We have created a list of 2896 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter S. This is Page 3 out of 15 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Sama: A woman of high status, a sublime woman
Samaa: A heavenm or the sky
Samaae: To reside or pervad
Samaah: One who pardons and forgives
Samadhi: To have complete control over the functions of consciousness
Samah: A generous, giving person
Samaira: A compagnion in the converations led at night
Samaire: The drowning Sun
Samaiya: A woman who firgives
Samal: Breeze
Samala: The one who was requested from the God
Samali: A girl lovely as a bouqet
Samanda: Feminine of Samule, meaning the name of God
Samaneh: Arabic name of the bird quail.
Samannaz: A beautiful lily of the valley. The name of Kurang, king of Zabulistan's daughter, who married King Jamshed.
Samanrukh: A woman with a patient face.
Samanta: The name of God, or The God has heard your prayer
Samantha: The God has heard your prayer
Samanvita: The name of the Goddess Durga
Samapti: A wealthy, rich individual
Samar: To have conversations at night
Samara: She is protected buy the God
Samara(latin): The seed of the elm-tree
Samarah: The watchful mountain
Samarie: One who is like a watch tower
Samatha: The God has heard you
Samawah: The one who has the highness of status and rank
Samawat: Skies or heavens
Sameeah: A percieving, hearing person
Sameeha: A generous blessing from Allah
Sameeksha: A woman with understanding nature
Sameera: She who is a good companion
Sameerah: Companion in nightly entertainment, conversation partner
Samena: Secret
Sameria: She who is under God's rule
Sameya: One who is pure hearted
Sameyah: Arabic name meaning pure
Samhain: Halloween
Samhita: Vedic Om position
Sami: One who is sublime or in a high position
Samia: She who is exalted, much praised
Samidha: An offering for a sacred fire
Samiha: A generous and kindhearted woman
Samihah: She who is generous
Samija: Elevated, high
Samiksha: Indian name meaning analysis
Samim: A sencere, genuine person
Samima: A true, sincere woman
Samin: One who is self disciplined
Samina: She who is plump and happy
Samiqa: She who is lofty or towering
Samira: A companion in evening conversation
Samirah: She who is a good companion
Samireh: One who is entertaining in the evening
Samit: One who is collected
Samita: Calm and collected person
Samitah: A mighty and powerful one
Samiun: One who listens to others
Samiya: A sublime, high person
Samiyah: She who is exalted, much praised
Samkhya: Indian name meaning number
Samma: A beautiful sky
Sammani: One who is a merchant, grocer
Samora: She who is under God's rule
Samorn: A woman who is beautiful and beloved.
Samota: The power of equality
Sampada: One who is blessed with wealth
Samphy: Hardworking or busy
Sampoorna: She who is complete, content
Sampreeti: Real love and attachment
Sampurna: One that is near perfection
Samra: One who is dark or dark skinned.
Samrah: One who has advantage
Samrana: A hindi girl name
Samria: One who is pleasant to be around
Samriddhi: A person living in prosperity who has everything
Samrina: A woman who is sweet like a flower or a fruit
Samritha: A wealthy and remembered person
Samskara: One who values ethics
Samta: Equality
Samudra: She who is like the ocean or a sea
Samuella: A woman whose prayer has been heard by God
Samus: A person who supplants
Samvarta: Indian mythical name meaning a mythical mare
Samy: On hebrew it is considered as His name is God. On arabic, sublimate, express a desire of feeling
Samya: Overhead status, high in rank, placed at a high rank or powerful level
Samyan: Singular, unique, incomparable,
Samyukhta: Goddess Durga, mother of universe supreme power of the supreme being. Goddess Devi, great goddess approachable and gentle mother
San: Moon
Sana: Brilliance, exceptional talent or intelligence towards things
Sana': Resplendence, almost unbelievably majestic beauty
Sanaa: Radiance, luminosity refelcted by something, shine above the others
Sanabel: Plant ears, plant spikes, ears of wheat.
