We have created a list of 2389 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter H. This is Page 7 out of 12 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Hebbi: From the Heather Covered Meadow, From Heathers Field
Heber: Hebrew - Enclave, Ally, Fellowship, A derivative of the Irish Eber
Hebert: Glorious soldier
Hebrewald: One who is a ruler of the srmies
Hebreward: Army Protector
Hebrewardus: Guard
Hebrewart: Protector
Hebreweald: Army rule
Hebrewulf: Wolf
Hebron: Society, friendship
Hector: Tenacious
Hedayat: Guide
Heddin: A monothematic Anglo-Saxon name for those born with a low-status
Heddwyn: Welsh - Peaceful, Fair Peace
Hedeon: Destroyer
Hedley: heather clearance
Hedly: Field of heather
Hedo: Adornment
Hedrek: The name is derived from the Celtic word hedr, which means bold.
Hedwig: Fighter or warrior
Heema: Gold, Shining, Bright and Glittering like Gold
Heemakar: A name with lost meaning of Hindi origin
Heemal: Related to Ice
Heerad: Appearing fresh and healthy
Heeram: A Biblical name
Heeraman: Golden Moon
Heeran: Lord of the Diamonds
Heerchand: Diamond like a moon, Bright and Glittering like Moon
Heerchandra: Diamond like a moon, Bright and Glittering like Moon
Heetraj: Best wishing
Hefa: The delicate waist
Heferth: One of the names given to high-born, noble Boys
Hega: From Heathers pasture
Hegelina: a person who accepts the leadership of another
Hegelochos: The one who always walks ahead.
Hehu: God rescues
Heibert: Battle, Bright, Famous, and Strife
Heidrun: A goat who supplies mead to the Gods
Heilyn: wine bearer, wine carrier, wine tranporter
Heimericus: One who is a pat of the tribe
Heimo: A finnish word for tribe
Heine: home boss, Home leader
Heini: Active, agile, supple
Heino: ruler of the estate
Heinrich: Ruler of the Home
Heinrick: Home ruler
Heinz: Household Ruler
Heitor: Old Greek - Posessor, Portuguese form of Hector
Heiu: Respectful, honourable
Heketoro: Fairy sprit
Hekima: Knowledgeable, clever
Hekshith: Made up of gold or diamond.
Hektor: warrior of Troy
Helaes: A person living in a hollow place
Helder: the Dutch town of Den Helder (possibly meaning "hell's door" in Dutch). Alternatively, it might be derived from the Germanic given name HULDERIC.
Helegor: A prear from the hollow lands
Heleward: A guardian of the hollow lands
Helewis: renowned warrior, Famous faghter
Helge: Old Norse - Holy, Blessed; Derived from Helgi and Heilagr
Helgi: One who is blessed.
Heli: Ascending, climbing up, shinning
Heliades: daughters of the sun-god
Heliap: The God is Jehovah
Helias: A Medieval English version of Elijah, meaning "my God is Yahweh"
Helik: God's Light
Helio: Old Greek - Sun, A variant of Helios
Helios: The God of the sun
Helix: From the Hare's Meadow
Heller: The Sun
Hellewell: Holy Well
Helliwell: Devine
Helm: Courageous protection
Helmand: Courage, bravery,
Helmar: Famous Protector
Helmech: A very rare Medieval englihs name for Boys
Helmer: Fighting Fury, Warrior's Wrath; A surname of Germanic Origin
Helmfried: Peace, harmony, calm
Helmhead: One who always wears a hemet on his head
Helmheard: An army of helmets
Helmid: One who seeks challenge, like to travel and explore
Helmut: Defence, Protection, guard
Helmutt: Brave, Fearless
Helouyn: A noble firends and warrior
Heloynet: A noble comrade
Help: A helpful person
Helpric: A powerful helper
Helton: From the Hill-slope Estate
Helyan: Hard working Eccentric Light-Hearted Young Adept Nice
Helyas: One whose god is Yahweh, a variation of Elihah
Helyes: His God is Yahweh
Hem: Gold, Lord Buddha
Hema: Dew Drop
Hemaadri: Mountain of Gold, Full of goodness; Wealthy and Prosperous
Hemabala: Power of Gold, The Pearl; Strength of Gold
Hemacandra: Moon of Gold, Bright and Radiant Gold like Moon
Hemachandaran: Golden Moon, Bright and Radiant Gold like Moon
