We have created a list of 1489 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter N. This is Page 4 out of 8 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Navmeet: The new friend, who is always new
Navneeta: One who is always fresh and new
Navroop: One who has the fresh structure
Navroz: The Iranian new year
Navsarup: An admirable new shape or roop
Navy: The new one, the Ninth position
Navya: The fresh, the young, praiseworthy
Nawar: A flower or a blossom
Nawfa: An exalted person, who reached the high
Nawla: A gift or a grant, a present
Nawra: The blossom or flower
Nawrah: In Arabic it means Flower. In Hindi it means new path.
Nawroz: The Iranian festival to celebrate new year
Naya: An equal distant from the extremes.
Nayana: The person is from Merion, Wales.
Nayanadini: A woman with attractive eyes.
Nayanathula: A woman with a good sight
Nayani: The ocean which gives extreme beauty.
Nayanika: Completely happy and contented.
Nayanish: The boundary of the multitude.
Nayanmani: the Gem of the eyes
Nayannandana: The joy or happiness of the eyes
Nayanranjana: The delight of the eyes
Nayantara: The Beautiful star of the eyes
Nayara: Of the Virgin Mary
Nayati: A wrestler, one who wrestle
Nayce: A miracle of God
Naydi: An adorable, loving and independent person
Nayeli: To express the feeling of Love, I Love You
Nayelli: Expression of I Love You
Nayelly: To say I Love You to someone
Nayely: To express the love towards someone
Nayla: A winner, one who go ahead to get everything
Nayna: The beautiful eyes
Nayonika: The one with the magnetic or attractive eyes
Nayyar: A bright star, one who is shining
Nayyara: A luminous or shining person
Nayyer: The star shining in the sky
Nayyir: A bright shining and luminous person
Nayyira: as bright as the shining star
Nayyirah: The luminous star in the sky
Naz: The pride or the delicacy
Naza: beloved or sweetheart.
Nazaakat: The delicacy or the tenderness
Nazafarin: The beautiful delicacy of a girl
Nazah: The purity of a person
Nazaha: The person who is on right
Nazahah: The just or fair person
Nazam: The poetry defining a particular thing
Nazaneen: a girl full or delicacy
Nazanin: A charming lady with delicacy
Nazanin-Zahra: Nazanin means sweetheart, lovely, and, delightful, Zahra means flower, blossom, or beauty.
Nazanina: One who charm others with her delicacy
Nazarpreet: One who is mesmerising to the vision
Nazeeha: A virgin girl, a chaste
Nazeena: One who organise everything
Nazeera: Compared to others
Nazeerah: Others look her for the comparison
Nazeeya: One who has a high aspires
Nazeli: A pretty or a beautiful girl
Nazer: The eyesight, a vision of an eyesight
Nazgul: A beautiful or a delicate flower
Nazhin: Name of a particular tree
Nazia: An energetic person
Naziah: A high-spirited girl
Nazifa: The purest or the chaste girl
Naziha: A girl that never lies
Nazihah: One who always speaks truth
Nazik: A slender or a delicate person
Nazilla: A cute person, pleasing
Nazima: The one who governs
Nazimah: An organiser, or a governor
Nazira: Someone turns to compare with
Nazirah: Comparable person
Nazirqah: The one who is compared
Nazis: The proud or something that can be proud of
Nazish: Something to proud, full of proud
Nazlee: A delicate and beautiful
Nazli: delicacy with the beauty
Nazm: A poem in context of a particular thing or person
Nazma: The bright and shining star of the sky
Nazmi: Out of the context of nazm
Nazmil: Like a beautiful poem
Nazmin: The delicate girl, a beautiful girl
Nazmiya: The melodious poem
Nazneem: An exquisitely beautiful girl
Nazneen: the most beautiful lady
Naznin: The most charming lady
Nazo: Someone who is whimsy and beautiful. It's the name of a famous Pashtun female poet of 18th century.
Nazpari: The charming or beautiful as a fairy
Nazra: Glow and happiness of a person's face.
Nazreen: The one who is watching of the spectators
Naztab: Shining grace. It's also an epithet applied by Firdousi to Mushknaz.
Nazuk: A tender or a delicate person
Nazveen: A beautiful lady, queen of delicacy and charm
Nazy: A cute or appealing lady
Nazz: The delicacy, charm or the pride
NÃÂvea: The juniper tree or who is alive
Nchekwube: Trust in God.
Ndari: Full moon
Ndidi: One who is patient.
