Depression is more than just a low mood-its a serious mental health condition which effects both physical as well as mental state of a person.

Depression mainly occours when a person start underestimating himself. He thinks that he will no be able to perform any or particular task properly and on time. When a person is depressed he mainly sit alone and not not indulge himself to perform any task. When a person or some group of people start demotivating an individual then its lead to depression.

The main causes of depression are-:

  1. Brain physical structure

  2. Depression in or due to family

  3. Disorder like anxiety

  4. Stress

  5. Certain medications


Symptoms which mainly helps us to know about someone depression are-:

  • Continuous feeling of sadness

  • Frustration

  • Hopelesness

  • Restlessness

  • Loss of interest in hobbies

  • Difficult in sleeping

  • PHYSICAL symptms

There are various methods you could use to sooth the symptoms of depression. All of us could stand to do exercise properly and more often as it is helpful for depressed mind. Exercises even gives us a mental boost.

Yoga is a more accessible form of exercise, because it doesn't require any equipment and even many of the poses don't require extra effort. Best way to reduce depression is to perform Meditation. Its even easy to perform with guided meditation available through apps, books etc. Even studies have proved that Drinking Green Tea Helps to reduce depression. Depression can be even chased by finding positive in each and every situation as if one door is closed then god always open the other door to fulfil our dreams.

Remember, recovery of any disease is a journey not a destination. Bad days will still come but we have to find happiness in that.Its possible to live a life happy and fulfilling .But we should never live our life in deppresed manner even if you don't believe in it right now then best thing is to purchase a Dog. Sudies have proven that dogs help us to reduce depression and live our life happily. Even yoga and other physical activities helps us to reduce depression. We should always stay positive and should motivate ourselves that we can perform each and every task with all our hardwork and even we can do anything to achieve success in our lives. Depression even kills a person from within due to which we should never be depressed or even demotivate ourselves. We should do each and every thing which makes us happy and should interact with more and more people which will even increase our capability to do work and even we we put our right step forward towards achieveing our goals in life and should never underestimate ourselves or our capabilities to perform work and fulfill all our needs.

