We have created a list of 2389 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter H. This is Page 8 out of 12 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Henriques: Ruler of the estate
Henry: Estate ruler
Henrye: The home-ruler
Henryk: lord of the house
Henryson: son of Henry
Henson: Son of Henry, A variant form of the English name Henderson
Henya: commands the household
Heorhiy: Farmer, one belonging to farming occupation
Heorot: hall of the hart (male deer)
Heorrenda: An army shield
Heorstan: wood, thicket
Heort: an adult male deer
Heortla: sensitive, imaginative, idealistic nature,
Heortwiella: Lives near the stag's spring
Heortwode: From the stag's forest
Heorulaf: quick, analytical, and clever mind
Heorulf: An army of wolves
Heorured: A responsible, hopeful and energetic being
Heoruweald: The rule of an army
Heoruwulf: A wolf army
Hephaistion: Greek god of fire and ice.
Heracles: glory of hera
Herak: Divive Glory
Herakleides: The key of Hera.
Herakles: Glory, Hero
Heral: Wealthy
Herald: A commander of the army
Heraldo: Army Ruler, Army Leader
Heramb: Calm and respected person
Heramba: Boastful, Proudly
Herambh: God of Knowledge, An erudite, Respected and calm person
Herambwa: Lord Ganesh
Herb: Fighter
Herbelot: Attentive, systamatic, technical
Herbert: Illustrious warrior, Army, bright
Herberto: Bright Fighter
Herbertus: Brave Army
Herbie: Brillient Army
Herbst: Fall season, Autumn
Herburga: A fortress of an anrmy
Herculano: Of the God Hercules.
Hercules: Glory of Heroism
Herdayal: Kindness of God, Good Hearted; Compassionate and Benevolent God
Here: Anglo-Saxon word meaning army
Herebeald: A bold man of the army
Herebeard: A brave man of the army
Herebehrt: Famous Warrior
Herebeorht: Clever Army
Herebert: An undistinguished or foolish man or youth
Hereburg: An army's fortress
Hereca: Thoughtful, introverted
Hereferth: A free soldier of the army
Hereford: a breed of hardy red-coated beef cattle
Herefrid: An army that brngs peace
Herefrith: A peaceful soldier
Heregeard: A strong spearman
Heregeorn: The soldier of the lands
Heregils: Army warrior of Gils
Heregod: God is here
Herelaf: Love
Herell: Mountain of god
Hereman: soldier man
Heremod: A legendary King of Denmark
Heremon: A variant of name Herman and Irving
Herered: council
Hereric: Ruler, Monarch
Heresa: Catch or take something, to harvest
Hereuuard: A defence army, a soldier who guards
Herford: An army of he fords
Hergualdi: Intense desire to be of service to others
Hergualdus: Vision and foresight to be able to organize others and to hold positions.
Heribert: Shining fighter
Heriberto: Army Bright, Shining Fighter, Warrior
Heriburg: Fortress
Heriht: Independent, highly creative nature heart
Herik: Ruler of an enclosure home
Herimann: self-assurance, independence, and confidence
Hering: Overly-sensitive nature
Herish: Lord Krishna
Herit: Beautiful Algonquin
Herkash: An inspirational and friendly person
Herlbert: Strong army
Herlebeorht: Tough army
Herlews: An army of noble fighters
Herley: Individuality, Self confidence, Independent
Herluin: Friend
Herman: Soldier, Army Personal
Hermann: Army man, Soldier; A variant of Herman
Hermas: A Biblical name, meaning mercury, gain or refuge.