Hemachander: Golden Moon
Hemachandra: Golden Moon, Bright and Radiant Gold like Moon
Hemagiri: The Himalaya Mountains
Hemaguha: Golden Cave, Abode of Gold; Cave of Gold
Hemahav: A name given to Hindi Boys
Hemai: A golden Boy
Hemakamala: Golden Moon, Bright and Radiant Gold like Moon
Hemakandala: Mountain of Gold, Full of goodness; Wealthy and Prosperous
Hemakesh: Lord shiva
Hemakesha: One of many names of Lord Shiva
Hemakuta: One who comes from Hemakuta
Hemamali: Wearing a Golden Garland, One who is rich and prosperous
Hemamdar: golden creeper
Heman: Golden Yellow
Hemanand: A Hindi Boy name with no specific meaning
Hemanath: God of Gold, Lord of Gold; One of many names of Lord Buddha
Hemang: One with Shining Body
Hemanga: Golden-bodied
Hemangad: A baby Boy name of no specific meaning
Hemank: Diamond
Hemanka: A Boy name with lost meaning
Hemanshu: The Moon
Hemant: An early winter that is the most beautiful season of the entire year
Hemanta: Early Winter, Season of Cold
Hemantanatha: One with Shining Body, Bright, Glorious and Radiant personality
Hemanth: Ritu, Season
Hemanthsree: Gold and Money
Hemanya: Gold Bodied, Bright, Glorious and Radiant personality
Hemaprakash: Golden Light, Bright, Luminant and Radiant Light
Hemaprasad: King of Gold
Hemaraj: Emperor of Gold
Hemaraja: Golden King, ; Bright, Glorious and Magnificient Ruler
Hematara: Hindu Lord Shiva
Hemavarna: King of Gold, Golden Complexioned; Magnificient Looking
Hemavatinandan: Name of son of Goddess Parvathi
Hemayu: One with a Long Life
Hemchander: Golden Moon
Hemchandra: Golden Shine Moon
Hemdev: Lord of wealth, Lord of Prosperity
Hemeda: Egyptian name
Hemede: Egyptia, and French name
Hemel: Flower
Hemele: Faithful, Truthful
Hemen: The king of Gold
Hemendra: Lord of Gold
Hemendu: Golden Moon
Hemil: Gold
Hemin: Calm, Peaceful, quite
Heminder: Lord of Gold, God of Gold;
Hemish: Lord
Hemisha: Happiness, Good
Hemison: A river name in Quebec, Canada
Hemkant: Glow of Flowers
Hemkar: Lord of Prosperity (Hinduism)
Hemkrish: Golden Krishna
Hemlal: One of the names of Buddha
Hemlock: The poison Socrates took to commit suicide.
Hemma: Homeland, Home
Hemmi: Pearln, will desire Helmet
Hemnandan: Full of life energy and creativity
Hemnath: Lord Buddah, Gold
Hempushp: Lord of Gold
Hemraaj: King of gold
Hemradj: Lord of the earth
Hemraj: Joy, kind of wealth
Hems: Gold
Hemshail: Generous and responsible
Hemshil: Creative Mind
Hemu: Gold, Also has an Arabic meaning as drop of nectar
Hemvat: Logical mind, Clever
Hemwant: Full of God's Grace, God's Blessing; God's Benevolence
Henare: Home ruler or estate ruler
Henderson: Son of the HENRY
Hendrick: Rules his household
Hendrie: A surname of the Scottish Clan Henderson, Son of Henry
Hendries: Varian of Henry
Hendrik: Rules the Home
Hendrikus: Lord's Manor, Home Ruler; A variant of name Hendrik
Hendrix: Germanic - Ruler of the household, Son of Hendrik
Hendron: Son of the HENRY
Heneage: One who excels, highly inspirational individual
Heneli: Heneli is Tongan form of Henry. It means home ruler.
Hengest: Stallion
Henil: Bubbly love with all
Henínge: Greenlandic form of Henning, meaning home ruler.
Henio: Little ruler of the estate
Henish: God of wheather
Henith: Tiger
Henke: Ruler of the house
Henlea: From the wood filled with wild birds
Henley: Hen wood, High wood
Hennepin: Big Water
Hennessy: Irish - Descendant of Angus, Variation of Henessey and Hennesse
Henning: Germanic - House Owner, Lord of the Manor;
Henoch: Disciplined, Dedicated,
Henocus: Henocus name have a deep inner desire for adventure
Henri: Ruler of an enclosure
Henric: House owner, House proprietor
Henrich: Slovak form of the HENRY
Henrick: Ruler of an area
Henricus: Latinized form of HEINRICH
Henrie: Lord of the mansion
Henrik: house owner, lord of the manor
Henrique: home leader