Nduta: Teach me
Ne: Sound or a musical instrument
Nea: Radiant, Shimmering, Glossy, Glistening.
Neah: Someone moved or a moving person
Neala: Supporter, titleholder, winner, campaigner.
Neale: Follower, cup holder, victor, fighter.
Nearidei: White four-leafed flower.
Nearra: A ploughed agricultural field
Neary: A gentle girl
Nebraska: Water which is staying in one place.
Necahual: Survivor
Necessity: unavoidable or extremely requisite
Nechama: Luxury, support, wellbeing, consolation.
Neci: The one who resembles as consuming fire.
Necia: Sizzling, adoring, burning, fanatical
Necla: Female child, competition, cohort.
Neda: The one who was born on the Sabbath day.
Nedaa: Screaming with a loud voice.
Nedda: The one who was born on the day 7th day.
Nedeljka: The one was born on Sunday.
Nedelya: Sunday in Bulgarian language.
Nedi: The one who was delivered on Sabbath day.
Nediva: The one how is honourable and plentiful.
Nedjelko: The one who's birth day is Sunday.
Nedo: Protector of snow or protector of wealth.
Nedra: Dissident, concealed, covert, secretive.
Nedžara: Dear or beloved.
Neea: One of the flowers, Lime tree.
Needah: Vocal sound or power of speech.
Neeha: The dew droplets, rain
Neehal: Fresh, newly born or original.
Neeharika: The one who has nice and good looking.
Neeka: Upright, worthy, thoughtful, talented.
Neeki: Vertical, decent, honest, erect.
Neela: Bluish shaded color.
Neelabja: The lotus flower that grows in the water shore , blue in color.
Neeladree: The top of the mountain reflects blue color.
Neelaja: River which flows from the sapphire peak.
Neelam: The one has dark blue color eyes.
Neelambari: Lotus floret which reflects blue color.
Neelambika: Blue color of the sky.
Neelanjana: Pretty blue color image.
Neelavathi: Reflects the blue color.
Neeli: The one who is winning the competition.
Neelie: Winner, victor, overcomer, beater.
Neelima: The sky which reflects blue color.
Neelja: Bright blue color.
Neelkamala: The one who looks like the blue Lotus.
Neelma: The blue-colored sky
Neelofar: Lilly which is blooming in the water shore.
Neelofer: The water-lily
Neelofur: The blooming water lily
Neelopher: Lily grown at the shores
Neelprabbha: Glimmering blue color.
Neelu: Reflects dark navy blue color or gloomy blue color.
Neely: The great champion of the nation.
Neema: The one who was born in richness.
Neena: Dearest one or beloved one.
Neepa: Resembles a beautiful flower.
Neepabala: Finishing or accomplishment.
Neer: The clean fresh drinking water
Neera: Unpolluted water or clean water or sugary.
Neeranjana: A woman who is without any bad qualities
Neerja: The lotus bud or lotus blossom.
Neeru: The shining of the light.
Neerudhi: Resembling consuming fire.
Neesaa: Lady, female, damsel.
Neesha: Dark night or dusky period.
Neeshad: Blissful, most happy, contented.
Neeshika: Dark period, period after sunset and before sunrise.
Neetal: Never ending, limitless, unlimited.
Neethi: The one has decency and good moralities.
Neethika: The one who is trustworthy and honest.
Neeti: The one who is reliable and upright.
Neetu: Gorgeous or pretty or stunning or good looking.
Neeva: Another name of river Narmada.
Nefertari: The most pretty or gorgeous or nice looking.
Neferteri: The gorgeous one, prettiest
Nefertiri: The one who is most gorgeous, attractive and smart looking.
Nefertiti: One of the names of the lady monarch.
Neferure: Human being, mankind or woman kind.
Nefret: Most stunning, lovely, nice looking.
Negar: The one is very loving and close to heart.
Negin: The priceless gem or valuable gemstone.
Negina: The precious gemstone
Neha: The shower of rain or affection or adoration.
Nehaal: A successful person, a joyous one
Nehal: The person who is smart looking and fetching.
Nehama: The one who gives relaxation.
Nehan: The one who has attractive features.
Neharika: The collection of dew droplets.
Nehayat: Last, finish, accomplish, conclusion.
Nehir: River
Nehla: Award, talent, skill, knowledge.
Nehshal: A limitless person, unending
Neila: The one who is concluding or finishing the activities.
Neile: Protector, guardian, fighter, warrior.
Neill: A person who is always wins
Neina: A city by the stream.