We have created a list of 2896 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter S. This is Page 6 out of 15 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Serihilde: Armored woman in battle
Serilde: Maiden in battle
Serina: Calm and tranquil, a girl with a calm and tranquil nature
Serinda: A beautiful clear or tranquil girl
Serita: A princess
Seriyah: A princess or a daughter of a king
Serra: Italian name meaning ridge
Serrilda: A maiden in battle who has armor
Servause: A servant girl
Serwa: A noblewoman.
Sesen: Sowing time
Sesila: Croatian form of Cecilia, meaning blind.
Sesili: Sesili is a Georgian form of Cecily and means blind
Sesilia: Estonian variant of Cecily, meaning blind.
Sessa: Blinded by the light
Sessilee: A roman clan name
Setareh: A persian name meaning star
Sethe: One who is appointet to be here
Setia: One who is faithful
Setiawati: Loyal and faithful
Setota: Arhaic word for gift
Seuar: Sour or an embittered person
Ševala: Shawwal - the tenth month in the Islamic lunar calendar.
Sevandhi: Chrysanthemum
Sevanne: A place name, lake Sevan
Sevda: A passionate love
Seven: Name meaning nuber seven
Severina: A serious woman
Sevgi: Turkish name for love
Sevgili: Darling
Sevi: She who has heard God
Sevil: Beloved
Sevilen: A dearly loved person
Sevilla: A spanish place name
Sevina: A woman who is loved
Sevinc: Joy, delight
Sewenna: British name for girls
Sexburga: The bright sharp knife
Seyah: Arabic place name
Seychelle: The beautiful shells of the sea
Seyda: A woman who is crazy in love.
Seyiua: Lord is gracious
Seyua: One who is truthful
Seyyada: A woman leader
Seyyal: Traveler
Sezen: Feeling
Sfiyah: A best of friends
Shaahida: One who observes
Shaaira: She who is extremly beautiful
Shaaista: A beautiful woman
Shaakira: One who is grateful
Shaakirah: One who is deeply grateful and thankful for every little thing in their lives
Shabaana: A young woman who belongs to the night
Shabab: A youthful girl
Shabahang: The morning-star, or nightingale
Shabana: Belonging to night
Shabanna: Belonging to night.
Shabeeba: One who is a grandmother
Shabeenah: A nocturnal person, who loves the night
Shabiba: SHe who is like a grandmother
Shabibah: A woman who is young
Shabin: The music of the night
Shabina: To be in the eye of the storm
Shabnam: She is like the first morning dew
Shabriri: Jewish demon of blindness.
Shabu: Woman calm like the dewdrop
Shachi: Wife on indra, intelligence
Shada: One who resambles a Pelican
Shadaf: She is like a seashell
Shadan: Cheerful, prosperous, happy
Shadee: One who sing beautifuly, a singer
Shaden: Woman who is like a young gazelle
Shadha: Aromatic
Shadhaa: Of good smell, aromatic
Shadhiyah: An aromatic smell
Shadi: She is a singer
Shadia: To recieve happiness
Shadiya: To sing beautifuly
Shadiyah: Singer
Shadleen: Happy and soft hearted women.
Shadley: The skull or one whith pecularity of skull
Shadman: A happy woman
Shadmani: A feeling of joy
Shadoe: A shade
Shadow: A word name, means shadow, darkness, shade
Shady: A person who sings
Shadyn: He who is supplanting
Shae: An admirable man, from the fairy fortress
Shaela: A combination of names, The Butterfly princess of the meadow
Shaelie: A noble one
Shaelyn: She is the one who replaces
Shaena: A gorgeous, beutiful woman
Shaexon: A pretty, noble one
Shafana: A person of integrity
Shafaq: A virtuous woman on integrity
Shafaqat: A compassionate and kind woman
Shafeeqa: A tenderhearted and kind woman
Shafeeqah: A tenderhearted compassionate woman
Shaffan: A woman cool as a morning breeze
Shafia: To recommend something to someone
Shafika: A kind hearted woman
Shafinaz: A pretty, lovely and kind woman
Shafiqa: A kind, simphatetic woman
Shafiqah: Compassionate, kind one
Shafira: A nice and well behaved woman.
