We have created a list of 2389 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter H. This is Page 9 out of 12 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Hidda: A name given to Anglo-Saxon low-borns
Hiddi: A name for the non noble born man
Hiddila: A name of common men
Hideaki: Bright, Excellent
Hideki: Excellence, Esteem,Excellent
Hideo: Excellent male child, Excellent Man
Hideyoshi: Excellence, Esteem, Good Luck
Hidimba: A powerful Asura, Name of a rakshas
Hidir: A turkish and arabic Boy name
Hieder: Another name of Ali
Hiero: Holy, saintly
Hieronimus: sacred name
Hieronomo: Italian - Holy Name, A variant form of Hieronymos
Hieronymos: Holy name
Hieronymus: Variant of the Saint's Name Jerome
Hieu: Respected, Admired; A variant of Hyew
Hifazat: Security, Safety
Hifzurrahman: Remembrance of the Beneficent
Higbald: A courageous man in the battle
High: A valiant and high spirited man
Higinio: Greek - He who has a good health
Higriva: Acharya
Higueid: One who is brave in the war
Higuel: One who comes from the city of Higuey
Hihikara: A Hindi name that is fit for Boys and girls
Hijrat: Going from One Place to Another
Hikaru: Shining brilliance, Flashing Brilliance
Hikialani: Looking up at heaven
Hikmati: Clever, Wise
Hilaal: Crescent, A Companion of the Prophet Pbuh
Hilario: Latin - Cheerful, A variant form of the English name Hilary.
Hilarius: Happy, Cheerful
Hilbert: Germanic - Bright Battle, A Variant of HILDEBERT
Hilbrand: Sword used in battles
Hildbrand: War Sword
Hildebeorht: One whose light shines bright in the battle
Hildebrand: Sword used in battles
Hildeburg: One from the battle fortress
Hildeburh: He is a light in the battle
Hildehrand: War Sword
Hildilid: A warrior of the battle
Hildith: A fighter in the war
Hildred: A counseler in the battle
Hildwulf: One who is like a wolf in the battle
Hildyard: He sho is from the battle fields
Hilel: Joly, Smilling
Hill: Hill
Hillar: Pleased, blissfull
Hillard: cheerful, from the enclosure on
Hillel: to praise
Hiller: From the Yard on a Hill
Hillierd: From the Yard on a Hill
Hillock: From the Small Hill
Hillocke: From the Tiny Hill
Hillyer: From the Yard on a Hill, Hard Warrior
Hillyerd: From the Yard on a Hill
Hilm: Calmness, Patience; Intelligence
Hilmar: Notorious Noble
Hilmi: mild-mannered
Hilmiyat: Gentleness, Mildness
Hilo: First night after the new moon
Hilton: from the town or estate on the hill
Him: Snow, Ice; Bright
Himaadri: Snow Mountain, Peak of Snow; Mountain top of snow; Himalaya Mountains
Himaanshu: Moon
Himaayat: Help, Support
Himabhas: The Moon
Himacala: Abode of Snow, Mountain top of snow; Himalaya Mountains
Himachal: The Himalayas
Himachala: The Himalaya Mountains, Abode of Snow; Peak of Snow
Himachalendra: The Himalaya Mountains, Abode of Snow; Peak of Snow
Himachalkumar: The Himalayas, King of Mountains; Abode of Snow
Himadari: Ganga River
Himadhri: Infinity Life
Himadri: Himalaya
Himadyuti: Of Cool Radiance, The Moon
Himaghana: Sun
Himaghna: The Sun, Sun that melts snow of the Himalayas
Himagiri: The Himalaya Mountains, Abode of Snow; Peak of Snow
Himajesh: Lord Shiva, Husband of Himaja; Goddess Parvati Devi
Himajyoti: With snow like Light, Brightness, Radiance and Glory of Snow
Himakar: The Moon, One radiating cool light
Himakara: Snow Handed, Causing Cold; The Moon
Himaksh: Him Aksh, Lord Shiva
Himal: Snow Mountain, Peak of Snow; Mountain top of snow; Himalaya Mountains
Himalay: Mountain Range
Himalaya: Abode of Snow, A Mountain Range; Snow Mountain; Peak of Snow;
Himam: Destiny
Himambu: Water of Snow, Cold Water; Dew
Himan: Himan was the Name of One of the Famous Slaves That had a Hand in Building the Tomb of Queen Venika
Himanchal: A State Name, In the lap of Himalayas; The Himalaya Mountains
Himaneesh: Lord Shiva
Himanish: Hindu Lord Shiva
Himanjay: Winner of Snow Land
Himank: Diamond
Himansh: Part of Shiv
Himanshu: The Moon
Himansu: The Moon, One radiating cool light
Himanthsai: Avatar of Sai, Good
Himar: Male Ass, Donkey
Himarasmi: The Moon, One radiating cool light
Himarati: Enemy of Snow, Fire
Himashu: The Lord Shiva
