List Of 2260 Baby Boy Names Starting With Letter G | Page 11

Kanika Singh
Feb 26, 2019   •  4 views

We have created a list of 2260 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter G. This is Page 11 out of 12 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.

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  • Gurkeerat: One who sings praises of the Guru, One pay tributes to his Guru through bhajans and keertans

  • Gurkirat: Gurkirat collaborated with two words guru and kirat. Guru means master or lord and kirat means songs of praises. So gurkirat means songs of the praises for Lord.

  • Gurkiratsingh: Gurkirat collaborated with two words guru and kirat. Guru means master or lord and kirat means songs of praises. So gurkirat means songs of the praises for Lord. Singh is the symbol name of Sikh religion,

  • Gurkirpal: Gurkirpal collaborated with two words guru and kirpal. Guru means master or lord and kirpal means blessings. So gurkirpal means blessings of the lord.

  • Gurkirt: Gurkirat collaborated with two words guru and kirat. Guru means master or lord and kirat means songs of praises. So gurkirat means songs of the praises for Lord.

  • Gurkurbaan: Gurkurban collaborated with two words guru and kurban. Guru means master or lord and kurban means sacrificed person. So gurkurban means person who is sacrifised on to god.

  • Gurlaal: Gurlaal collaborated with two words guru and laal. Guru means master or lord and laal means beloved. So gurlaal means person who is beloved of lord.

  • Gurlal: Gurlal collaborated with two words guru and lal. Guru means master or lord and lal means beloved. So gurlal means person who is beloved of lord.

  • Gurleen: Gurleen collaborated with two words guru and leen. Guru means master or lord and leen means absorbed. So gurleen means person who is absorbed in the guru

  • Gurliv: Gurliv collaborated with two words guru and liv. Guru means master or lord and liv means absorbed. So gurliv means person who is absorbed in the guru

  • Gurloch: Gurloch collaborated with two words guru and loch. Guru means master or lord and loch means longing. So gurloch means person who is longing for guru

  • Gurlochan: Gurlochan collaborated with two words guru and lochan. Guru means master or lord and lochan means colored eyes. So gurlochan means eyes colored with Guru's vision

  • Gurmaher: Gurlmaher collaborated with two words guru and maher. Guru means master or lord and maher means blessings. So gurmaher means blessed from lord.

  • Gurmail: Gurlmail collaborated with two words guru and mail. Guru means master or lord and mail means friend. So gurmail means friend of guru.

  • Gurman: Heart of the Guru, Spirit of the Guru; Soul of the Guru

  • Gurmandeep: Gurlmandeep collaborated with two words guru and mandeep. Guru means master or lord and mandeep means lamp. So gurmandeep means lamp of guru.

  • Gurmanshu: Gurmanshu collaborated with two words guru and manshu. Guru means master or lord and manshu means all knowing. So gurmanshu means all knowing about guru.

  • Gurmant: Gurmant collaborated with two words guru and mant. Guru means master or lord and mant means counsle So gurmant means one with guru's counsle.

  • Gurmantar: Gurmantar collaborated with two words guru and mantar. Guru means master or lord and mantar means incantation So gurmantar means incantation of guru.

  • Gurmeet: Friend of Guru, A companion of the Guru; A variant spelling is Gurmit

  • Gurmehar: Gurmehar are idealistic nature with a desire to help others. The initiative often causes them to be the first to act when you see a need

  • Gurmej: Gurmej lives a stable and properious llife. They have the ability to handle each type of peple easily.

  • Gurmel: Gurmel are physically strong personalities but can never be fully satisfied with anyone.

  • Gurminder: Gurminder are materialistic and don't like the other creativities. They just want the success in their own field.

  • Gurmit: Friend of Guru, A companion of the Guru; A variant spelling is Gurmeet

  • Gurmohan: Sweatheart, This is the name of blessings and fortunate. Gurmohan are the loved ones of the whole family.