Shafiulla: A woman who is comappionate
Shafna: A purehearted woman
Shagoofa: A new flower bud
Shagoon: An auspicious moment in life
Shagufa: SHe is new like a new bud of flower
Shagufta: Affection, or fresh.
Shaguftah: A person who blooms with happiness
Shahada: She who is a witess
Shahamat: A woman of great bravery and valour
Shahan: A patient woman
Shahana: A woman according to Kings
Shahar: One who is lit by the Moon
Shahara: A woman who is like a Moon
Shahay: "Beautiful. It's the name of the heroine of folk tale ""Dalay aw Shahay, a love story at the times of Mughal Emperor Akbar"""
Shahdokht: A name or term used for the daughter of monarch.
Shaheda: She is a witness
Shaheeda: A Martyr for the Islamic cause
Shaheena: Falcon
Shaheera: An emintent. distinuished woman
Shahen: Falcon
Shaherbano: SHe who is like a princess
Shahernaz: The town's loved one, or favorite one.
Shaherzad: City-born, or daughter of city.
Shahfiqa: A kind girl
Shahi: A rolyal woman
Shahida: One who is considered beautiful
Shahina: She is a falconess
Shahinaz: A beloved, beutiful girl
Shahira: Famous
Shahirah: A woman who makes things popular
Shahisa: A shah-like woman
Shahla: A woman of bluish-black eyes
Shahlaa: A girl whose eyes a re bluish-black color
Shahlah: One who blushes
Shahlyla: Princess or queen of the night.
Shahmir: A woman with beautiful, magical eyes
Shahnaaz: One who is born to be a bride
Shahnaz: Pride and bride of the king
Shahnoor: A woman with a royal glow around her
Shahparee: Royal fairy and king's fairy. Or one who is extremely beautiful.
Shahra: One who is gift
Shahrazad: Teller of tales of 1001 nights
Shahrbano: She is the king's wife
Shahrbanou: She is the lady of the town
Shahrin: A month of the year
Shahrizad: A woman from the free city
Shahrnaz: The town's most loved one
Shahrzad: Bringing freedom to the city
Shahrzadah: She is the city's child
Shahrzadi: She was born from the city
Shahwar: A woman worthy of Kings
Shahzaadee: A girl who is a Princess
Shahzadi: Princess
Shahzeela: A stunning beutiful woman
Shahzeen: A good kind of adoration
Shaia: Sister or young girl
Shaianne: A cheyenne tribal
Shaiba: A name is a variety of Artemisia, a Goddess of the moon and hunting
Shaibani: A name of the Goddess Durga
Shaidah: She witnessed something
Shaielle: An uninelligble speaker
Shaienne: She speaks Uninelligibly
Shaikha: She is Royal
Shaila: Stone, mountain
Shailaja: Daughter of mountain (river)
Shailene: A locational surname, a man from wood lands
Shailey: A woman who is admirable
Shaili: A woman with great style
Shailyn: A girl from the fairy place
Shaima: One who is good natured.
Shaimaa: A good natured woman
Shaina: Beautiful
Shaindel: A little beautiful girl
Shaine: Beautiful
Shainna: God is gracious
Shaira: A princess of poetry
Shaista: One who is polite and well-behaved
Shaivi: One who brings prosperity
Shaizen: A beautiful or preety girl
Shajee'ah: A courageous and strong woman
Shajeea: A bold and brave woman with no fears
Shakara: A woman who is thankful to God for everything
Shakarnaz: She is sweet as shugar
Shakayla: A very pretty girl
Shaked: An Almond plant
Shakeeba: A patient woman
Shakeela: Beautiful one
Shakeelah: A well formed and beautiful woman
Shakela: Beautiful one
Shakeria: A deeply grateful woman
Shakeriay: One who is truly grateful
Shakernaz: A woman as delicate as sweet words.
Shakerra: She is honestly grateful for thing in life
Shakespeare: One who is a spearman. A surname
Shakeyra: An honestly thankful woman