We have created a list of 2484 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter C. This is Page 6 out of 13 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Charan: Feet, structure for locomotion
Charan Raj: King in whose feet lies the world
Charana: Foot
Charanbir: A brave, strong and easy-going individual
Charandas: Servant, one who serves his masters
Charandayal: Feet of mercy
Charandeep: Light of God's Feet, Divine flame of light of God's Feet
Charandev: The person in whose feet lies heaven
Charandip: Light of God's Feet, Divine flame of light of God's Feet
Charanjeet: Winning the Service of Guru's Lotus Feet, One who has won the chance of serving God's Feet
Charanjit: Feet in which all the victories lies
Charanjiv: Lively feet
Charanjot: Everlasting Light
Charankanwal: The one who ha feet like Lotus flower
Charankawal: Feet of a guru, like Lotus
Charanleen: The one absorbed in the path of God
Charanprem: Love of God
Charanren: Dust found in God's feet
Charansev: A servant of God's feet, natural leaders
Charantej: Radiance of God's Feet, Divine brightness of God's Feet
Charanvir: One who is fast on Feet and Brave, A warrior serving God's Feet
Charat: A warm and nurturing individual
Charbak: One who Speaks Well, Clear spoken and learned Person
Charbel: Narration of story of God
Charchika: Third Eye Power of Lord Shiva
Chard�: A philosopher
Chardon: Bar of sand
Chardy: A Burning Fire that desires love and yet is always alone, one who always wishes for love
Chares: The name is derived from Greek word chari, meaning grace, kindness.
Charfaulus: Something that isn't very smooth.
Charguiya: Not enough of him.
Chari: Intelligence, Thoughtful; Clever; Brilliant; Smart
Charin: A blind follower, fertile land
Charina: A strong and macho man.
Charith: One who has a good Character
Chariton: Peasant, filled with kindness
Charivindha: Striving for Beauty, Intelligent; Clever and Smart
Charle: Man, a youth and a free man
Charles: Variant of Karl, brave
Charlesh: Chief of the tribe.
Charleson: Name of town owned by King Charles
Charleston: Name of a place in America
Charleton: A strong and kind man, settlement
Charley: Freeman, person who has a free mind
Charlie: One having full rights
Charlies: Nickname of Charles
Charlot: A born Prince who gives orders and is prosperous
Charlton: English settlement
Charly: The perfect and the chosen one who earns
Charlyn: A free individual
Charminder: Majestic and beautiful
Charming: Delightful, a pretty blend of love and mercy
Charnak: Those who Have a Good Concentration, Power and Trust for others;
Charnjit: One who has won the World
Charnjot: The one who has won over the World
Charon: Very sharp and bright light
Chars: A manly farmer
Charsey: A brave human being
Charsian: A Christian free individual
Charu: Name of a flower in sanskrit, Divinely good looking; Out of materialistic world Beauty like the moon and Lord Ram
Charuchandra: Name of Krishna's son, Moon faced
Charuchit: Person with Beautiful Mind, One who is beautiful inside out
Charuchitra: Beautiful Picture, One with a beautiful Form
Charudatt: A handsome man
Charudatta: Handsome, Beautiful; Divinely Good looking
Charudehi: One of names of Son of Sri Lord Krishna, One who is Beautiful and divinely Good looking
Charudutta: The one who is born beautiful
Charugupta: One of names of Son of Sri Lord Krishna, One who is Beautiful and divinely Good looking
Charuhaas: One with a Beautiful Smile, Blessed with a divine and pleasing smile
Charuhas: The one who has a beautiful smile
Charukesa: A compassionate, loving and responsible being
Charukesh: The one who has beautiful hair
Charul: A charming being
Charusheel: Character which shines like a jewel
Charuvardhan: One who enhances Beauty, Giver of beauty and good looks
Charuvardhana: The one whose beauty is enhanced everyday
Charuvindha: The one who strives for beauty and perfecction
Charuvrat: Master of an amazing character
Charvik: Intelligent, Brilliant; Bright; Clever; Smart; Thoughtful
Charvk: Intelligent, Brilliant; Bright; Clever; Smart; Thoughtful
Charya: A man of good character.
Chas: Derived from German root it means a free man
Chase: A fearless hunter
Chasen: A born huntsman
Chashida: An experienced man.
Chasilery: Moonstone, enchanting play of moon
Chasity: A first born child
Chaska: The first born son
Chaske: The one who has cheerful and friendly personality
Chataga: Not enough chopping.
Chatania: Consciousness, state of good feeling
Chatar: The clever one
Chaten: Filled with life
Chatguemangro: He doesn't have enough wind
Chatham: Soldier's land
Chathur: The one who is excellent and intelligent
Chathura: He who is skillful, smart and genius
Chathurya: Clever individual
Chatongo: He who does not know enough.