Hermenegildo: A tribute of gold
Hermes: Messenger of the Gods
Hermie: Abrupt Or the peak of a mountain
Hermin: Army man
Hermind: A soldier who protects
Herminio: Army man, Soldier; A variant of Herman
Hermo: Army Staff
Hermokrates: Power of Hermes
Hermolaos: The people of Hermes
Hermon: Devoted to destruction
Hern: Mythical Hunter
Hernan: Spiritual Pilgrim
Hernando: Adventurous
Herne: Fabulous Hunter
Hernox: Spontaneous, Impulsive
Herold: Brave Fighter
Herolt: Rules an Estate
Heron: heron is long legged bird,Greek inventor known as Heron
Heroo: Diamond
Heros: From the Ancient Greek name
Herould: Derived from the name Hebreweald, army,power, leader, ruler
Herrick: Army leader, Armay rule
Herrik: Army leader
Herrold: Authoritative person in the army
Hersch: Antelope, deer
Herschel: Deer
Hersent: aggressive, business nature,
Hersh: Deer, Hart, A deer; A variant of Hersch
Hershel: Deer, Hart, A deer; A variant of Hersch
Hersz: Lord of the manor or house owner.
Hertant: Anglo-Saxons and Canadian name
Hertford: county town of Hertfordshire, England
Hertz: My Strife
Heruualdus: Bishop Heruualdus. Mormarch, Priest. Merchuiu, Priest.
Heruuord: An untiring, reasonable and discreet individual
Herv�: Blazing iron
Herve: Breton form of the Latin name Charivius
Hervey: A variant of Harvey and HervÄż
Hervi: battle worthy
Hervise: Rick Ross give Harvey a new name Hervise
Hervy: Battle worthy
Herward: Army Guard
Herygh: A Saint of Catholic
Herz: A surname means Heart
Hesam: A sharp sward
Heschel: Yiddish word for deer.
Hesekiel: God's Strengthens, God Will Strengthen
Hesh: Loving
Hesham: generous
Heshini: Indian Tamil name
Hesiod: To throw song
Hesper: Evening Star
Hesso: Tourch, Sun
Heston: An English surname meaning "one who came from Heston", Farmstead; Settlement
Het: Love, adore, care for
Hetaksh: Existence of Love
Hetansh: Rising Sun
Hetanshu: Loving Person
Hetarth: Distribute Love
Hetav: Give love
Hetbir: Love of the Brave, Loving Warrior; Courageous and Brave Guardian
Hetheclif: From the Heath Cliff
Hethin: dark-skinned, swarthy
Hethor: the house of Horus Greek form of Egyptian word
Heti: Flame, Light; Fire
Hetpaul: Protector of Love, Guardian of love; Compassionate and Kind
Hetuhamy: A Hindu Boy name with uncertain meaning
Hetuka: Hindu Lord Ganesh
Hetul: Happy, Content; Glad; Delighted; Joyful
Hetuwa: An old Sri-Lankan name with lost meaning
Hetveer: A hindi Boy name
Hetvik: A male name of Hindu origin
Heufric: A powerful battle
Heurle: A tide of the sea
Heutte: A wise small man
Hew: Heart, Bright in Mind and Spirit
Hewad: Homeland
Hewald: A male ruler
Hewe: Bright in Mind and Spirit
Hewet: Small, The Intelligent
Hewin: A well-born, noble man
Hewitt: Little smart one
Hewlett: Little Hugh, Intelligent
Hewlitt: Mind Little Hugh, Intellect, Intelligent One
Hewrey: A noble man who lives near a rye field
Hewson: Settlement of Houses, Son of Hugh
Heyan: Little red talker
Heydar: Like a lion
Heymanpreet: God of Gold
Heyne: Ruler of the house, German classical scholar
Heyward: watchman of the grounds, game preserve
Heywood: From the Hedged Forest
Hezekiah: God gives strength, Strength of the Lord
Hezro: Biblical Hebrew - Enclosed
Hezron: Hebrew - From the walled Town, Surrounded by Wall; Enclosed
Hian: Macho
Hiatt: From the High Gate
Hiawatha: Native American - Maker of Rivers
Hibald: genuine and bold
Hibatullah: Gift of Allah
Hibb: Darling, Dear
Hibban: Lovers, Beloved One
Hibbot: It was a surname in Old germanic
Hibiki: Echo, Sound
Hicel: A male Anglo-Saxon name for the low-borns
Hickory: Hickory is in reference to the tree,
Hid: From the Hide
Hidaayat: Guidance, Instruction
Hidalgo: Noble One
Hidayatulhaq: Guidance of the Truth from Allah
Hidayatullah: Direction of Allah