We have created a list of 1728 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter T. This is Page 8 out of 9 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Traianu: A form of Traianus. It was the name of Roman emperor.
Trailokva: The three worlds
Trais: The numeric Three
Traiton: A town or settlement near the trees
Trajan: The most capable man to led the empire
Trallonus: The male servant or surfer
Tram: A beam or shaft, or a burrow
Tramaine: A person who is from a large town
Trambakeshwar: The God with three eyes or God of thee lokas, Lord Shiva
Tranter: A hawker with the horse cart
Trapper: One who traps the birds, a trapper
Traugott: The trust of God, of the trust on God
Trausti: One who is dependable.
Trava: Fresh grasses
Travara: A person from the fair town
Traveon: A town of fair people
Traver: One who is from the crossings
Travers: The passing trough something
Travion: A town that is fair
Travis: To cross over
Travon: Fair town
Trayger: One who carries, a peddler or a porter
Traynor: A man with strong arms, one who trains
Trayton: Town full of trees
Trayvon: A small or little person as strong as iron
Trazana: A white skinned person
Tre: The third-born child
Treadway: A way or path to walk
Treasure: A collection of valuable things
Treasures: Collection of greatly valued items
Treat: The delight of a person
Tredon: walking heavily or destructively
Tredway: The walk of a strong warrior
Treeve: Literally, the name means farmstead or one dwelling in town and village.
Treffen: One who meets others, social person
Trefor: A large village with good person
Tremain: One who is from a big town
Tremaine: Rock settlement
Tremarli: One who is from a big town near the woods
Tremayne: Rock settlement
Tremere: A dignified or a trustworthy advisor
Trenacatvs: A sensitive, elegant and humanly person
Trenay: A sweet briar or bunch of wild roses
Trendon: The town beside the Trent river
Trenegvssi: A person who is approachable and independent
Trent: Gushing waters
Trente: A swift person, one who dwells near the swift stream
Trenten: One who belongs to the town near Trent river
Trenton: Trent's town
Treowbrycg: One who lives by the bridge of tree
Treowe: One who is loyal or faithful to his partner
Treoweman: A woman who is faithful or loyal
Treston: An agitated voice of the crowd, confused, riot
Tretan: Walks
Trethowan: One residing in the farm.
Trev: A large village or a goodly town
Treva: Large village or settlement
Trevan: A fair town or one from fair town
Trevar: A large homestead or settlement
Trevelian: A place near farmstead or Elian
Treven: A fair town near homestead
Trever: One who is from a large village
Trevet: One who is from the mouth or three hills
Trevian: One who is from the town of good people
Trevik: Belongs to the big farm or big estate
Trevin: From the fair town
Trevion: Fair town
Trevls: One who is from the large village
Trevon: Fair town
Trevonn: Fair town
Trevor: From the large village
Trevyn: One who is from the fair town
Trey: Three, third
Treyden: A son born third to the parents
Treyson: A third-born son or child
Treyton: The third-born child
Treyvon: The third small or little child
Tri: A form of trey
Triage: The picking or sorting of injured people
Triambak: Lord shiva
Tribhawan: One who has the knowledge of three worlds
Tribhuvan: With knowledge of 3 worlds
Tribhuvan: The tree worlds.
Tribikram: The Holy Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh.
