Donot Set Yourself Up For Failures With Resolutions For The New Year

Avik Sarkar
May 21, 2019   •  69 views

Why make resolutions which you cannot achieve in a year’s time? By the time, the month of March crawls in, most of the resolute individuals give up. If you are one of them, you will be able to relate more.

The purpose behind making resolutions is to witness metamorphosis and transformation to become the better you. People consider New Year’s Eve to be the best time to initiate the entire process. But friends, this is the main reason behind your failure. Why wait for a new year to arrive when you are aware that the change in you is essential? If you can really wait, then either the change isn’t that vital, or you aren’t ready for the change. If it’s the former one, then you should rethink as bringing in unnecessary changes is unproductive. Instead, appreciate and acknowledge yourself. For the latter, it’s very important to figure out why you are reluctant to change? If you are jaded of having failed in several past attempts, there were few mistakes in your approach, here are few ways to set it right:

Know Yourself

To know your competencies and limitations thoroughly is a necessity. There exists a thin line between challenging yourself to achieve your goal and being harsh to yourself to succeed. Set goals according to your capabilities and don’t consult with others while doing so.

Set Feasible Goals

Be confident about achieving the target. Subdivide the goal into smaller tasks. When you actually complete these small tasks, it feels exhilarating, and it boosts your confidence, and you can sense your progress at the same time.

Accept the challenges

Foresee the hurdles and challenges that may come your way. Have strong self-belief and resilience to overcome the situation and remain focused. Appreciate and pat yourself as you succeed.

Optimistic Approach

Keep faith in yourself. Having a pessimistic approach while calling for a change in yourself, will have an immense negative impact and lead to deterioration. Embrace the path of your change for being the better version of yourself with keenness, and you will witness the change in you thereby.

These will surely be of help and set failures away and pave the path for a good change in you. Be resolute at the beginning of the year to be an optimist and be prepared to evolve into a better person in the course of time. Hastily making resolutions on New Year’s Eve brings in failure and disappointment instead be open to positive changes throughout the year.

