We have created a list of 107 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter U. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Ubika: Growth
Ubon: Lotus flower
Uchimakali: Name of one of the Hindu goddess.
Udakanjali: Lustrous
Udantika: Satisfaction
Udaranga: A woman with a beautiful body.
Udaya: The feminine version of Uday, meaning dawn.
Udaysah: Udaysah was the name of the narrator of Hadith and also Ahban al-Ghifariyah's daughter.
Udbala: Strong
Udbala: Strong, a strong woman
Udele: Prosperous
Udgita: A hymn
Udhayarani: Rising queen
Udichi: One who grows with prosperity.
Udipti: On fire
Udita: The one who has risen
Uditi: Rising
Udumelue: Crowned with honor and pride
Udvita: A river filled with lotus flowers.
Udyati: Elevated
Ugoulo: Pride of a home.
Uha: Rain
Uhuru: Freedom
Uiara: The water lady
Ujala: Light, Brightness; Shining; Radiant; Luminant
Ujas: Bright or shining.
Ujhala: Light or bright
Ujjayini: Ujjayini is the name of an ancient city. It means rising.
Ujjwala: Bright or lustrous. A woman with a bright personality.
Ukaleq: Hare from Arctic
Uki: Survivor
Uland: Noble country
Ulbolsin: May the next one be a boy
Uldwyna: A special friend.
Uliana: Soft-haired
Ulka: Ulka is a traditional Malayalam name, meaning meteorite.
Ulla: Rich, Powerful; Elevation; Leaf; Young Child; Little Bear; To Fill Up; A diminutive of Ursula
Ulli: A form of Ursula, meaning she-bear
Ulloriaq: Star-like
Ullupi: A girl with a pretty face.
Uloaku: Nigerian term for bank or house of wealth.
Ulrika: A female ruler.
Ultuar: Give birth to boys
Ululani: Divine inspiration
Ulva: She wolf
Ulzhalgas: Son, boy continuation
Uma: Uma is one of the names of Goddess Parvati. It means splendor or tranquility.
Umangi: Happiness, joy
Umarani: Queen of queens
Umayma: Little mother
Umiaktorvik: River
Umihana: Mother of Hani
Umika: One of the names of Goddess Parvati.
Umit: Hope
Umukoko: Young woman
Umuto: Woman
Umzey: Spear of strength
Una: Icelandic word for friend.
Una: Romanian word for one.
Unmesha: Visible
Unn: She who is loved
Unnati: Development and progress
Unndis: Loving woman, or woman of the wave
Unnr: A variant of Unnur, meaning wave.
Unnur: Wave
Upama: Comparison or commonplace
Upasana: Veneration and worship
Uranchimeg: Artistic decoration
Urania: Heaven or heavenly
Urbana: The one who lives in the city
Uriella: Light of God
Urja: One with high levels of energy
Urma: Date fruit
Urmi: Wave of the sea.
Urmila: Waves of passion. It's also the name of Lakshman's wife.
Ursel: Little bear
Urška: Slovene form of Ursula, meaning bear.
Ursule: Ursule is a variant of Ursula and means little bear cub.
Ursulette: Female bear cub
Urvasi: The most beautiful of all the apsaras or angels.
Urvi: Our mother earth
Urvija: A name of Goddess Laxmi
Urvisha: Lord of The Earth
Urzula: Female bear cub.
Uschi: Young bear
Ushadevi: Goddess of morning or dawn
Ushakiran: Rays of the morning sun.
Usharvi: Raga in the morning
Ushashi: Morning
Ushi: A plant
Ushika: A name of Goddess Parvati
Ushma: Heat
Ushmi: Heat or energy
Usri: Name of a river.
Uswah: Brightness, or ray
Utama: Prominent or ultimate
Utpalini: A lotus pond.
Utsaah: Encourage or excitement
Uttara: A star, or north direction.
Uttaragita: Enthusiasm and zeal
Uttarika: Crossing river
Uukkarnit: Calved ice
Uuli: Estonian form of Julie and means youthfulness.
Uuliinyagaantsetseg: Pink flower of mountain
Uxía: A woman who is wellborn and well fed.
Uzma: Grand, Greatest; Supreme; Ultimate
Uzuri: Beauty