
Shahpar: The longest feather in a bird.
Shahpur: Prince, son of a king.
Shahran: He is like the Moonlight
Shahrdad: He is the town's gift
Shahriar: He is a Lord
Shahrokh: One who has a royal face
Shahrooz: One who is like a great river
Shahruz: One who is like a great river
Shahryar: A Kingly person
Shahu: The best and most valuable pearl
Shahyar: A friend of the King
Shahzaada: A princley person
Shahzad: A man who is a King
Shahzada: He is a Prince
Shahzaib: He wears a King's crown
Shahzor: One who hold extreme power
Shahzore: A powerful kingly person with great strenght
Shahzuina: A kingly one
Shai: To be a gift
Shaibaan: A grey and senile old person
Shaida: He who is a great lover
Shaidaa: One who is madly in love
Shaiel: A man who tallks uninelligbly
Shaifta: One who Loves deeply
Shaik: He is a Sheik
Shaikh: A head, a leader
Shaikhulislam: He who is the leader of Islam
Shaiksha: One who is a King
Shail: Mountain
Shaildhar: One who holds mountain
Shailen: A mountain King
Shailender: The King of all mountains
Shailendra: King of mountains
Shailesh: God of mountain, himalaya
Shaina: Beautiful
Shaiq: One of great wisdom
Shairyaar: A feeling of friendship
Shaizad: A son of the King
Shajan: A person who is long
Shajar: He who is like the Trees
Shajith: One who worships God, bows down to God
Shakaib: One with a good knowledge