Chatpangon: Not awake enough
Chatra: Student, Disciple; Learner
Chatraketu: Bright Umbrella Banner,
Chatrapati: The Chief, Lord of the Umbrella
Chatresa: Lord Shiva, the one who protects
Chatresh: A God
Chatriya: It is the Month of April, Chaitram
Chatta: Umbrella, one who protects and provides shade
Chattarbhoop: A wise and intelligent king
Chattarbir: A wise, strong and handsome being
Chattarmeet: A smart friend
Chattarpal: Growing intelligence
Chattarwant: Filled with wisdom
Chatur: An able and competent person
Chatura: Fosterer of genius
Chaturaanan: The one who has four faces
Chaturabhuja: Strong, Broad Shouldered
Chaturanan: A God with four faces
Chaturbahu: One with four arms, Four Armed
Chaturbhuj: The one with strong and wide shoulders
Chaturmukh: One who has four faces, Name signifies Lord Brahma as he has four faces
Chaturmukha: One who has four faces, Name signifies Lord Brahma as he has four faces
Chaturnik: One who is Four Faced, A Name for Varuna
Chaturved: One who has studied Four Vedas, A person well-versed in all four vedas
Chaturvedi: One who knows the Vedas
Chatwin: Friend, warlike
Chatwyn: The friend who is warlike
Chatzkel: God strengthens.
Chaucer: The one who makes breeches
Chaudhari: A variant of Chaudhry refers to title of Kalar Panwar
Chaudhry: A Surname refers to title of Kalar Panwar
Chaudhury: A variant of Chaudhry refers to title of Kalar Panwar
Chaun: The one who has financial and emotional security
Chaunce: An officer holder who has a good fortune
Chaunceler: A Chancellor, the one who keeps records
Chauncey: The one who gambles, a chancellor
Chauncy: Based on a name of a place in France, fortune
Chaunta: A stone which outshines the Moon
Chavdar: Derived from a Persian word meaning leader, dignitary.
Chavez: Dream maker, keys
Chaviv: He who is beloved.
Chavrik: Intelligent, Brilliant; Bright; Clever
Chawish: Leader of the tribe.
Chay: A fairy tale
Chayan: To Choose, Selection; Collecting; Life
Chayanika: The selected one
Chayank: Another Name for the Moon
Chayanka: Resembling the Moon
Chayapathi: Sun, Bright, Radiant and Luminous light of the Sun
Chayce: A huntsman
Chayim: Life, one who lives life
Chayo: A family name
Chayse: A hunter
Chaytan: A patient, diplomat and gentle individuals, Like a Hawk
Chayton: The mighty Falcon
Chayyim: Life
Chaz: Variant of Charles, free man
Chazz: A man, farmer
Che: God will multiply
Chea: To be well and healthy.
Cheche: A small thing
Checo: A small child
Chedomir: Peaceful child
Cheekoo: Name of a fruit
Cheenu: Small, Sweet
Chege: A Kikuyu people of Kenya
Chehzaad: A young Prince
Cheikho: Assyrian form of Sheikh. It means leader of Islam or chief.
Chekitana: An ally of Pandavas
Chekriya: Wheel, One who holds a wheel or Chakra in his hand; One of many names of Lord Vishnu
Chelan: Beautiful Lake
Chelem: Dream
Cheliiyan: A wise, resourceful person
Cheliyan: Rich, Resourceful; Prosperous; Wealthy; Well to do
Chella: Liking for All, One who is a pet to all; Pampered person
Chellaiah: Pampered One, Dear and Near; Beloved; Pet
Chellakani: One who is a pet to all, like a most liked fruit; Pampered Person
Chellakilli: A lovely Parrot
Chellam: A dear one
Chellamani: Precious Pampered One, Dear and Near; Beloved; Pet
Chellamuthu: Precious Pampered One, Dear and Near; Beloved; Pet
Chellan: A precious jewel
Chellapan: Precious Pampered One, Dear and Near; Beloved; Pet
Chellaperumal: One of many names of Lord Vishnu referring to him as Beloved
Chellappa: One of many names of Lord Vishnu referring to him as Beloved
Chellappan: One of many names of Lord Vishnu referring to him as Beloved
Chellaram: One of many names of Lord Vishnu referring to him as Beloved
Chellaton: Pampered One, Dear and Near; Beloved; Pet
Chelliah: Pampered One, Dear and Near; Beloved; Pet
Chellis: A country dweller
Chellvan: A rich and wealthy person
Chelone: The one resembling a flowering plant
Chelsa: A port for limestone
Chelton: A variant of Chilton, a farm near well
Cheluva: Looking Handsome, Attractive and Appealing; Charming and Beautiful
Chema: God stays with us
Chembiyan: One of the many names of Lord Shiva
Chemian: Richer, Wealthier; Prosperous
Chemion: One of the many names of Lord Shiva
Chemmal: Premier, Best
Chemmani: A valuable gem