Himat: Strong, Brave
Himavan: Cold, Having Snow
Himavana: King of Himalaya
Himavant: The Himalaya Mountains, Abode of Snow; Peak of Snow
Himavata: The Himalaya Mountains
Himayat: Help, Protection; Guardianship; Support
Himayati: The one who takes your side
Himdhara: One who comes from the lands of snow
Himesh: Cool as Ice
Himgiri: Name of a Hill
Himi: A man who is renowned and famous
Himil: Cold Wind
Himir: A Surname in India
Himkiran: A male, Boy's name of Hindu origin
Himmat: Courage, Desire; Strength
Himmatpal: Protector of Courage, Defender of Courage; Brave Guardian
Himmatroop: Embodiment of Courage, Personification of Courage;
Himmatsingh: Bravery, Courage; Protector; Defender; Guardian
Himmi: An Arrabic male name
Himnish: Hindu devta Lord Shiva
Himosra: White Rayed, Bright; Ray of Light
Hims: A persons dwelling place, a birthplace
Himu: Snow, White; Pure; Clean
Himval: The Hindi Boy's name
Himyar: First Ancestor of the Tribe of Bani Saba to which King Zahhak Belonged
Hinadosa: Without Fault
Hinata: Japanese - Sunflower, Facing the sun; Sunny Place
Hinckley: Old English - Bear-Cub, Wood; Clearing; A habitational name from a place in Leicestershire
Hincmar: A male British name
Hindal: Taker of India, a name given to Deer
Hindola: A Raga, Swing; A festival
Hindrick: leader of the house
Hines: Celtic - Descendant of Eidhin, A derivative of Hynes
Hinesh: A ruler, a King of Henna
Hinrik: A form of Henry. It means estate ruler.
Hinton: English - High settlement, A variant is Henton
Hipolito: Greek - Freer of Horses, A variation of the name Hippolyt
Hippocrates: Powerful as a horse
Hirad: Appearing fresh and healthy
Hiraj: Dust of Diamond
Hirajit: One who is a victor
Hirak: Diamond, Festival of Swaminarayan
Hiraka: Diamond
Hirakendu: Moon Made of Diamond
Hiralal: The persone with lots of wealth
Hiraldo: Powerful man in the army
Hiram: Hiram of Tyre is mentioned in the Bible as an ally to King Solomon and assisted in the building of the temple
Hiran: Gold
Hiranga: Hard as a Diamond, A derivative from name Hiraka
Hiranjan: The one who delights his parents.
Hiranmay: Golden
Hiranmaya: Made of Gold
Hiransh: A part of diamond.
Hiranyadhanu: Name of father of Eklavya
Hiranyagarbha: Born from a Golden Egg, One of many names of Lord Brahma as the Manifest; The all powerful creator
Hiranyak: Name of a Maharishi
Hiranyakashipu: Clothed in Gold, One who is fond of wealth and sex life; A name of an Asura in Puranic Scripture
Hiranyaksha: Brother of Hiranyakashipu, One who was slained by Varaha, one of the Avatars of Vishnu
Hirao: Affection or emotion
Hirarama: A Hindi name for both sexes
Hiras: One who is like a diamond
Hirav: Greenery, The Lush Greenery on the Surface of the Earth
Hirdey: Heart
Hirdeypal: Heart Fosterer, Friend; Well Wisher
Hirel: One who comes from the heathers field
Hiren: Lord Genius, Lord of the Diamonds
Hirender: Lord's Diamonds, Diamonds of God
Hirendra: Lord of the Diamonds
Hiresa: Ruler of Diamonds, Emperor; King
Hiresh: King of Gems
Hirish: God Shiva
Hiroaki: Spreading brightness, Radiance and Gloriousness
Hiroc: A very common noble name
Hirohito: Plentiful benevolence or goodwill, Abundant Benevolence
Hiroka: Lord Genius, Intellectual; Brilliant
Hiroki: Large sparkle, Abundant Joy and Strength
Hiromichi: Broad street, Wilde Street
Hiromitsu: Large light, Extensive Radiance
Hironmoe: A Boy's Bengali name
Hironori: Benevolent ruler, Tolerant Ruler
Hiroshi: Generous, Benevolent; Tolerant
Hiroto: Fly far, Big Flight
Hiroyuki: A lot of happiness, Broad Happiness
Hirsch: Deer, Hart, A deer; A variant of Hersch
Hirschel: Deer
Hirsh: Deer, Hart, A deer; A variant of Hersch
Hirsi: good luck charm
Hirst: From the Thicket of Trees
Hiru: Hard as a Diamond, A derivative from name Hiraka
Hiryur: A dragon who flies, A versatile and spontaneous individual
Hirz: Another Name for God, Place of Refuge; Amulet; Charm
Hisad: Lions
Hisahito: Virtuous, Calm and Everlasting
Hisam: Sword
Hisan: Beautiful, Handsome; Good
Hisao: Story of life, Life Story
Hisashi: Always with you, A long time intention