Concentration is the process of taking your mind off many random thoughts and putting it on one thought/task at a time. The success of the task at hand depends mainly on the level of concentration or concentrated efforts put in it. Sunlight seems pleasant to all and is necessary for our existence. But not everyone is aware that when the same pleasant sunrays are passed through a convex lens and made to fall on a piece of paper, they can burn the paper.

How did the rays acquire such power?the result of making them converge and,'concentrated' as one point.Our mind works on the same principle. When it is focused on a thought on or an activity, like a sharp ray of sun, we can achieve unbelievable and achievable results.Our mind is always a cuboid with you this thoughts. However, to concentrate on a particular task, it is necessary that a man should not wonder. It should remain bound to Essencial thoughts only. To increase concentration and achieve such a state of mind, the following seven measures are recommended our mind is always a cuboid with you this thoughts. However, to concentrate on a particular task, it is necessary that a man should not wonder. It should remain bound to Essencial thoughts only.

To increase concentration and achieve such a state of mind, the following seven measures are recommend:

  1. Concentration exercises

  2. Observation skills

  3. Food for Brain

  4. Keeping a check on your lifestyle

  5. Setting clear goals

  6. Forgetting unwanted memories

  7. Meditation

Concentration exercises

Do something different every day to develop flexibility and ability to change in your life you should do something different every day Like shop at a difference to take a different route home, try out new recipes, try thinking 10 in all three cusecs of a brain or any other object, close your eyes and sense your way slowly around the room, or involve yourself in a game or sport.The seamless of everyday routine is a death knell for your brain, diverse stimulation is the key. It also gets you unstruck from habits and unfavourable results.

  • Doing simple mathematical calculations in your head is another good exercise to improve concentration

  • Do crossword puzzles, doing crossword puzzles can you can enhance your concentration.

Observation skills

One of the secrets of good memories observation. To be able to observe better, you need to be attentive and focused. If you are not attentive, you can’t be of servant and if you are not observant, you can’t have a good memory. To improve observation skills, take a pen and a piece of paper and from your memory try to list out all the things from anyone of the rooms in your house, without even looking in the room. After listing the items, go back to the room and look at everything you missed, things you saw countless times but didn’t observe. Now observe everything closely. Repeat the test and you will see the list is no longer. Keep doing this every day and you will get better at it. You can do this exercise with anything people’s faces, clothes, objects.

Food for brain

Just like every organ in the body needs food for the Ashment, brain needs food too.Food containing more of antioxidants or antioxidant supplements can help to protect from the damage caused by free radicals excess. Anti oxidants can be vitamins, minerals, her moons, or enzymes. Although a certain amount is manufactured in the body as enzymes and hormones, most of the antioxidants come from fruits and vegetables. So along with constant supply of the group goes to the brain, it also needs good amount of antioxidants to take care of free radical damage.

Keeping a check on your lifestyle

Modern lifestyle has its drawbacks like poor diet, stress, lack of sleep, smoking, pollution etc.Which damage fragile principles. Certain pharmaceutical drugs and alcohol also cause severe memory loss. The level of pollution of various kind leads to behaviour problems and learning difficulties in kids which persist in adulthood.

To avoid such things, We need to check any change in the lifestyle as:

  • Avoid junk food. Choose fast food restaurants that offer healthier choices. Opt for food and beverages and I made up mostly of ingredients that offer nutrients.Enjoy freshly squeezed juices instead of cabbage juice is a soft drinks.

  • Avoid drugs. As you age and your metabolism slows down, medicines tend to stay in the system for long and this can also have an adverse effect on you.

  • Avoid alcohol. Alcohol proved to only make concentrating more difficult you cannot drink and think at the same time.

Avoid multitasking

Multitasking is an avoidable feature of our lifestyle. Multitasking is probably productivity is biggest any me any me any me. Handling too many things at one time generally leads to forgetfulness. Unfortunately this has become a habit of many individuals.

To get rid of the tasking multitasking, make a to do list, once your to do list is ready, you have to priorties your work according to their importance and urgency. You will realise that by doing just 20% of your task most of urgent work is done. The rest 80% can be and it according to the time available what can be addressed at a later stage.

Setting clear goals

The level of your concentration is in direct proportion to the intensity of your desire to remember. Even if you have a clear set of your mind, concentration can sometimes become difficult in achieving that goal seems very difficult.In that case, try breaking down the big cool into smaller easily achievable goals, that is, break down and assignment into more tasks.

Forgetting unwanted memories.

One of the chief things causing interference with concentration is internal pollutants like anger, fear, doubts, jealousy and bad memories. This can you please concentration and with restless pre-occupation and mental turmoil.To concentrate on the things we need to clear these clouds.To forget the mistakes of someone, you have to forget forgive and shower mercy on that person. Suppose a person behaves with you in a wrong manner, this act of this is pinching you frequently, just try to forgive him. In this manner, you will forget that easily.


Studies have shown that meditation helps improve attention thus helping people get a more peaceful, content and happy lives. It helps People to focus their attention on the present which in turn reduces the stress and worries. Meditation is the process of empowering and recharging the mind by channelising our thoughts and right direction while being in the right consciousness of self. Meditation is not just focusing on the point of stopping all thoughts. The nature of the mind is to create thoughts. But many a times, while in stress or handling too many things, the number of thoughts coming to one might increase and we find it difficult to think clearly and concentrate on one task at time.

