We have created a list of 2389 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter H. This is Page 12 out of 12 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Humayd: praised
Humayu: divine
Humayun: blissful
Humbert: famous warrior
Humberth: extravagant
Humberto: famous fighter
Humd: respect allah
Hume: come from den
Humesh: point where something begins or arises, One who is individualistic,charming and honest person
Humfrey: violence fighter
Humfried: soldier free from disturbance
Humfry: friendly soldier
Humility: someone to feel less important or proud
Hummer: high strength multipurpose automobile
Humph: lack of satisfaction
Humphrey: calm fighter
Humphrie: person who loves to be calm
Humphry: peaceful person
Humraz: secret
Humur: happiness
Humvee: high class multi purpose vehicle
Humza: powerful
Hun: fighter
Hunain: valley where fight happened in time of prophetmuhammad
Hunapo: Hidden darkness
Hunar: Good Qualities, characteristics and attributes
Hunayn: name of important man in house of wisdom
Hunbald: high spirit
Hunbeorht: energetic
Hunbogi: Son of Alf
Hund: from battleship field
Hunda: Old Norse - Dog Island, An uninhabited island in the Orkney archipelago in Scottish.
Hunduj: name of a arbian poet
Hunfirth: creative person
Hunfredo: peaceful energy
Hunfried: calm power
Hung: brave
Hunlaf: shrewed nature
Hunnt: One who hunts wildlife
Hunor: A name of a Hungarian ethnic group
Hunsige: A British name for Boys
Hunt: One who is a hunter
Hunta: He is a hunter
Huntar: An occupational name, one who hunts
Hunter: A person who hunts wildlife
Huntingden: A person from the hunting farm
Huntingdon: One who comes from the huntsman's hill
Huntington: Old English - The hunters' estate, From the hunting land
Huntingtun: He who is from the hunting farm
Huntir: A Boy who is a huntsman
Huntlea: A man from the huntsman's meadow
Huntley: He is from the hunter's meadow
Huntly: One from the meadow of the hunters
Huntor: He came from the hunter's town
Huntter: He who hunts
Huntyr: A person who is a huntsman
Hunu: Sunray or sun in the Maori language.
Hunwald: A rule of the Huns
Huon: Hebrew - Yahweh is gracious, Yahweh is merciful, A derivative of the name John
Hur: A man of liberty and whiteness
Hurairah: One who is like a little cat, a kitten
Hurasim: A man who is like a lion
Hurayra: A Boy who is like a kitten
Hurays: He who is like a little cultivator
Hurbert: Germanic - Bright Army, A variant of Herbert
Hurbuj: He who is a big Boy
Hurditya: A joyful Boy
Hurl: A forceful throw
Hurlbart: A strenght of the army
Hurlburt: A strenght of the entire army
Hurley: To be like a sea tide
Hurman: A man of army
Hurmat: Chastity, something sacred
Hurmuz: The lord of the all that exists
Hurr: A noble and independent man
Hurriyat: A free and independent person
Hurst: A man from the wooded hill
Hurste: He who lives in the forest
Husaam: A man who is good with a sword
Husaam udeen: The Faith's sword
Husaamudeen: The sword of the faith
Husaamudin: He who holds the sword of the faith
Husain: A beautiful and good person
Husam: A sharp edge of the sword
Husam al Din: Sword of the faith
Husam al din: To have the sword of faith
Husamaldin: To swing the faith's sword
Husamuddaulah: The Kingdoms sword
Husamuddawlah: The state's sword
Husamuddin: The religion's sword
Husamudeen: One sword of the faith
Husan: A very hendsome one
Husani: A handsome Boy
Husanpal: Protector of Charm, Defender of Charm;
Husanpreet: Love for Charm, One who likes to be charmable
Husarat: He is the lion
Husayn: A prettu and handsome man
Husayni: A relationthrough ancestry of Husayn
Husein: A good and handsome person
Huseyn: A beautiful young man
Husian: A small, short good-looking man
Huslu: One who is a hairy bear
Husnain: Handsome and Elegant, Pure in the Eyes;
Husnan: A muslim name for Boys
Husni: One of beauty and excellence
Husnija: Bosnian form of Husain, meaning handsome.