Sanabhi: Came from an Indian word meaning content. Related, associated with a person or a thing
Sanai: Genius in set of certain skills, subjects, lessons in life
Sanaki: Earthen plate
Sananda: Goddess Laxmi means good luck to hindus as well as pleasure and being joyful
Sanari: Sweet or delightful and good-looking attractive person
Sanatani: Goddess Durga goddess of power and strength
Sanaubar: Cone bearing tree a tree for all seasons
Sanaubur: Tree that you can see everyday
Sanaya: Praise-worthy, deserving of admiration
Sanaz: A flower, Rose, Full of Grace
Sancha: Sacred, holy and mysterious one
Sanchali: Highly mobiled
Sanchari: A traveller in motion
Sanchaya: Crowd, group of people
Sanchayi: Gather together things
Sanche: Blessed one
Sanchita: Collection
Sanchiti: Person who is set aside for special use
Sancia: Connected with God
Sanctity: Holiness
Sanda: Defender of mankind
Sandar: Moon
Sandara: Passionate and quick-tempered nature
Sandesha: Brought for a message
Sandhya: Evening, night person
Sandhyatara: Star in the evening
Sandi: Defends others
Sandie: Protector of mankind
Sandipta: Self-promising, lord shiva's worshipper
Sandra: Short form for alexandra which means protector of man
Sandre: Person that protects someone
Sandreea: Defends and helps man
Sandreia: Keep mankind guarded
Sandriana: The graceful defender of men
Sandrin: Protector of humanity
Sandrine: Guardian of mankind
Sanela: Healthy
Sanemi: As good as it is possible to be
Sanfa: Good-looking, beautiful girl
Sang Hee: Benevolence and pleasure
Sangam: Union or to merge
Sangay: One who frightens people
Sangeet: Vocal or instrumental sounds
Sanghita: A branch of vedas, Music, produce harmony and expression of emotion
Sangina: The one who is polite with everyone
Sangini: Partner in life
Sangita: Musical
Sangitpriya: Fond of music
Sangyukta: Relating to someone or something
Sanheeta: A compilation or a bunch of Vedic hymns
Sani: The old one, too ancient, a gift
Sania: A moment in time preserved
Sanice: God is merciful
Saniha: To a short distance away from
Sanika: Flute a wind instrument made from a tube with holes
Sanithi: Obtainment
Saniya: Wisdom
Saniyya: A moment in time preserved
Saniyyah: Time of your life that you are cherish
Sanjana: Calm, mild in temperament and tender. In harmony
Sanjeeda: Having an importance to someone or something
Sanjeeta: Expressing of jubilation after having won a victory
Sanjeevni: Living an eternal life
Sanjibani: A panacea which restores a life
Sanjita: Too powerful to be defeated
Sanjivani: Immortality
Sanjivini: Living an eternal life
Sanjiya: Love, beauty and brilliance.
Sanjoli: Period of twilight
Sanjona: The creator.
Sanjuana: Saint John, John the apostle in the bible
Sanjuanita: Saint john, John the evangelist one of the twelve apostles
Sanjukta: Union
Sanjula: Beautiful
Sanjushree: Beautiful
Sankalita: One who is collected
Sankeisha: Indian name for girls
Sanmukh: One with a bright destiny
Sanna: She who is truthful
Sannah: A female bear
Sanne: A lily flower
Sanny: The new truth
Sanober: Name of a pine tree
Sanoh: Something that's pleasant sounding.
Sanoja: The eternal one
Sanouk: An enjoyable festival.
Sansita: A high praise
Sanskriti: Culture
Santa: One who is a saint
Santana: A saint-ly man
Santati: A name of Goddess Durga. It means granter of wishes.
Santesa: A saint one
Santha: Indian name for girls
Santiago: Saint James
Santidad: Spanish wodr meaning holines
Santina: A little saint
Santos: Saints
Santoshi: Happy
Santra: One that is sweet like an oralnge
Santushti: One who is completely satisfied
Sanum: A beloved one
Sanura: A kitten
Sanuthi: An intelligent woman or one with good brains.
Sanvah: An open plain
Sanya: A moment in time preserved
Sanyu: Japanese name meaning happiness
Sanyukta: Union