Food is a source of living which gives us energy and strength to work throughout the day. You do take food to keep yourself active and fit. It helps us to be able to move. But it also happens sometimes:

  • You are not aware that what you are eating?

  • Whatever you are eating contains which ingredients?

So, for that all you need to do is to be aware that whatever you are eating contains which ingredients in it. Food is necessary but it is much more necessary to what your food actually contains.

Similarly, you should also be aware, if your food contains MSG. MSG could be elaborated as Monosodium Glutamate. It is the best source of Chinese and American food but it is such kind of food which is misunderstood food additive. People do not know what effect does it leaves on your body and health.

MSG is such which is generally added to our food but you are not even aware of it. This cause problem to you not to others. So, it is really very important to stay aware about all these poisons that we are having everyday in our life. To make you concerned about it let's know about the food which contains MSG.

There is the list of the products which usually contains Monosodium Glutamate (MSG). So, let's have a discussion about all this:

  • Doritos:

You must be remembering the bold taste of Doritos. That is not just the taste or flavor of cheese but it also carries the Monosodium Glutamate in itself. It is also obvious that if you are eating any chips with added flavors in it then it means that it contains MSG.

  • KFC fried chicken:

Very few people are aware of it that all the herbs, spices or ingredients contained by KFC, MSG is one of them. Even many people do not know what does KFC products actually contain. It can also be a threat if you are not at all aware of such ingredients in the food you are consuming.

  • Chick-fil-A chicken sandwich:

The ingredients used in the making of Chick- fil- a contains MSG in a greater amount and it could be proved by knowing that it contains MSG at second place after salt. So from this only you could recognize that how much quantity would be there in Chick-fil-a's fried chicken.

  • Flavored Pringles:

These chips are not really made up of potatoes but they are mostly made up of water, cornstarch and potato flakes. They also do contain MSG. You should also be aware that almost every seasoning is contained by pringles.

  • Campbell's chicken noodle soup:

It is true that this delicious chicken noodle soup gets all it's exotic and lovely flavors from the MSG.

  • Cheetos:

It is one of the most known product among all other MSG containing products. It is consumed in a really large amount. It has been taken as priority when it comes to have a tasty snack. It contains three variations of MSG- Monosodium Glutamate, Yeast extract and Whey protein.

  • Pepperoni:

It also contains certain amount of MSG which is hazardous to our health and it even effects to health to the extent.

  • Potato chips:

These are also one of the most commonly used snacks which could harm you to the hazardous level. These potato chips are lovable by the children, adults and even the old age people.

  • Protein powders:

These powders we do consume for getting protein or when you are fighting against any disease then you are prescribed by the doctors to have such protein powders. This is so as these powders help us in gaining the protein level high in our body.

  • Popcorn:

This is very common especially in the theatres or the cinema halls. Because without popcorn movie is incomplete but at that moment you are not aware that whatever you are having contains certain amount of MSG in itself.

MSG is added to our food but it harms or deteriorates our health and leaves bad and harmful impact on you.

It’s added for its “umami quality.” MSG is not salty, sweet, sour or bitter, but it still provides a savory flavor. It does not contains any kind of taste but it do creates a lot harm to our body which sometimes can result into a health hazard or disease.

So to avoid them all you need to do is to be aware of what you are actually eating and how much amount of MSG does that particular product contains in itself.