  • Gurmohinder: Gurmohinder means the one who protects, guide and leads others.

  • Gurmukat: Gurmukat are idealistic nature with a desire to help others. The initiative often causes them to be the first to act when you see a need

  • Gurmukh: Name of the Guru, Face of the Guru; A symbol of spiritual teacher

  • Gurmukh Gurnam: Gurmukh Gurnar means the one who protects, guide and leads others.

  • Gurmukhnihal: Gurmukhnihal means the one who protects, guide and leads others.

  • Gurmustak: he beautiful one or the precious one that will be pious and generous.

  • Gurnaad: The one who protects, guide and leads others. The one who is the leader.

  • Gurnaib: Gurnaib is an Indian Boy name. It means Guru's Assistant. Mostly represented in Hindu religion.

  • Gurnam: Name of the Guru,

  • Gurnama: God's Desire, The one who will spend whole life on the path of God.

  • Gurnand: Son of Guru, The one with the abilities and qualities of guru, leader.

  • Gurnandish: Name of a Guru,

  • Gurnidhan: Treasure Obtained From Guru, The one who has taken all the qualities, treasures and abilities of the guru.

  • Gurnihal: They are the tough ones, who can defeat all the defficulties and rugged created by the nature.

  • Gurniranjan: flawless like master, in simple words a person who is just simply awsome just like his teacher.

  • Gurnirmal: a person who is devoted or blessed to God or a religious reason, consecrated. Same as his master.

  • Gurnishaan: an intelligent person who is a sign or symbol of his Guru.

  • Gurnivaas: the one who is building his life like his guru.

  • Gurnoor: a person who is heavenly light of his guru. Or in simple words copy of his guru.

  • Guro: The varient of name guro. Which means master or teacher who is the head of a community.

  • Guronui: Guronui means old or ancient like a hidden treasure.

  • Gurpal: Protected by the Guru, Defended and guarded by your spiritual teacher

  • Gurpartap: Gurpartap is a collaboration of two words guu and partap. Guru means master or Lord and partap means blessings. So gurpratap means blessings of Lord,

  • Gurpinder: Gurpinder collaborated with two words guru and pinder. Guru means master or lord and pinder means king. So gurupinder means king of all masters.

  • Gurprakash: Gurpraskash collaborated with two words guru and prakash. Guru means master or lord and prakash means light. So gurupinder means light of master.

  • Gurpram: Gurpram collaborated with two words guru and pram. Guru means master or lord and pram means superior. So gurupram means superiority on masters.

  • Gurprasad: Gurprasad collaborated with two words guru and pram. Guru means master or lord and prasad means holy eatings that is given after prayer. So gurupram means the holy eatings given by the master

  • Gurpratap: Friend of the Guru, A companion of the Guru; One who relates well with the Guru

  • Gurpreetam: Gurpreetam collaborated with two words guru and preetam. Guru means master or lord and preetam means beloved So gurupreet means beloved master or lord.

  • Gurprem: Gurprem collaborated with two words guru and prem. Guru means master or lord and prem means love. So guruprem means the love of lord or master

  • Gurpurab: Love of the Teacher, Affection and Generosity of the Guru

  • Gurraj: Gurraj collaborated with two words guru and raj. Guru means master or lord and raj means rule. So gurraj means the rule of Lord.

  • Gurratan: The diamond of God.

  • Gurrehmat: Kindness or mercy

  • Gursadhna: Gursadhana collaborated with two words guru and sadhna. Guru means master or lord and sadhna means meditation. So gursadhna means the meditation of Lord.

  • Gursagar: Gursagar collaborated with two words guru and sagar. Guru means master or lord and sagar means sea. So gursagar means the the lord who is the sea of knowledge

  • Gursaheb: Guru sahib means the master or lord who is called by respect.

  • Gursajjan: Gursajjan collaborated with two words guru and sajjan. Guru means master or lord and sajjan means friend. So gursajjan means the friend of lord.

