We have created a list of 3386 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter B. This is Page 11 out of 17 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Bhoopendra: king of the earth
Bhoopesh: Lord of Earth, Supreme power of the earth; Ruler of the Earth; King of the Earth
Bhoopinder: Lord of Earth, Supreme power of the earth; Ruler of the Earth; King of the Earth
Bhoorishav: Lord of Earth, Supreme power of the earth; Ruler of the Earth; King of the Earth
Bhoosan: Jewellery, Decorative item of Earth
Bhooshan: ornaments
Bhooshit: decorated
Bhoothanathan: Lord of Earth, Supreme power of the earth; Ruler of the Earth; King of the Earth
Bhoovanpati: Lord of Earth, Supreme power of the earth; Ruler of the Earth; King of the Earth
Bhopendra: Gods Name, Name of the supreme being who is creator and ruler of the Earth; One of many names of Lord Shiva
Bhoumik: land owner
Bhraja: Shining, Sacred; Illuminating; Glorious; Radiant; Gleaming
Bhrajata: Shining, Sacred; Illuminating; Glorious; Radiant; Gleaming
Bhrajathu: Brilliance, Splendour; Fame; Glorious; Gleaming
Bhramadev: The Creator, The supreme being of the universe
Bhramagya: One who has Understood the Supreme
Bhramar: black bee
Bhramara: Wanderer, Large Black Bee; One who does not have a definite place to call home; One who is present everywhere
Bhramatej: Power, Glow and Nature of Brahma; Bhramgyan Self Realisation; Knowledge of God; Bhramhanand Ecstasy; Supreme Bliss
Bhramdev: The Creator, The supreme being of the universe
Bhramgyan: Self Realization, One who has attained enlightment
Bhramhanand: Ecstasy, Supreme Happiness; Englighted Joy and Attainment of Wisdom
Bhrgu: Born of Fire, Earth
Bhrigu: name of a saint
Bhrihadbanu: Son of Krishna and Satyabhama, Bhringaraj a Bee
Bhrij: One of the many names of Lord Krishna
Bhringaraj: A Bee, Ruler of the Hair; Herb name that has medicinal powers
Bhringi: Name of an ancient Saint who was a great devotee of Lord Shiva
Bhrngara: A Vessel of Fire, Meritorious; Virtuous; Gleaming and Glowing; Gold
Bhrngi: Six Footed Insects
Bhrngin: The Indian Fig Tree
Bhrugal: One of the many names of Lord Krishna
Bhrugesh: One of the many names of Lord Shiva
Bhrugu: A Prajapati, Name of a saint who foretold the future;
Bhuban: World, Earth
Bhubandeep: Sun, Bright, Radiant and Luminous light of the Sun
Bhubaneswar: God, Lord of the World
Bhubhuju: One who protects the world
Bhudar: One of the many names of Lord Vishnu
Bhudara: One of the many names of Lord Vishnu
Bhudeb: Lord of Earth, Supreme power of the earth; Ruler of the Earth; King of the Earth
Bhudera: Lord Brahman who is considered as creator and director of the universe
Bhudev: lord of the earth
Bhudeva: Lord of Earth, Supreme power of the earth; Ruler of the Earth; King of the Earth
Bhudhana: One whose prosperity is earth, One who attains wealth from Earth
Bhudhar: One of the many names of Lord Vishnu
Bhudhara: Supporter of the Earth, Lord Krishna; Shiva
Bhudhav: One of the many names of Lord Vishnu
Bhugarbha: Womb of the Earth, Who Keeps Secrets
Bhujaketu: Holding a Banner, With a Victorious Arm
Bhujang: Serpent, Shiva; King of the Earth
Bhujanga: Snake
Bhuji: Granting Favours, Patron
Bhujyu: With a Desire to Enjoy
Bhukhand: A Piece of Earth, A part of the Universe
Bhulpreet: Unforgettable Love
Bhuman: Earth
Bhumanyu: One who is Accepted by All, Devotee of the Earth; Grandson of Dushyant
Bhumat: Possessing the Earth
Bhumesh: Lord of Earth, Supreme power of the earth; Ruler of the Earth; King of the Earth
Bhumi: Earth, Our World
Bhumidhar: Lord of the Earth
Bhumidol: Palace, Considered as one of the Three Worlds as per Hindu culture
Bhumija: Produced from the Earth
Bhumik: Earth, Our World
Bhumin: Son of the Earth, Defender of the Earth
Bhuminder: Lord of the Earth
Bhumindra: Lord of the globe
Bhuminjaya: Another name of prince Uttara's son of Virata who had proceeded to fight the Kaurava armies, with Brihannala as his charioteer.
Bhumipati: Lord of the Earth
Bhumisaya: Sleeping on the Earth
Bhumit: Friend of Land, One who is a companion and protector of World
Bhumitra: Friend of the Earth, A Ruler
Bhumya: Belonging to the Earth
Bhunayaka: Leader of the world
Bhunesh: One of the many names of Lord Shiva
Bhunetri: Leader of the Earth
Bhup: Kind
Bhupa: Protector of the Earth
Bhupad: Firm
Bhupal: king
Bhupala: Guardian of the Earth
Bhupani: Lord of Earth, Supreme power of the earth; Ruler of the Earth; King of the Earth
Bhupathi: Lord of Earth, Supreme power of the earth; Ruler of the Earth; King of the Earth
Bhupati: King, emperor
Bhupen: King, Ruler
Bhupendra: king of kings
Bhupesh: King, sovereign
Bhupindar: The King of Kings, Supreme Being; Emperor of the universe
Bhupindarpal: Preserved by God, Defended and Protected by God from destruction
Bhupinderjeet: Victory of Supreme God
Bhupinderpal: Preserved by God, Defended and Protected by God from destruction
Bhupraj: Kingdom of Kings
Bhuputra: Son of the Earth
Bhuranju: Worshipped by the World, Fast; Anxious; Efficient;
Bhuranyu: Worshipped by the World, Fast; Anxious; Efficient;
Bhuresa: Lord of Earth, Supreme power of the earth; Ruler of the Earth; King of the Earth
Bhuri: Much, Abundant; Mighty; Lord Vishnu; Lord Siva
Bhuribala: Very Strong
Bhurida: One who Denotes in Abundance
Bhurisravas: Bhurisravas was a prince of the Balhikas and an ally of the Kauravas, who was killed in the great battle of the Mahabharata.