Tricia: A patrician
Tridev: Hindu trinity, bramha, vishnu and mahesh
Tridhaman: The holy trinity
Tridhatri: Lord ganesh
Tridib: Heaven
Trieu: A tide or a small wave
Trig: A trustworthy or a safe person, a true person
Trigun: The three dimensions
Trigya: Lord buddha
Trijal: Lord shiva
Trikay: Lord buddha
Trilochan: Three eyed
Trilok: Three worlds
Trilokanath: Lord shiva
Trilokchand: Moon of the three worlds
Trilokesh: Lord shiva
Trimaan: Worshipped in three worlds
Trimurti: The holy trinity
Trina: Pure
Trinabh: Lord vishnu
Trinath: Lord shivtripur three cities
Trinayan: Lord shiva
Trinesh: Lord Shiva with three eyes
Trinian: A Gaelic variant of Saint Ninian from Scottish
Trip: A traveller. One who is on a travel
Tripp: A traveler
Tripper: A traveller, always travelling
Trippton: the town of a traveller
Tripur: The combination of three town or cities
Tripura: That comprises three cities or towns
Tripurajit: Lord shiva
Tripurari: Name of lord shiva
Trisanu: The ancient king from Hindu mythology
Trish: A noble person, A patron Saint or Naples
Trishanku: An ancient king
Trishanu: Thirsty
Trishar: Pearl necklace
Trishul: Lord shiva's trident
Trishulank: Lord shiva
Trishulin: Lord shiva
Tristan: A goof knight.
Tristao: A variant of Tristan, meaning tumult or outcry.
Tristin: Tumult
Triston: Tumult
Tristram: To make noise or to clatter
Triton: The God of the seas, son of Poseidon
Trivikram: An epithet of vishnu
Tro: One who has a strong sense of responsibities, dependable
Troah: a brave soldier from troy
Troi: A great soldier, bravest of all
Troilus: Son of Priam
Tron: one who is growing, ascending, increasing
Trond: To thrive and grow, always increasing
Trone: The machine that is used to weigh
Tropica: One who is from the tropical climate
Trory: A red skinned person, dark skinned
Trost: Comfort, confidence or trust
Trosta: A tumult or an outcry, Knight
Trott: One who is the son of Troit
Trotter: An occupational name for a messenger
Trowbridge: A channel which is constructed by trees.
Trowbrydge: A bridge , made by timber and woods.
Trowhridge: A connection made by trees.
Troy: Son of a foot-soldier
Trueman: A person who is honest and trust worthy.
Truen: One who is the loyal one
Truesdale: Refers to a person who is very honest form a dell.
Truesdell: Who comes form a farm that is very close to someone.
Truett: An organized and loving individual
Truitestall: A person who always visits his dear one's farm
Truitt: Who is small in appearance but loyal.
Truls: Resembles as the arrow of Thor.
Trumaine: One who has a great influence on many
Truman: Faithful man
Trumane: A trustworthy and faithful man
Trumann: A truthful and good natured person
Trumbald: A firm and strong man.
Trumball: The person who is sturdy and powerful.
Trumbehrt: A bold and confident individual
Trumbell: Mightyful or full of strength.
Trumble: Who is full of goods.
Trumbull: The one who is having great power.
Trumen: A man who tells the truth
Trumhall: Possessing huge power.
Trumhere: A focused and desirable person
Trump: Occupational name of a trumpeter
Trumpa: A practical, focused individual
Trumwin: A spontaneous individual who enjoys life
Trumwine: Responsible and mature person
Truong: Refers to college or meadow.
Trupal: One with an active, agile and fun loving personality.
Trusdale: The estate of an trustworthy person.
Trushit: Hunger
Trustin: The one who is honest and dependable.
Trycan: One who has intense personal feelings
Trygg: refers to protection or shelter or shield.
Trygve: A person who overcomes as a winner by his braveness.
Trym: Refers to scream or shout.
Trynt: Speed running water in a lake.
Tryp: The person who is on a journey.
Tryphon: Refers to smoothness or weakness.
Tryppa: A thoughtful and serious individual
Trystan: A sorrowful man, A knight of the round table in arthurian legend
Tryver: Large, name for a settlement; a large village
Tshering: Long life
Tshewang: Wisdom, faith, freedom
Tsukiya: Resembles the white moon.
Tsungani: Outstanding person or greatest man.
Tsvetan: Refers to color or floret.
Tu: Refers to a person who learns quickly and intelligent.
Tuah: Luck or fortune
Tuan: Intelligent
Tuari: Baby eagle or child eagle.
Tucca: A creative and diligent person, imaginative
Tuccius: Name of vestal virgin in Roman legend.
Tucga: A patient and perfect individual, passionate