  • Gursan: Agree in Anything

  • Gursangat: Gursajjan collaborated with two words guru and sangat. Guru means master or lord and sangat means company So gursangat means the company of lord.

  • Gursaroop: Gursajjan collaborated with two words guru and saroop. Guru means master or lord and saroop means picture. So gursaroop means the picture of lord.

  • Gurseetal: Gurseetal means getting peace through the words of Lord

  • Gursev: One who Serves Guru, Servant of Spiritual Teacher; One who is at service of Guru

  • Gursevak: Gursevak collaborated with two words guru and savek. Guru means master or lord and sevak means servant. So gursaroop means the servant of lord.

  • Gursewak: One who Serves Guru, Servant of Spiritual Teacher; One who is at service of Guru

  • Gurshabad: Gursevak collaborated with two words guru and shabad. Guru means master or lord and shabad means words. So gurshabad means the words of lord.

  • Gurshan: One who finds peace in guru's words

  • Gurshant: Attaining peace through the word of the Guru, One who attains calmness through Guru

  • Gursharan: Refuge at the Guru, Feet of the Guru; One who serves at the Guru's Feet

  • Gursiman: Love of the Teacher, Affection and Generosity of the Guru

  • Gursimar: Gursimar collaborated with two words guru and simar. Guru means master or lord and simar means remembrance. So gursimar means the remembrance of lord.

  • Gursimarn: Gursimarn collaborated with two words guru and simarn. Guru means master or lord and simarn means remembrance. So gursimarn means the remembrance of lord.

  • Gursiran: They are very religious and obidient to their Guru.They are very soft and kind hearted but strict about their religion

  • Gursobha: They are very religious and obidient to their Guru.They are very soft and kind hearted but strict about their religion

  • Gursohan: They are very religious and obidient to their Guru.They are very soft and kind hearted but strict about their religion

  • Gurson: They are very religious and obidient to their Guru.They are very soft and kind hearted but strict about their religion

  • Gursurat: They are very religious and obidient to their Guru.They are very soft and kind hearted but strict about their religion

  • Gurswroop: They are very religious and obidient to their Guru.They are very soft and kind hearted but strict about their religion

  • Gurtaj: They are very religious and obidient to their Guru.They are very soft and kind hearted but strict about their religion

  • Gurteerath: They are very religious and obidient to their Guru.They are very soft and kind hearted but strict about their religion

  • Gurtej: They are very religious and obidient to their Guru.They are very soft and kind hearted but strict about their religion

  • Gurtek: They are very religious and obidient to their Guru.They are very soft and kind hearted but strict about their religion

  • Guru: Teacher, Master; Priest; Spiritual Guide; Divine Leader

  • Guru Gugan: They are very good leader and very religious.But at the same time they are very nervous.

  • Gurubachan: They are very religious and obidient to their Guru.They are very soft and kind hearted but strict about their religion

  • Gurucarana: They are very expressive,charming and ideal.They are example of hard working and guide others very clevrly.

  • Gurucharan: They are very religious and obidient to their Guru.They are very soft and kind hearted but strict about their religion

  • Gurud: Given by the Guru, A Gift of Guru; A blessing of Guru

  • Guruda: They are very expressive,charming and ideal.They are example of hard working and guide others very clevrly.

  • Gurudaas: Servant of Guru, One who is at service of Guru; Assistant to the Guru

  • Gurudara: They are very materialistic.They desire to financial accumulation.They feel frustrated all the time.

  • Gurudarshan: They are very expressive,charming and ideal.They are example of hard working and guide others very clevrly.

  • Gurudas: Servant of Guru, One who is at service of Guru; Assistant to the Guru

  • Gurudasa: Servant of Guru, One who is at service of Guru; Assistant to the Guru

  • Gurudatt: They are very expressive,charming and ideal.They are example of hard working and guide others very clevrly.