Huss: Name means saffron
Hussa: One who is good natured and beautiful, son of Ali
Hussain: An erly leader of Islam
Hussein: He is a beautiful and good person
Hussien: A man who is beautiful and hppd
Husto: He who is just, righteous.
Huston: Old English - Settlement of houses, A variant of name Houston
Husul: Something that is happening
Hutabha: One who is understanding, hyped and daring individual
Hutch: Middle English - The son of little Hugh, Settlement of houses; A variant of Hutchinson and Hutton
Hutchison: Middle English - The son of little Hugh, Settlement of houses; A variant of Houston
Huthayfa: An old name
Hutten: A knowledgable smart person
Hutton: One who comes from the settlement on the ridge
Hutud: To remain
Huuwaija: A wanted and desired person
Huw: Germanic - Heart, Mind, Spirit, A variant of Hugh
Huwa: A mankind' mother, a mother of everyone
Huwaidah: A gentle man
Huwel: One who is eminent or can be seen
Huweyn: A mature, self possessed, humble and bashful person
Huxeford: A Boy from the Hug's ford
Huxford: One who comes from the Hugh's ford
Huxley: He comes from the inhospitable lace
Huxly: One from the meadow of spirits
Huy: Vietnamese - Glorious, Radiant as sunlight
Huzabir: A lion-like Boy
Huzaifa: A name of the one who acipmanies the Prophet
Huzaifah: To be a sheep
Huzair: One who laughs
Huzayma: He is a firm believer
Huzfur: A man who is noble and illustrious
Huzumat: A prudent man
Huzur: An eloquent man
Huzya: He is a present, a gift
Huzzaq: A man who is very clever
Hwaessa: A systematic, versatile and able- goal oriented individual
Hwaetel: A logical, eccentric, friendly and well spoken being
Hwaetmund: An idealistic, reasonable and loving individual
Hwaetsige: A sensitive, humble, idealistic and imaginative being
Hwala: One who has intutive, reasonable and expressive being
Hwan: Bright
Hweolere: He who makes wheels
Hwertun: One who comes from the hollow estate
Hwistlere: He is a piper
Hwita: The life, existence
Hwitby: A man that comes from the white farm
Hwitcomb: A Boy from the white hollow
Hwitcumb: One from the white cavern
Hwithloew: He who comes from the white hill
Hwitloc: A man who is from the white fortress
Hwitmann: One who is a white man
Hy: The life itself
Hyacinth: A name of the flower
Hyat: To be alive
Hyatt: A Boy from the high gate
Hycga: He is a God
Hydar: A Boy who is like a lion
Hyde: One who hides
Hydica: An english name for Boys
Hye: A birght and intelligent man
Hygelac: One who plays spirit nad mind games
Hyldeiard: One who protects the battle
Hyldeihera: The warrior or a hero from battle
Hyman: To be a man, a male
Hymen: A marriage God
Hymie: The life. To exist
Hynala: Sensitive, creative and desirable being
Hyousuke: Japanese - Helpful soldier, A soldier who is very helpful; A derivative of Hyousuke is the English Hyosuke
Hyperion: He is a suprme being
Hypolite: A French name
Hyroniemus: Sacred name, Holy name; Latin form of the given name Jerome and means "one of or with a sacred name"
Hyrum: Hebrew - My brother is exalted, A spelling variant of Hiram and a variant of Achiram
Hyson: Chinesee - Flourishing spring, A name after an English tea merchant
Hytha: An english name for Boys
Hyttin: A clearing of a woodland by man
Hyuk: Radiant
Hyun: "Bright" or "intelligent" in Korean, Variant transcription of HYEON meaning virtuous
Hyun Ki: Wise, Astute; Intelligent; Shrewd; Expert; Clever
Hyun Shik: Korean - Clever, Smart; Brilliant
Hyun-Ki: The foundation of wisdom.
Hyun-Shik: The roots of wisdom.
Hywel: Welsh - Eminent, Conspicuous, A variant transcription of the name Howell