Some Self Developement Books That You Must Read

Ayush Chamoli
Apr 30, 2019   •  36 views

Books possess the most valuable Treasures that an individual can adopt. There are plenty of books that can literally transform your life for good. But the main dilemma that individual faces while he decides to read some self development books is that he is unable to choose which book will help transform his life for good. Therefore here is a list of some literally life transforming books that one must read.

1) How to win friends and influence people:

Author: Dale Carnegie
Published: 1936
About: "How To Win Friends And Influence People" is book that teaches readers how to be more likeable and hence reap more benefits from the mediocrity. Being more likeable means reaping more positive outcomes while making friends, finding a job or making sales etc. Hence this book can make you more productive and financially as well as socially aid your performance.

2) What Every Body Is Saying :

Author: Joe Navarro
Published: 15 April, 2008
About: "What Every Body Is Saying" teaches the readers the art of reading body language of people. Since our body plays such a vital role in expressing our emotions therefore the ability to read one's body would mean the ability to read their mind therefore this book is such a crucial book for self development process.

3) Rich Dad Poor Dad:

Author: Robert Kiyosaki
Published: 1 April, 2000
About: "Rich Dad Poor Dad" is a book which tends to change our life by just changing our mind set. The Incredibly simple process includes Changing our mind set to the the mindset of rich people which is not working for the money but making your money work for you.

4) The Power Of Habit:

Author: Charles Duhigg
Published: 28 February 2012
About: "The Power Of Habit" is a must read book for those who wish to change their bad habits. This book teaches its readers about the working of habits so that one can easily understand how to form New and productive habits and discard the bad habits that are responsible for our downfalls.

5) The Compound Effect:

Author: Darren Hardy
Published: June,2010
About: " The Compound Effect" teaches its readers how the small, usually invisible things slowly stack up to create massive outcomes. This books tells the readers that the Compound effect is ALWAYS working. Wether positively or negatively but this effect always shows some massive results that can shape your life. Therefore the author Darren Hardy suggests methods by which you can make the Compound Effect Work for you and gain some positive results.