  • Gurudatta: They are very expressive,charming and ideal.They are example of hard working and guide others very clevrly.

  • Gurudayal: Compassionate Guru, Kind and affectionate Teacher; A spiritual leader who is filled with compassion

  • Gurudeep: Lamp of the Guru, Luminance and Radiance of the Guru

  • Gurudeva: God in form of Guru, Divinity of the Spiritual Guide; A variant of GurDev

  • Gurudipa: Light of the Guru, Lamp of the Guru; Luminance and Radiance of the Guru

  • Gurudutt: Given by the Guru, A Gift of Guru; A blessing of Guru

  • Guruganesh: They are very expressive,charming and ideal.They are example of hard working and guide others very clevrly.

  • Gurugovind: Teacher of Sikhs, A great Guru and name of one of the 10 Sikh Guru's

  • Gurujeet: They are very expressive,charming and ideal.They are example of hard working and guide others very clevrly.

  • Gurujit: Victory of the Guru, Success of the Guru

  • Gurukirat: Praise of Guru

  • Guruling: One of the five Eashwar Lingas

  • Gurumel: To Be One with the Guru,

  • Gurumita: Friend of the Guru

  • Gurumukha: Follower of the Guru

  • Gurunadh: Teacher or Guru

  • Gurunam: Name of the Guru

  • Gurunama: Name of the Guru

  • Gurunath: Spiritual Teacher, Teacher; Guru; Master; Priest

  • Gurunathan: God Murugan

  • Gurupad: Servant of Guru, One who is at service of Guru; Assistant to the Guru

  • Gurupada: Servant of Guru, One who is at service of Guru; Assistant to the Guru

  • Gurupdesh: Teachings of Guru

  • Guruprasad: Blessings of Guru, Gift from Guru; Given by the Guru

  • Guruprasada: Blessings of Guru, Gift from Guru; Given by the Guru

  • Gurupreet: Love of the Teacher, Affection and Generosity of the Guru

  • Gurupriya: Fond Pupil, One who is beloved and dearmost to the Guru

  • Guruputra: Son of the Teacher, Offspring of the Teacher; Descendant to the Guru

  • Gururaj: Lord of the Spiritual Teachers, Master of Teacher; One who rules over the Guru

  • Gururaja: Master of teacher

  • Gururatan: Jewel Among Teachers, Most talented Guru; Precious Guru

  • Gurusami: Gurusami is a name of Indian origin. Mostly used as a surname in Hindu religion. As a first name it is mostly given to baby Boys.

  • Gurushan: A person with qualities of Unity, Leadership and Creative for going to Peaks in their intrests.

  • Gurusharan: A very special person"¦who is very loving, caring and can be a bit of a smart at times and very straight to the point.

  • Gurutej: A person with Excellent Conversational skills and can often be superficial and can give hope to other who see the dark side and thing about negativity.

  • Gurutmat: Opinion or thinking of the Gurus, A variant spelling is Gurumat

  • Guruttam: The Greatest Teacher, Supreme teacter; Most talented Teacher

  • Guruveer: Warrior of the Guru, Brave and Courageous defender of the Guru

  • Gurvaid: This is the name of success and cooperation. It is a very fortunate name, which will give you an unfair share of advantage against competition.

  • Gurvan: Assault

  • Gurveen: A godly person, who's general god-like beauty and intelligence is more than the average individual.

  • Gurveer: Warrior of the Guru, Brave and Courageous defender of the Guru

  • Gurvesh: God of the Guru,

  • Gurvichaar: A person who is pure, wise and holly as Reflections on Guru's Words in the literature of Sikh

  • Gurvinder: A Person who is introspective, prophetic, philosophical, and soul searching, but also can be analytical, critical and opinionated

  • Gurvir: A person who can fight with evil for peace

  • Gurwant: A person who is pure like Guru in qualities and attributes.