Bhurivasu: One who has a Lot of Wealth
Bhurji: A community of grain parchers, Bharabhunja Community;
Bhusakra: Indra of the Earth, Much Renowned
Bhusana: Embellishment, Precious
Bhushan: ornament
Bhushanjeet: Victory over Ornaments
Bhushit: Decorated, Embellishment; Adornment
Bhusnu: Growing, Thriving
Bhuta: Past
Bhutadi: One who is an originator of all the beginings
Bhutalingam: One of the many names of Lord Shiva
Bhutansa: Part of Existence
Bhutapala: Protector of Living Beings, Spirits
Bhutaraja: Lord of Living Beings, Another Name for Vishnu
Bhutesa: Lord of All Living-beings, Lord Vishnu; Siva; Brahma
Bhutesh: One of the many names of Lord Shiva
Bhutikrt: Causing Welfare
Bhutiraja: Lord of Existence
Bhuttab: A pleasant, happy natured and gorgeous human
Bhuumka: One who is well maintained and optimistic human
Bhuva: The Upper World
Bhuvan: the world
Bhuvanendra: Lord of Earth, Supreme power of the earth; Ruler of the Earth; King of the Earth
Bhuvanesa: Lord of the Earth
Bhuvanesh: lord of the world
Bhuvaneshwar: lord of the Planet
Bhuvaneswar: Lord of Earth, Supreme power of the earth; Ruler of the Earth; King of the Earth
Bhuvanpati: God Of The Gods, King of the Kings; Supreme Being
Bhuvanyu: Possessing the Earth, Another Name for Sun; Fire; Moon
Bhuvapati: Lord of the Atmosphere
Bhuvas: Air, Atmosphere
Bhuvesh: Lord of Earth, Supreme power of the earth; Ruler of the Earth; King of the Earth
Bhuvik: He who is a divine and heavenly Boy
Bhuvnesh: Lord of Earth, Supreme power of the earth; Ruler of the Earth; King of the Earth
Bhuvneshwar: Abode of God
Bhuwan: World or Universe
Bhuwnendra: King of Earth, One who Rules the Earth;Supreme power in the Earth
Bhuyan: Earth, Our World; Soil
Biaggio: One who stammers
Biagio: One who Stutters
Bibek: Conscience, ethics
Bibhakar: Source of Light, Origin of Light and Life
Bibhas: Light, The Sun; Bright, Radiant and Luminous light of the Sun
Bibhatsu: One of Arjuna's name meaning a hater of unworthy acts.
Bibhavasu: The Sun, Fire, Origin of Earth
Bibhishan: Brother Of Lankeshwar Rawan & Kumbhakarna
Bibhutibhusan: One of the many names of Lord Shiva
Bibin: Like To Think
Bibo: Short from Ljubo, meaning a peacelover
Biboswan: Sun God, Lord of the Light;
Bibrata: syuckdumb
Bichu: The Great Person
Bick: From the Hewer's Ford
Bickford: From the Hewer's Ford, Axe-man's Ford
Bicoir: Father of Arthur
Bidaban: Beginning of Dawn, an excellent human being
Bidaujas: Light of the People
Bidhan: Rules & Regulation
Bidhu: Moon
Bidula: Spotted, Variegated
Bidyut: Lightining, Full of Knowledge
Bidzina: Uncle
Biecaford: From the Hewer's Ford
Biedeluue: An expresssive, happy natured and friendly one, command
Bieito: Blessed, a man with the blessings of the Almighty.
Biel: God can be found in strong men
Bien: Ocean, Sea
Bienvenido: One who is welcome
Biff: Fighting playfully
Bigul: Musical Instrument
Bihaari: One of the many names of Lord Shri Krishna
Bihar: Ocean, Seas
Bihari: One of the many names of Lord Shri Krishna
Biharilal: One of the many names of Lord Shri Krishna signifying his infant form
Bihjan: A person who is a hero
Bihzad: Well Born
Biini: A man of modest nature
Bijal: lightning
Bijan: lonely place
Bijann: He who is considered a hero, a legend among men
Bijantha: A refined, happy and easy going person
Bijender: Brave
Bijendra: One of the many names of Lord Shiva
Bijesh: One of the many names of Lord Shiva
Bijin: Cosmic Creator, The Owner and Giver of Seed
Bijit: Always to Win
Bijita: Defeated
Bijitha: May be Vi-jai-tha(Victory in Hindi)
Bijli: Lightening
Bijon: Persian - Ancient Hero, A vairant of name Bijan
Bijou: Jewel
Bijoy: Full Of Joy, Happiness;
Bijoyanada: One who is always successful and filled with joy and happiness
Biju: Jewel, A malayalam name derived from Viju which means victorious
Bik: Stride,Strong
Bikarma: A variant of name Bikram which means Prowess, Ability, Skill and Expertise
Bikas: Development, Advancement; Enhancement
Bikasa: Development, Expansion
Bikash: Prosper