Attention! A Key To Great Memory

Ayush Tamta
Jun 02, 2019   •  31 views

Do you remember the day you bought your first car?
Or met your life partner for the first time Or won a medal in school? Well, I am sure you rememberthat special day in complete detail. Isn't it surprising that without any knowledge of memory techniques, you are able to remember an event that happened years ago whereas if I ask you about the clothes you wore last Monday, your mind will go blank? Well, ere

are many situational and natural factors that affect Our efficiency of remembering things. Memory has two principal compo-

nents to it: Recording and Recalling
Whe new information is safely embedded in the brain, we say it has been say that we have memorized' that information. Stored information that cannot be recalled is like things thrown into a bottomless pit-it is there, but one doesn't know where. Recorded: The recorded information needs to be recalled' to say that we have memorized that information. Stored information cannot be recalled is like things thrown into a bottomless pit-it is there, but one doesn't know where.

Some natural factors important for covering any information into a memory may be summarized as:

  1. Attention

  2. Interest

  3. Emotions


Scientists have discovered that in order for the brain to record newi sformation, one of the primary ingredients required is attention. Attention is the ability to focus on the chosen task so that the brain processes only that task and ignores the rest of stimuli. Attention is like a spotlight that prevent distraction in our

attention through focusing. For example, if we are in a room that is. However, when we focus and become selective in our perception,we find that irt becomes easier to catch the voice of the person who is talking to us. This requires focalizing on one sound and ignoring all other sounds as useless.Attention is like a gate, to open and let more neural information in. Without attention, information that our sense take in-what we see and hear, feel, smel, and taste literally does not register in the mind. It may not be stored even briefly in the memory. Our faculty of attention affects us in countless ways.

Our very perception of reality is tied closely to where we focus our attention. Only what we pay attention to seems real to us, whereas whatever we ignore-no matter how important it may be.

So we must always pay attention to relevant things so that these
stay in our memory for a long time.
to fade into insignificance.


Husbands don't remember what their wives said and kids don't remember even half of the instruction their parents and teachers give them. This is all because they are not interested.On the other hand. you can easily hold on your attention to things you are interested in. For example when was the last time you were distracted by thoughts of your homework or forthcoming exams while watching your favourite movie/game/TV serial? Most of you will say never. The reason why you were able to concentrate and pay full attention to 3 hours of your favourite movie is because you were interested i in watching the movie; hence your attention

was uncompromised. Similarly, when you pick a book or attend a class or a lecture, check yourself whether you are interested in it or not. If you think it is boring, you won't be able to focus or pay attention to it. Even while you are being introduced to someone and if you don't pay attention to his name, you won't be able to recall it 5 minutes later, even if it is a simple name. So attention is very important-whether information to be memorized is simple.


Emotions plays a major role in memorizing something.for example you only remember the matches played between India and other team, because we have an emotion that is related to our country. And hence this little thing helps in remembering the details.

These are some of the basic incredients that are used to make some great memories,and let you remember all the stuffs.