  • Gurwinder: Lord Guru

  • Guryon: A brave person who can fight with circumstances.

  • Gus: the most coolest kid ur ever met

  • Gusana: Most beautiful person as Eye of Tail of Peacock.

  • Gushaan: Divine Fame

  • Gushvin: Secret

  • Guss: the most coolest kid ur ever met

  • Gussie: A , Augustina, Augustine, or Augustus.

  • Gustaf: Potentially signifies "staff of the Goths", got from the Old Norse components Gautr "Goth" and stafr "staff".

  • Gustaff: Staff of the Gods, Staff of the Goths

  • Gustaof: Potentially signifies "staff of the Goths", got from the Old Norse components Gautr "Goth" and stafr "staff".

  • Gustav: Gustav means the royal staff or the servants of king,

  • Gustave: Gustave means the royal staff or the servants of king,

  • Gustavo: Gustavo means the royal staff or the servants of king,

  • Gustavs: Staff of the Geats or Goths or gods.

  • Gustavus: Gustavus means the royal staff or the servants of king,

  • Gustaw: Gustaw means the royal staff or the servants of king,

  • Gusten: concurred a lot of admiration, particularly as a result of age, intelligence, or character.

  • Gusti: Gusti means the staff of god or the person who is the part of that group who serves the god.

  • Gustin: Gusti means the staff of god or the person who is the part of that group who serves the god.

  • Gusty: Gusti means the staff of god or the person who is the part of that group who serves the god.

  • Gusztav: Gusztav means the royal staff or the servants of king,

  • Guthfrith: Guthfrith means the peach of God. Guth means God and Frith means Peace.

  • Guthlac: Guthlic was the name of an ancient saint of Christianitys.

  • Guthlaf: Guthald means an unpredictable person with a good and great nature.

  • Guthmaer: Gentle, understanding and soft natured person. Who loves everyone.

  • Guthred: Gentle, understanding and soft natured person. Who loves everyone.

  • Guthrie: Gentle, understanding and soft natured person. Who loves everyone.

  • Gûtivfarît: Greenlandic form of Godfrid. It means peace of god.

  • Guto: A strong chief or a person who have ability to lead a group with management.

  • Gutsaka: A cluster of blossoms. Or a great and sweet smell that touches your nose suddenly.

  • Guvid: Guvid means a rich person. Not rich with money. Rich with intelligence.

  • Guy: In latin guy means a person who have a spirit of living this life happily.

  • Guyon: In latin guy means a person who have a spirit of living this life happily.

  • Guzman: Guz means god and man means a person o man, Guzman means the man of god.

  • Guðjón: Icelandic word for God.

  • Guðmundur: God protection, protected by God

  • Gwalather: The name is derived from Welsh word gwaladr, which means leader.

  • Gwari: An independent and positive person who lives life like a love story.

  • Gwasdewi: Generous and warm person. Gentle mind and loving for all.

  • Gwayn: Gwayn name importance is Hawk utilized as a part of fight, see Gavin

  • Gwenael: White, fair or generous

  • Gwenel: Blessed and Generous, They are good natured, approacable, blessed, and good natured.

  • Gwenneg: He who is white, fair, blessed

  • Gwern: They have strong will power, determination, imagination and disciplinced.

  • Gwerydd: They are independent, friendly and easily approachable. They are always happy to keep happiness for others.

  • Gwidol: They have clever mind and good decision making power.They will be a good business.

  • Gwidon: These are lively, expressive and having great verbal habits. They will keep the other ones happy with light chit chat.

  • Gwilherm: Will, desire and helmet, protection

  • Gwilym: Strong-willed Warrior, To one who will protect the family, nation or public. Who is ready to sacrifice for the nation.

  • Gwinne: Protection, To one who will protect the family, nation or public. Who is ready to sacrifice for the nation.

  • Gwion: Fair, Blessed, a person who is devoted or blessed to God or a religious reason, consecrated. Same as his master.

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